David's Painting and Modeling Log
Part 3
2025 - current

Modling Log Part 1 2007 - 2017 Modling Log Part 2 2017 - 2024 28mm Science Fiction - Traveller and Stargrave Wargames
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Painting Tally 2025

1 Beastian Chariot4 Adventurers1 Beastian General1 Vampirian General6 Vampirian Infantry
12 Vampirian Cavalry114 Orcians19 Orcs
1 Beastian Chariot3 Human Mages3 Orcian Generals/Heroes3 Vampirian Generals/Heroes2 Black Orc Generals
3 Dwarf Wizards3 Dwarf Heroes2 Dwarf Generals1 Orc General1 Hillman General
2 Wood Elf Generals1 Scalian General1 Ringwraith General2 Easterner MagesEasterner General and 2 Mages
1 Gnome General2 Beastian Generals1 Wizard Lord
28mm Fantasy
4 Adventurers
Buildings and Equipment
3 Castle Walls2 Towers

Painting Tally for 2024:
15mm Fantasy
1 War Mammoth, 87 Orcs, 3 Dwarf Generals, 218 Dwarves, 2 Dwarf Mages, 5 Adventurers, 1 Orc General, 1 Shieldmaid General, 1 Shieldmaid Witch, 70 Shieldmaids, 4 Ogres, 1 Gnome Illusionist, 13 Snow Trolls, 12 Easterling Archers, 15 Easterling Foot, 7 Easterling Cavalry, 1 Easterling Mage, 2 Easterling Generals, 1 Wizard
15mm Historical
26 Norse Irish, 33 African Allies
28mm Fantasy
6 Blades, 16 Pikes, 3 Sneakers, 2 Lurkers, 2 Riders, 3 Heroes, 3 Shooters
28mm Science Fiction
6 figures
Equipment and Scenery
1 Orc Camp, 2 European tents, 1 African Hut, 2 baggage elements
3 Mammoths

Painting Tally for 2023:
15mm Fantasy
13 Elementals, 44 Vampirians, 10 Lizardmen, 4 Owlbears, 7 Undead, 5 Ogres, 1 Giant Frog, 1 Cyclops, 103 Orcs, 4 Adventurers, 5 Dragons, 4 Trolls, 1 Giant, 5 Centaurs, 2 Golems, 4 Giant Rats, 94 Frigians, 1 Hydra, 24 Demons, 4 Wolves, 8 Spiders, 2 Monks, 1 Gorgon, 8 Vermian Cavalry, 1 Bestian Heavy Chariot
15mm Historical
27 African Allies, 250 Portuguese Colonials, 1 Elephant, 81 Portuguese Indian Allies, 31 Hebrews, 86 Vikings, 8 Myceneans
4 15mm Light Horse, 2 15mm Elephants, 3 15mm Lancers
Equipment and Scenery
1 Medium Gun, 2 Baggage elements, 1 Heavy Gun, 1 Tent, 1 Statue, 5 Dungeon Doors, 1 Fantasy House, 3 Castle Walls

Painting Tally for 2022:
28mm Fantasy
11 Dwarves, 1 Ogre, 10 Clanrats, 3 Humans, 1 Gnome, 5 Gnolls, 6 Knights, 16 Duergar, 3 Demon Cavalry, 1 Duergar Rune Priest, 1 Stone Giant
28mm Science Fiction
119 figures
15mm Fantasy
68 Bestian Infantry, 2 Bestian Standards, 2 Bestian Generals, 2 Bestian Chariots, 22 Demons, 36 Orcs, 8 Wraiths, 2 Ghouls, 8 Mummies, 1 Golem, 2 Minotaurs, 50 Kobolds, 50 Eastern Humans, 1 Elf General, 49 Elf Infantry, 1 Elf Mage, 1 Gorgon, 2 Gods, 2 Skeletons, 1 Hydra, 6 Human Knights, 6 Elf Cavalry
15mm Historical
32 Mycenaeans
Equipment and Scenery
1 15mm Fantasy Easterner catapult, 29 Scatter Terrain, 1 Landing Pad, 20 28mm Creatures, 4 Ladders, 41 bases of plants, 1 28mm Duergar Cannon

Painting Tally for 2021:
15mm Fantasy
14 Elf Cavalry, 32 Rats, 34 Gnomes, 1 Cold Drake, 1 Blue Dragon, 2 Lindworms, 13 Elf Infantry, 125 Dwarves, 41 Drow
28mm Fantasy
30 Duergar, 31 Skeletons, 30 Drow, 2 Wizards, 4 Fliers, 2 Behemoths, 4 Lurkers, 6 Beasts, 1 God/Hero, 2 Driders
28mm Science Fiction
301 Figures
10mm War of the Spanish Succession
56 Cavalry, 117 Infantry, 8 Generals
Equipment and Scenery
1 Creature, 1 Building, 2 1/1000th Starships, 6 Scatter Terrain, 1 28mm Landing Craft, 2 15mm Gnome Ballista

Painting Tally for 2020:
15mm Fantasy:
749 Infantry, 66 Cavalry, 1 Hero on Gryphon, 1 Hydra, 17 Bats, 1 Bat swarm, 2 Elephants, 2 Gods, 3 Gargoyles, 2 Dragonbra
Equipment and Scenery:
5 catapults, 2 Chariots

Painting Tally for 2019:
10mm War of the Spanish Succession:
231 Infantry, 6 Generals,74 Cavalry
15mm Fantasy:
974 Infantry, 115 Cavalry, 13 Monsters, 1 Hero on Gryphon, 1 Lung
1 Catapult, 2 Trebuchets, 6 Walls, 1 Ruined Tower

Painting Tally for 2018:
10mm Fantasy:
8 Pegasus Knights, 142 Cavalry, 1167 Infantry, 2 Warwagons, 4 Orc Chariots, 5 Monsters
15mm Fantasy:
96 Infantry, 15 Cavalry, 1 Half-Ogre
28mm Fantasy:
12 Infantry, 1 Troll
15 Stream Sections, 2 Towers, 3 Houses, 1 Hedge, 7 Walls, 1 Evil Trilithon, 2 Pillars, 1 Tomb Door

Painting Tally for 2017:
15mm Fantasy:
328 Infantry, 44 Cavalry, 7 Monsters
15mm Fantasy Scenery:
3 copses, 1 Small Tower
10mm War of the Spanish Succession:
229 Infantry, 64 Cavalry, 5 Guns and Limbers, 6 Generals and Aides, 16 Casualties
10mm Fantasy:
270 Infantry, 164 Cavalry, 1 Demonstone, 53 Monsters

Painting Tally for 2016:
15mm Fantasy:
7 Aerial, 26 Monsters
121 Cavalry, 967 Infantry, 2 Artillery pieces
15mm Fantasy Scenery:
4 Dungeon Doors, 2 Cottages, 10 Castle Sections, 60 Trees, 18 Casualties

Painting Tally for 2015:
15mm: 16 Movement trays
15mm Fantasy: 178 figures, 8 Casualties
25mm Science Fiction: 56 figures
28mm Victorian Science Fiction: 5 Adventurers, 1 Steam Walker, 1 Fountain
6mm Science Fiction: 382 Infantry, 108 Grav Vehicles, 12 VTOLs, 19 Buildings, 13 Road sections, 1 Lander, 14 Missile tokens

Painting Tally for 2014:
15mm Science Fiction: 197 figures, 2 Vehicles, 49 Assorted Street furniture/terrain, 1 building
15mm Fantasy: 105 figures
6mm Science Fiction: 376 Infantry, 76 Grav Vehicles, 2 VTOLs
6mm Fantasy: 257 figures
28mm: 1 Bakemon

Painting Tally for 2013:
Figures: 15mm Science Fiction 284, Vehicles: 18, Assorted Street Furniture: 20
28mm Samurai and Bakemono: 9
28mm Victorian Adventurers: 23
6mm Fantasy: 763 figures
Painting Tally for 2012:
Figures: 15mm Science Fiction 274, Vehicles: 22, Assorted Street Furniture: 14

22 March 2025

15mm Fantasy
40 Orcians, 12 Vampirian Cavalry, 6 Vampirian Infantry, 1 Vampirian General, 2 Adventurers, 1 Beastian General, 1 Beastian Heavy Chariot
28mm Fantasy
4 Adventurers
Equipment and Buildings
3 Castle Walls, 2 Towers
15mm Fantasy
3 Mages, 1 Beastian Heavy Chariot

During February, painting slowed down as work got busier but I did manage to complete painting up my Orcians, complete the rebasing of the first set of Generals and Specialist figures, and conduct a survey of the other half of my Fantasy collection to work out what had to be rebased there.

Third-to-last regiment of Battle Valor Games Orcians.

And the second-to-last regiment of Orcians.

As with the previous regiments I painted up, each pair of regiments share the same livery. As with the regiments I painted in January, I reverted to basing these figures on 40mm x 20mm element bases in anticipation of the release of DBF - De Bellis Fantasiae, four elements to the regiment.

And the final Orcian regiment - a second regiment of pikes. This time, I opted to equip the pike Orcians with reinforcing wire pikes, as opposed to the thinner Northstar wire pikes, which are both flexible, and very sharp. Because I wanted my pike blocks to look dense, I opted for three ranks of figures, which necessitated 40mm x 40mm bases.

Amongst the few figure packs left over from various Battle Valor Games Kickstarters I've backed, were some Vampirian cavalry. As before, I replaced their bat wing shields with Legian waisted cavalry shields.

A second regiment of Vampirian lancers. In the Battle Valor Games mythos, the Vampirians are Vampires. I haven't completely decided how they will fit into my Fantasy mythos, though I see them associated with Undeath (they have skeleton militia, and Necromancers/Bone Dancers).

The two regiments of lancers, bringing my Vampirian cavalry to four regiments of lancers.

Two elements of Vampirian infantry - I don't quite have enough figures to make two full regiments, so I'll have to get another pack at some stage.

A Vampirian Cavalry Officer repurposed as a General. Also, I rebased my coven of witches.

I replaced the Officer's bat shield and think he'll make an excellent General or Hero.

My Witch Coven - Maiden, Mother and Crone. The Maiden and Mother are from Ral Partha Europe, while the Crone is from the Battle Valor Games Orcian Character pack.

Two more Adventurers from Splintered Light Miniatures - a Fighter or Paladin, and an Assassin or Thief.

The composition of Splintered Light's Dungeon Crawl packs seems to have changed and I can no longer work out which packs these are from.

As I recall, this figure, a Bulltaur, was a sample from Battle Valor Games Beastian range. I decided to paint him up as a General or Hero.

Heavily armoured, and with a huge mace, he should punch holes in enemy lines.

This is my original Beastian Heavy Chariot from Battle Valor Games. I decided to rebase this chariot onto an 80mm x 80mm 2mm thick plasticard base. This gave me enough rook to add a Centaurian outrider.

Again, I was able to pretty much hide the join between the origianl base and the new, larger base.

A new Beastian Heavy Chariot, on an 80mm x 80mm 2mm plasticard base, from Battle Valor Games. These don't seem to be available on the website and I seem to have a vague recollection that Ed only released these models as part of a Kickstarter.

This time, the outrider is a Beastian mounted on a bison.

Heavy Chariot unit ready to roll.

I'm not sure if the Orcian Pikes can hold against the chariots.

The subject of playing the Fantasy Role Playing Game Runequest was floated again, recently. So, I dusted off some 28mm figures from an abandoned Runequest project and completed these guys.

Homeric Mycenean Warrior and Sea Person. The Mycenean is possibly Argus from Wargames Foundry's Argonaut range, the Sea Person is from the Sea Peoples range.

Duck from Star Hat Miniatures though, again, this figure doesn't appear on the current catalog. Random human (possibly a Ronin or servant from a medieval Japanese range).

Practicle Duck travels with a backpack.

28mm towers and three wall sections. No idea who cast these - they're resin pieces my friend John was going to throw out in a futile attempt to reduce his Mountain of Shame.

I undercoated them in black, painted the blocks with grey poster paint, and then whacked Nuln Oil over the wall ections to high light the edges of the stones.

Nice, simple, colour scheme. Job done.

The parapets are a bit tall for 15mm figures but I see these items being used as a terrain piece or backdrop, so the scale isn't that critical.

This Adventurer works well as he's 25/28mm.

Otherwise, a nice bit of impassible terrain.

03 March 2025

15mm Fantasy
2 Adventurers, 19 Orcs, 74 Orcians
15mm Fantasy
3 Orcian Generals/Heroes, 3 Vampirian Generals/Heroes, 2 Black Orc Generals, 3 Dwarf Wizards, 3 Dwarf Heroes, 2 Dwarf Generals, 1 Orc General, 1 Hillman General, 2 Wood Elf Generals, 1 Scalian General, 1 Ringwraith General, 2 Easterner Mages, Easterner General and 2 Mages, 1 Gnome General, 2 Beastian Generals, 1 Wizard Lord

During late December and early January, I started an audit of my Fantasy Figures to see exactly what I had, and whether all the personality figures were suitably based for either Fantastic Battles or Midgard rulesets. I discovered that I had drifted backwards and forwards between basing personalities on round bases (usualy washers) and on square plastic card. As I was painting other figures, I began rebasing the personalities onto round bases.

Three Orcian Generals from Battle Valor Games, though the Orcian range doesn't currently appear on the BVG website.

Two Vampirian Generals and a Hero or Champion, all from Battle Valor Games.

Two Black Orc Generals from Alternative Armies

Three Dwarf Mages from Veigr's Folk - figures from Battle Valor Games, but currently not available on their webstore.

Three Dwarf Champions, or Heroes, of Veigr's Folk - figures from Battle Valor Games, but currently not available on their webstore.

Two Dwarf Generals of Veigr's Folk - figures from Battle Valor Games, but currently not available on their webstore.

Orc General and standard bearer on Fell Beasts from Eureka Miniatures excellent Fantasy range.

Hillman General - the standard bearer and hornblower are from Battle Valor Games Frigian range, which appears to have been withdrawn from production, while the Conan-esque General is from Copplestone Castings Barbarian Heroes pack. The Hillmen, mainly BVG Frigians, are the Mannish allies of the Witch King of Angmar.

Wood Elf General with hornblower, and General/Hero with standard. Figures from Eureka Miniatures, these are large 18mm.

Scalian General and Standard from Battle Valor Games Scalian range. I really like these figures and hope to expand my HoTT army to a full scale force (if you'll pardon the pun).

Wraith Lord on Fell Beast from Alternative Armies. Perfect as Lord of the Nazgul.

Easterner General and two mounted Mages. The General and friends are from Khurasan Miniatures T'ang Chinese range, the Mages are from Eureka Miniatures Samurai range, while the escorting cataphracts are from Eureka's Nan Chao range. I wanted to create an "Easterner" human force that was different from the usual "Fantasy Arab" trope. The Nan Chao were an interesting Southern Chinese polity - sometimes part of China, sometimes independent and dominating states in Laos and Vietnam.

Two Easterner Mages. Figures from Eureka Miniatures Samurai range. The pandas and Temple Dogs are from Splintered Light China Collection Set.

Gnome King from Peter Pig. These are actually Peter Pig Dwarves, but as they're quire small, I decided to use them as Gnomes.

Beastian General and Hero from Battle Valor Games.

Mage Lord and escort from Ral Partha Europe. The Escort is a Evil Overlord, also from Ral Partha.

While all this rebasing was going on, I also painted some new figures.

A pair of Adventurers from Splintered Light Miniatures. I can no longer locate the pack they came in, but they appear to be a Ranger and an Assassin.

The Ranger has a slung bow and arrows while the Assassin has a short sword and a dagger.

With about eight regiments of Orcians from Battle Valor Games to finish - left over from various orders and Kickstarters - I made a start.

The Orcians are big, brutal Goblinoids - pretty much half-trolls. With packs of swords, axes, and spears, as well as some berserker types, I was able to mix each unit up to give a horde-like appearance.

I adopted a fairly simple heraldry to distinguish the units, with two regiments sporting each colour.

I also reverted to mounting the figures on 40mm x 20mm bases, rather than my more usual 40mm x 40mm company bases, in anticipation of the upcoming release of De Bellis Fantasiae - DBF, an update of Hordes of the Things - HoTT and DBA.

I quickly hit a rhythm painting these guys - flesh bits; then various shades of brown for clothing, belts, shoes, etc; gunmetal blades, armour and helmets; black hair; shield colour and bladge; occasional cloak in dark red or green; then Nuln Oil to dull things down and bring out the detail in faces and hands.

They're definitely a brutal lot.

The original Orcians I painted had various moon symbols as their heraldry. With this group I opted for a more runeic series of badges.

The idea was to present a fairly brutalistic appearance.

I'm very pleased with how they eventually came out.

Six regiments completed.

I was one element short on my Orcian Skirmishers so I completed a command element for the second Skirmisher unit