David's Painting and Modeling Log
Part 2
2017 - 2024

28mm Science Fiction - Traveller and Stargrave Modling Log Part 1 2007 - 2017 Modling Log Part 2 2017 - 2024Wargames
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This is my painting and modeling log from 2017 until the beginning of 2025. I needed to split the file for a third time as the number of photos was slowing the file load speed.

Painting Tally for 2024:
15mm Fantasy
1 War Mammoth, 87 Orcs, 3 Dwarf Generals, 218 Dwarves, 2 Dwarf Mages, 5 Adventurers, 1 Orc General, 1 Shieldmaid General, 1 Shieldmaid Witch, 70 Shieldmaids, 4 Ogres, 1 Gnome Illusionist, 13 Snow Trolls, 12 Easterling Archers, 15 Easterling Foot, 7 Easterling Cavalry, 1 Easterling Mage, 2 Easterling Generals, 1 Wizard
15mm Historical
26 Norse Irish, 33 African Allies
28mm Fantasy
6 Blades, 16 Pikes, 3 Sneakers, 2 Lurkers, 2 Riders, 3 Heroes, 3 Shooters
28mm Science Fiction
6 figures
Equipment and Scenery
1 Orc Camp, 2 European tents, 1 African Hut, 2 baggage elements
3 Mammoths

Painting Tally for 2023:
15mm Fantasy
13 Elementals, 44 Vampirians, 10 Lizardmen, 4 Owlbears, 7 Undead, 5 Ogres, 1 Giant Frog, 1 Cyclops, 103 Orcs, 4 Adventurers, 5 Dragons, 4 Trolls, 1 Giant, 5 Centaurs, 2 Golems, 4 Giant Rats, 94 Frigians, 1 Hydra, 24 Demons, 4 Wolves, 8 Spiders, 2 Monks, 1 Gorgon, 8 Vermian Cavalry, 1 Bestian Heavy Chariot
15mm Historical
27 African Allies, 250 Portuguese Colonials, 1 Elephant, 81 Portuguese Indian Allies, 31 Hebrews, 86 Vikings, 8 Myceneans
4 15mm Light Horse, 2 15mm Elephants, 3 15mm Lancers
Equipment and Scenery
1 Medium Gun, 2 Baggage elements, 1 Heavy Gun, 1 Tent, 1 Statue, 5 Dungeon Doors, 1 Fantasy House, 3 Castle Walls

Painting Tally for 2022:
28mm Fantasy
11 Dwarves, 1 Ogre, 10 Clanrats, 3 Humans, 1 Gnome, 5 Gnolls, 6 Knights, 16 Duergar, 3 Demon Cavalry, 1 Duergar Rune Priest, 1 Stone Giant
28mm Science Fiction
119 figures
15mm Fantasy
68 Bestian Infantry, 2 Bestian Standards, 2 Bestian Generals, 2 Bestian Chariots, 22 Demons, 36 Orcs, 8 Wraiths, 2 Ghouls, 8 Mummies, 1 Golem, 2 Minotaurs, 50 Kobolds, 50 Eastern Humans, 1 Elf General, 49 Elf Infantry, 1 Elf Mage, 1 Gorgon, 2 Gods, 2 Skeletons, 1 Hydra, 6 Human Knights, 6 Elf Cavalry
15mm Historical
32 Mycenaeans
Equipment and Scenery
1 15mm Fantasy Easterner catapult, 29 Scatter Terrain, 1 Landing Pad, 20 28mm Creatures, 4 Ladders, 41 bases of plants, 1 28mm Duergar Cannon

Painting Tally for 2021:
15mm Fantasy
14 Elf Cavalry, 32 Rats, 34 Gnomes, 1 Cold Drake, 1 Blue Dragon, 2 Lindworms, 13 Elf Infantry, 125 Dwarves, 41 Drow
28mm Fantasy
30 Duergar, 31 Skeletons, 30 Drow, 2 Wizards, 4 Fliers, 2 Behemoths, 4 Lurkers, 6 Beasts, 1 God/Hero, 2 Driders
28mm Science Fiction
301 Figures
10mm War of the Spanish Succession
56 Cavalry, 117 Infantry, 8 Generals
Equipment and Scenery
1 Creature, 1 Building, 2 1/1000th Starships, 6 Scatter Terrain, 1 28mm Landing Craft, 2 15mm Gnome Ballista

Painting Tally for 2020:
15mm Fantasy:
749 Infantry, 66 Cavalry, 1 Hero on Gryphon, 1 Hydra, 17 Bats, 1 Bat swarm, 2 Elephants, 2 Gods, 3 Gargoyles, 2 Dragonbra
Equipment and Scenery:
5 catapults, 2 Chariots

Painting Tally for 2019:
10mm War of the Spanish Succession:
231 Infantry, 6 Generals,74 Cavalry
15mm Fantasy:
974 Infantry, 115 Cavalry, 13 Monsters, 1 Hero on Gryphon, 1 Lung
1 Catapult, 2 Trebuchets, 6 Walls, 1 Ruined Tower

Painting Tally for 2018:
10mm Fantasy:
8 Pegasus Knights, 142 Cavalry, 1167 Infantry, 2 Warwagons, 4 Orc Chariots, 5 Monsters
15mm Fantasy:
96 Infantry, 15 Cavalry, 1 Half-Ogre
28mm Fantasy:
12 Infantry, 1 Troll
15 Stream Sections, 2 Towers, 3 Houses, 1 Hedge, 7 Walls, 1 Evil Trilithon, 2 Pillars, 1 Tomb Door

Painting Tally for 2017:
15mm Fantasy:
328 Infantry, 44 Cavalry, 7 Monsters
15mm Fantasy Scenery:
3 copses, 1 Small Tower
10mm War of the Spanish Succession:
229 Infantry, 64 Cavalry, 5 Guns and Limbers, 6 Generals and Aides, 16 Casualties
10mm Fantasy:
270 Infantry, 164 Cavalry, 1 Demonstone, 53 Monsters

Painting Tally for 2016:
15mm Fantasy:
7 Aerial, 26 Monsters
121 Cavalry, 967 Infantry, 2 Artillery pieces
15mm Fantasy Scenery:
4 Dungeon Doors, 2 Cottages, 10 Castle Sections, 60 Trees, 18 Casualties

Painting Tally for 2015:
15mm: 16 Movement trays
15mm Fantasy: 178 figures, 8 Casualties
25mm Science Fiction: 56 figures
28mm Victorian Science Fiction: 5 Adventurers, 1 Steam Walker, 1 Fountain
6mm Science Fiction: 382 Infantry, 108 Grav Vehicles, 12 VTOLs, 19 Buildings, 13 Road sections, 1 Lander, 14 Missile tokens

Painting Tally for 2014:
15mm Science Fiction: 197 figures, 2 Vehicles, 49 Assorted Street furniture/terrain, 1 building
15mm Fantasy: 105 figures
6mm Science Fiction: 376 Infantry, 76 Grav Vehicles, 2 VTOLs
6mm Fantasy: 257 figures
28mm: 1 Bakemon

Painting Tally for 2013:
Figures: 15mm Science Fiction 284, Vehicles: 18, Assorted Street Furniture: 20
28mm Samurai and Bakemono: 9
28mm Victorian Adventurers: 23
6mm Fantasy: 763 figures
Painting Tally for 2012:
Figures: 15mm Science Fiction 274, Vehicles: 22, Assorted Street Furniture: 14

02 March 2025

Housekeeping 2024

Painting Tally for 2024:

15mm Fantasy
1 War Mammoth87 Orcs3 Dwarf Generals218 Dwarves2 Dwarf Mages5 Adventurers1 Orc General
1 Shieldmaid General1 Shieldmaid Witch70 Shieldmaids4 Ogres1 Gnome Illusionist13 Snow Trolls12 Easterling Archers
15 Easterling Foot7 Easterling Cavalry1 Easterling Mage2 Easterling Generals1 Wizard
15mm Historical
26 Norse Irish33 African Allies
28mm Fantasy
6 Blades16 Pikes3 Sneakers2 Lurkers2 Riders3 Heroes3 Shooters
28mm Science Fiction
6 figures
Equipment and Scenery
1 Orc Camp2 European tents1 African Hut2 baggage elements

12 January 2025

15mm Fantasy
68 Orcs, 1 Orc General, 2 Adventurers, 77 Dwarves, 1 Dwarf Mage, 1 Dwarf Captain, 2 Dwarf Generals, 1 War Mammoth
15mm Historical
3 Norse Irish Auxilia

As work began to dry up in December, I kept plugging away at various painting projects, as well as rebasing a group of war mammoths to fit my current basing style.

I completed another three regiments of Eureka Miniatures Orcs. Firstly, more swordsorcs.

A second regiment of swordsorcs.

And a third regiment of swordsorcs.

And a General to command them all. The standard bearer is a swordsorc conversion - I managed to snap his sword off while cleaning off some flash, so that worked out OK.

Another element of Auxilia for my Norse Irish DBA Army.

And two more Adventurers from Splintered Light. I can't locate these figures on the Splintered Light website so David may have reorganised his pack contents.

Rear view of the Adventurers.

With the arrival of a couple of packs of Ral Partha Europe Demonworld Dwarves, I was able to finish the last couple of units of my Dwarf Army. I noticed that there were seveal different musician types in this range, besides the horn players I had been using, so this unit has a piper - I thought that it might be an Uilleann pipe he's playing but he's blowing into a mouth piece and the pipes appear to lack a drone, so it's possibly a French Boha, or a Norman Bousine.

This regiment ended up with a gaudily dressed drummer.

Three specialists: Left to Right, a Mage; a Chieftain or Captain; and a Champion.

As befits the High Medieval vibe of the Demonworld Dwarves, the Magician has a rather elegant cloak and vest.

The Captain/Chieftain is supported by a standard bearer and a halberdier.

The Champion, armed with a fierce moustache and a big axe, is also supported by a halberdier

The Dwarf Army in all its glory - 8 regiments of Foot, 1 regiment of Crossbows, 2 regiments of Skirmishers, a Dwarf King, 2 Generals/Captains, 1 Champion, and 2 Mages.

While ordering Orcs from Eureka Miniatures, I finally succumbed and ordered a couple of packs of their Dwarves. I finished my first unit of warriors in November, so this month, a unit of Crossbows.

A second unit with hand weapons. I had been long under the impression that Eureka's Dwarves were rather large - turns out I was wrong. They match well with both Ral Partha Europe and Battle Valor Games. Most of the Dwarves are armed with two-handed hammers and maces. I added Battle Valor Games shields to the Dwarves with hand axes.

And a unit with pole-arms.

General on poney with standard bearer. The original standard broke off so I replaced it with wire and a paper banner.

The growing Eureka Dwarf host.

I finally finished the last of the War Mammoths I got in a Kickstarter from Battle Valor Games. In the BVG background fluff, the War Mammoths are used by a Northern Barbarian people called the Frigians. I've got a force of Frigians to use as Hillmen for my Angmar-themed Orc army but thought the Mammoths would work better for my Battle Valor Games Orcian force (the Orcians are big Orcs - almost Half-trolls).

So I swapped out the Frigian Mammoth crew and replaced them with Orcians (plus some Ral Partha Europe Orcs - I'm not a huge fan of the latter as they're a little too Games Workshoppy for my liking). While finishing this Mammoth, I decided to base it, and rebase the already completed mammoths on 80mm x 80mm 2mm plastic card.

Very pleased how the rebasing went - I glued the original, smaller, 1mm plastic card bases directly onto the new, 2mm bases and the fit was pretty seamless. The mammoths are now more stable, and have sufficient separation to protect the outriggers on the howdahs.

Now, that's a grand sight. Unfortunately, the War Mammoths no longer appear on the Battle Valor Games website, so they've either been discontinued, or Ed is resculpting them.

As I was finishing up the Eureka Dwarves, it occured to me that I now have a variety of Dwarves from different manufacturers. Did I have sufficient selections to make The Seven Dwarf Lords in their Halls of Stone? And the answer, apparently, is yes. Left to Right: Dark Dwarves - Splintered Light; Dwarians - Battle Valor Games; Dwarves - Copplestone Castings; Dwarves - Khadrin's Miniatures; Dwarves - Khurasan Miniatures; Dwarves - Ral Partha Europe; Dwarves - Eureka Miniatures.

Left to Right: Dark Dwarves - Splintered Light; Dwarians - Battle Valor Games. The Dark Dwarves are physically the smallest and slimmest of my Dwarves, and I painted them up as Duergar. I've decided that these dwarves will be Nidi's Folk - Nidi meaning "Underworld being", "The one associated with the dark moon". I can currently field eight regiments of Nidi's Folk. The Dwarians are my most numerous Dwarf Host, able to field over 13 regiments, plus artillery. Numerous, with many Halls, these are Veigr's Folk - Veigr meaning "The defiant", "Strength".

Left to Right: Dwarves - Copplestone Castings; Dwarves - Khadrin's Miniatures. The Copplestone Dwarves are wild dwarves, little armour, big axes and wild hair and beards. I imagine that they come from a poor Hall, but are fierce and proud warriors, these are Thrasir's Folk - Thrasir meaning "snorter", "The one in rage". I can currently field three regiments of Thrasir's Folk, but have a couple of packs of figures on the way. Khadrin's Dwarves are well equipped, but few in number - Khadrin has had various issues which has caused him to shut up shop, which is sad as I like his figures. These are Durnir's Folk - Durnir meaning "Door", "Door-warden", "Sleeper", and can field four regiments.

Left to Right: Dwarves - Khurasan Miniatures; Dwarves - Ral Partha Europe. The Khurasan Dwarves are slim, but slightly taller than Nidi's Folk (Splintered Light Dark Dwarves). They have very traditional Scandinavian arms and armour and are known as Fainn's Folk - Fainn meaning "Shining", due to their gleaming armour. Fainn's Folk can currently field four regiments, but more are on their way. Fainn's Folk are unusual in that their Halls are shallow dug, and they use units of archers, rather than crossbows. Stouter and heavier than Fainn's Folk, the Ral Partha Dwarves have heavier, and more sophisticated, arms and armour. Wealthiest of the Seven Houses, they are the most technologically advanced, experimenting with plate mail and the precursors of gunpowder. They are known as Fraegr's Folk - Fraegr meaning "Famous". They can field nine regiments.

Left to Right: Dwarves - Ral Partha Europe; Dwarves - Eureka Miniatures. Fraegr's Folk - Ral Partha Dwarves - we have already met. Eureka Miniatures Dwarves make up the Seventh House. Tallest of the Dwarves, they are known as Rekkr's Folk - Rekkr meaning "Warrior, hero". They can field four regiments.

01 January 2025

15mm Fantasy
46 Shieldmaids, 24 Shieldmaid Archers, 1 Shieldmaid Witch, 1 Shieldmaid General, 15 Dwarves, 19 Orcs, 1 Orc Camp

November 2024 came and went. A new (to me) Sculptor, going by the handle "Mace Face", trialed some new 15mm figures in September which looked nice, so I bought the introductory pack from Northstar Miniatures. The figures arrived in late September/early November, so I painted them up. I also managed to get a few other things finished, including some new Dwarves, while waiting on the last of my Ral Partha Europe Dwarves to arrive..

First regiment of Hornblower Shieldmaidens. Designed to complement (and expand) Mark Copplestone's Barbarica ranges, these Shieldmaiden's have a lot fine detail.

Second regiment of Hornblower Shieldmaidens. Given the Far North/Frozen North vibe of the Barbarica range, I decided to base the Shieldmaids on snow bases.

Third Regiment Second regiment of Hornblower Shieldmaidens. This completed the infantry that came as part of the introductory offer.

Mage and Hero/General.

The Mage is the only non-Hornblower figure in this force, being a sorcerer from Ral Parth Europe's Ice Witch range.

General/Hero with hornblower.

First of three units of skirmishers.

Second of three units of Skirmishers.

Third unit of Skirmishers.

Dwarves from Eureka Miniatures' Fantasy Range. I've hummed and hahed about getting these Dwarves as I had heard they were quite large - the Wood Elves from the same range are huge, probably 20mm scale, rather than 18mm; the humans are large; while the High Elves, Orcs and Man-Orcs all fit within the 15mm - 18mm range.

So, I ended up getting some Orcs from Eureka, as you do, and picked up enough Dwarves for a regiment. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they painted up. Most of the dwarves were armed with two-handed hammers, or two hand-axes. One sculpt with a hand-axe, however, had nothing in the off hand, so I added Battle Valor Games embossed shields, which fitted in quite nicely. Happy with the finished result, and they are of a similar size to my Battle Valor Games dwarves.

A regiment of Pike Orcs from Eureka Miniatures. Probably not the steadiest of pikes but should hold off skirmishing cavalry.

I do like these Orcs.

Resin Orc tent from Baueda Wargames - I think I may have got this tent as remaindered stock from Magister Militum.

The two figures are from the Ral Partha Europe Blight Haven Warband pack - though the contents of the pack seem to have changed since I bought them. The Chieftain with the large hat is now in the Khazzar's Cohort pack, or available as a single figure.

11 December 2024

15mm Fantasy
2 Ogres, 8 Dwarf Skirmishers, 67 Dwarf Warriors, 1 Dwarf Magic User, 3 Adventurers
15mm Historical
12 Norse Irish Auxuilia, 2 Norse Irish Psiloi
28mm Science Fiction
6 Figures

October arrived, and I pottered on with my Dwarf army project. In, and around it, I managed to clear a number of figures that had been sitting around for over a year, as well as make some more progress on my Norse-Irish DBA army.

I completed two more Ogres (actually 28mm Trolls) from Ral Partha Europe.

Having completed four Ogres, that now gives me two regiments. They're quite nice figures, but I've probably got sufficient Ogres for now. I see these guys as support/assualt troops for an Orc or Goblin force, or for a more generic Evil Army, such as that of Malichor the Malignant.

While I was painting up my Ral Partha Europe Dwarves in September, I realised that I had miss-counted the number of Skirmisher figures I needed, so I had to hurriedly order some more, which duely arrived, and were painted.

After completing two regiments of Dwarf Warriors in September, I pushed on with the rest of the army.

So many Dwarves. All figures are from Ral Partha Europe's Demonworld Range. I found the Demonworld Universal packs of 12 figures ideal for the units I was making up. Each pack usual has six figures of one pose and five figures of a different pose/armament, plus a leader. By mixing two packs together, I could increase the variety of poses and equipment further.

The Green and the Blue Regiments are a mix of U18 - 4401 Heavy Clan Veterans and U18 - 4402 Heavy Clan Warriors. I also added a separate musician, standard bearer, and leader to each regiment.

A mix of U18 - 4402 Heavy Clan Warriors and U18 - 4403 Clan Veterans.

More Dwarves.

Two more regiments completed.

I also based up some Personalities - Dwarf King with Standard and Body Guard.

Dwarf Champion or Captain and Standard.

Dwarf Earth Priestess and Bodyguard - these figures are personalities from Battle Valor Games.


Dwarf Army as it stands at the moment. Pretty impressive sight.

Three Adventurers - Cleric and Elf Fighter from Splintered Light and a Dwarf Hero from Battle Valor Games.

Four elements of Norse Irish Auxilia for my Norse Irish DBA Army.

And another element of Norse Irish Psiloi.

In and amongst all the 15mm figures I've been painting, I managed to complete some more 28mm Science Fiction figures that have been sitting around for nearly two years. First up, I finished the final two members of my Murisaen crew from Novegia, Eekacheep Gnaw and Rkk Rachew. Again, these were Games Workshop Clanrats with weapons from Bitzbox (the handgun) and Northstar. Eekacheep Gnaw's pauldron is also from Bitzbox.

Left to Right: Eekacheep Gnaw and Rkk Rachew. Eekacheep has had his left arm removed so I could replace it with the cultist rifle and arms set from Northstar. Rkk Rachew retains the original Clanrat left arm.

Left to Right: Brother Goran Falx, Jeymelan Ortax, and Fel Sharan. These are resin prints I picked up from an Etsy store. They, the droid below, and a fourth member of the team (memo to self, resin is fragile, do not drop resin figures on the floor) are probably modeled on a Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team. To me, they could be Cultists, Hive Gangers, or similar Dystopian marauders. I seem to recall I replaced Jeymelan Ortax's arms and weapons with a Northstar arms and rifle combo, which came out quite nicely.

I'm not a huge fan of chainswords, but Brother Falx's came out quite well.

From the "What the Hell is that?" department, every Killteam obviously needs a floating, heavily armed, partially metal, skull.

Skullbot appears to be armed with a flamer. And there you have it, Skullbot is a Servo-Skull, often found in the retinue of an Inquisitor, which matches my thoughts that this group of figures was originally a Killteam.

07 December 2024

28mm Fantasy
3 Blades
15mm Historical
12 Norse Irish Blades, 4 Norse Irish Psiloi, 3 Norse Irish Warband
15mm Fantasy
1 Gnome Illusionist, 30 Dwarf Warriors, 13 Dwarf Crossbow, 8 Dwarf Skirmishers, 2 Ogres, 7 Snow Trolls

During September, work stabilised and I was able to devote more time to painting. I continued with my 28mm HoTT project, finally started work on my 15mm Norse Irish DBA Army (which is also the third command for my BBDBA Viking-Norse Irish Army), and started another 15mm Dwarf Army.

Two dismounted Knights and a squire from Thunderbolt Mountain - a Tom Meier range produced by Ral Partha Legacy.

A second unit of Blades for HoTT.

Orlando Furisio HoTT Army Work in Progress.

Troop TypeNumber
Total Points

It's coming along.

The first three elements of Ostman (4Bd) for my 15mm Norse Irish DBA Army (which is also the third command of my BBDBA Viking-Norse Irish Army). Figures by Baueda Wargames. I must admit that I was rather disappointed with these Norse Irish figures - rather crude sculpts, some almost two dimensional, and lots of flash. They paint up OK for viewing at wargames distance, but lack the detail and symmetry of most other ranges I've painted up.

Two elements of Norse Irish Psiloi, or skirmishers.

Some of the sculps are OK, some are rather unimaginative.

An element of dibbernach (3Wb).

As I said last month, I was very impressed with the resized (32mm -> 23mm) Snow Trolls from Potbelly Miniatures, and so I ordered another six. These duely arrived and I painted them up as before

I succumbed to temptation and ordered a two-headed Snow Troll (or Ettin) as well, also reduced from 32mm to 23mm.

The latest additions to the Troll host.

Three regiments of Snow Trolls with a Captain.

Two Ogres from Ral Partha Europe - these are actually 28mm Trolls but look great as 15mm Ogres.

Size comparison Norse Irish, Ogre, Snow Troll.

I have always liked the Dwarves from Ral Partha Europe's Demonworld range. Finally, I took the plunge and decided to make another Dwarf army. My thinking was that the figures from each Dwarf range would represent a differnt Dwarf House. First unit completed was a regiment of Dwarf Skirmishers from Ral Partha Europe's Demonworld range.

A Dwarf Crossbow regiment. Figures from Ral Partha Europe's Demonworld range. I'm in two minds about Dwarf Crossbows, and I'm really unsure about Dwarf archery in general, seeing self or longbows used for hunting, but not for warfare. Primarily because it's not Tolkien, nor any of the older accounts of Dwarves. In an AD&D world, where Dwarves produce more technical equipment, I can see them creating or adopting the crossbow and producing very fine examples but, I suspect, Dwarves would be slow to adopt the weapon for warfare themselves. The pavises are from Pendraken Miniatures and while 10mm, work well with 15mm Dwarves.

First Regiment of Dwarf Foot. I ordered two packs of the Heavy Clan Veterans - packs U18-4401 and U18-4402 - and mixed them together to get some variety. The image on the banner is downloaded from the Internet, printed out, cut out, and glued onto the lead banner, and then painted around.

Second Regiment of Dwarf Foot. As above, I mixed two packs of Heavy Clan Veterans together, with additional command figures and added a downloaded image to the unit banner.

Two Regiments ready for battle.

I think this is a Gnome Illusionist. I have no idea what range he's from - he has a rectangular base which is unusual and Old School. He was in a box of random figures so I decided to paint him up for our AD&D game.

05 December 2024

15mm Fantasy
6 Snow Trolls

After a promising start in July, August hobby stuff ground to an almost halt. I did, however, get some re-sized and printed Snow Trolls from Potbelly Miniatures and complete them.

I really liked the look of these Snow Trolls. Listed as 32mm scale figures, I thought they'd be too big to use against 15mm figures, so I asked Che at Potbelly Miniatures if he could resize them to 23mm tall, which he duely did. This meant I could fit two figures on each 40mm x 40mm base.

The bases were coated with sand and gravel chips and then undercoated black. I then painted the bases white (I used a cheap poster paint), picked out the stone chips with GW Mechanicus Grey - my go-to stone colour - and flocked the bases with a white flock "snow". I added some snow tuffs for flavour.

Happy with this proof of concept, I ordered another six Snow Trolls to give me a total of three regiments.

02 December 2024

28mm Fantasy
16 Pikes, 3 Sneakers, 3 Blades, 2 Lurkers, 2 Riders, 3 Heroes, 3 Shooters

After a promising painting start to the year in January, work intensified and I found I lacked both the time and the energy to paint anything at all. Around June, as a friend was divesting himself of his hill of shame in preparation of moving to Australia, I acquired a bag of Thunderbolt Mountain Arthurians, currently sold by Ral Partha Legacy. After looking through the packs, I decided to try and make a Hordes of the Things army out of them. With the arrival of July, I made a start.

An element of Shooters - these were an experiemt as I adapted the mounting pegs of the figures to slot into a plasticard multibase, rather than using the odd little metal bases that came with the figures. The arrow sheaves are separately cast pieces which I filed the heads of and glued to the base before adding PVA and sand for texture.

An element of Riders. The archer figures each came in a pack with a dismounted and mounted version of the figure. So, two of the mounted archers became my element of Riders.

The Italianate style City Militia Pikemen look to be of a much later period than the archers, above, but there are elements of this range that look more to the High Medieval for its design aesthetics - more Le Morte d'Arthur or Orlando Furioso, than Dark Age Dux Bellorum.

Rather than attempt to hide the fact that there were only four pike-armed poses with figure position and paint job, I decided to re-equip the pole-armed peasants with pikes and add them to the city militia as Artisans.

Four elements of Spear - my HoTT army is growing.

An element of Blades - a dismounted knight, a dismounted squire, and some random armoured warrior woman. I gave her a short-hafted glaive to wield in her left hand, as I had many packs of random pole-arms.

And because this is Heroic Fantasy, here is my Hero (with his cheerleading team of Heralds/trumpeters).

Each Herald pack also included a Dwarf, so two Dwarves with some extra weaponry make an element of Lurkers. In Medieval folklore, Dwarves often had the ability to enter stones, or take on the form of stones or rocks (in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis uses this trope when the White Witch and her Dwarf henchman conceal themselves from Aslan and the Pevensey Children).

I had a page and two Heralds left over so I had this silly idea of making them an element of Sneakers. The theory being that they blend into the landscape until required to distract the enemy (with a jolly trumpet seranade).

Orlando Furisio HoTT Army Work in Progress.

Troop TypeNumber
Total Points

01 November 2024

33 African Allies, 5 Baggage elements, 1 Dwarf Hero, 1 Wizard, 1 Easterling Mounted General, 1 Easterling Foot General, 7 Easterling Cavalry, 27 Easterling Foot, 1 Easterling Wizard

With the end of the year rushing ever closer, I've finally gotten my painting mojo back. So it's time to update the Modeling log.

This group of figures were all painted in January and, amongst other things, saw the completion of the bulk of my 15mm Portuguese Colonial army for DBR, and the start of an Arabian Nights-inspired Easterling fantasy force.

I continued painting Portuguese African Allies in January. As mentioned in my December post, these figures are from Blue Moon's Deep Dark Africa range and are meant to be Monomotapa from East Africa. The chap with the banner is the Allied General.

The shield patterns are loosely based on Shona designs I found on the Internet.

From photos of rural Zimbabwe and Mozambique, it appears that the ground is very dry, with patches of green. I tried to recreate this in my basing.

And more of them!

A warband of Warband (O). On their first outting, they got very stabby with some European Pike, and saw them off!

Some European tents and an African hut for the baggage encampment.

Two elements of baggage - some Essex porters, some left over random rocket men, and a D&D pack mule.

Dwarf Hero and Decian Wizard from Battle Valor Games.

Some years back greens for a lovely set of Fantasy Arabs/Harradrim were teased on The Miniatures Page. Not long after that, David McBride at Splintered Light Miniatures announced that he had purchased the range and would be producing them. I bought a pack here and there as I bought an Orc horde and various AD&D figures. Finally, I've started painting them. First up, a mounted General and standard.

Foot General and drummer. These figures are quite slim, but have a lot of detail. I've painted them up as Harradrim as part of my ongoing Lord of the Rings project.

An Eastern Mage.

Regiment of lancer cavalry

Regiment of Swordsmen

The Infantry come with a selection of separate shields.

Regiment of Archers

The archers all wear nice cloaks.

After completing these figures, work got incredibly busy and I didn't touch a brush again for months.

Housekeeping 2023

Painting Tally for 2023:
15mm Fantasy
3 Air Elementals3 Fire Elementals4 Earth Elementals3 Water Elementals36 Vampirians8 Vampirian Cavalry
10 Lizardmen4 Owlbears3 Ghosts5 Ogres1 Giant Frog1 Cyclops
98 Orcs4 Adventurers5 Dragons4 Trolls1 Giant5 Centaurs
1 Frigian Assassin1 Stone Golem1 Flesh Golem4 Giant Rats75 Frigian Infantry16 Frigian Cavalry
1 Hydra1 Orc General4 Mounted Orcs24 Demons2 Frigian Generals4 Wolves
8 Spiders2 Monks2 Wraiths2 Mummies1 Gorgon8 Vermian Cavalry
1 Bestian Heavy Chariot
15mm Historical
27 African Allies250 Portuguese Colonials1 Elephant81 Portuguese Indian Allies31 Hebrews86 Vikings
8 Myceneans
4 15mm Light Horse2 15mm Elephants3 15mm Lancers
Equipment and Scenery
1 Medium Gun2 Baggage elements1 Heavy Gun1 Tent1 Statue5 Dungeon Doors
1 Fantasy House3 Castle Walls

02 February 2024

1 Elephant, 9 Portuguese Indian Allies, 2 Portuguese Indian Ally Light Horse, rebased 2 Portuguese Indian Ally Light Horse, 1 Cannon, 3 crew, 40 Portuguese Crossbowmen, 40 Portuguese Arquebusiers, 27 African Allies, 8 Vampirian Light Horse, 12 Vampirian Infantry, 6 Elementals

Work was a bit stop-start in December, and two weeks off with Covid didn't help, but I managed to work through some more figures for my Portuguese Colonial Army.

I painted up a third elephant for my Portuguese Colonial Army - another one from Eureka Miniatures Indonesian and Malay range.

I added some left-over archers to the base as escorts.

My last element of Indian Ally archers - Bow(I).

Rebased two Indian Ally Light Horse and added two new Light Horse archers.

An Artillery Ordinary - Art(O). Gun by Essex Miniatures, crew from Eureka Miniatures' Buccaneer, Pirate and Naval range.

The Buccaneers have lots of lovely little details, like their bags and pouches.

In the early part of Portuguese Colonial army list, up to half of the Civilisados foot can be armed with crossbows. After 1520, the arquebus begins to make an appearance, but it's not until after 1550 that the crossbow is phased out and the Civilisados missile troops switch over to being exclusively firearm equipped.

Figures are from Eureka Miniatures' Grumpy Miniatures Portuguese range. I was two figures short for the number of elements I wanted, so slipped a couple of sword-armed figures into the mix.

The figure, third from the right, is a sample from Eureka Miniatures English Civil War range. This range is 18mm so the figure is taller than the 15mm Grumpy Miniatures crossbowmen. Fortunately, the height difference isn't as noticeable with a single figure.

Crossbows might seem an odd choice for a Renaissance army but Crossbows - Bow(O) - are still very effective against cavalry. The Portuguese didn't have much in the way of cavalry in their colonies as it was difficult and expensive to ship horses any distance by sea. They also discovered that the climate and local diseases were extremely hard on their horses. Consequently, Portuguese armies were always short of horse and needed means for fending off enemy cavalry, hence the retention of the crossbow.

Portuguese Civilisados shot - Shot(F).

And more Shot Fast.

And more Shot Fast. Figures from Eureka Miniatures Portuguese, Buccaneer, and Indonesian and Malay ranges by Grumpy.

Quite a bit of Shot Fast, actually.

Reading The Portuguese in West Africa 1415 - 1670 edited by Malyn Newitt got me interested in the African allies of the Portuguese - the Kongolese, the forest tribes and, in East Africa, the Zanj and the Monomotapa. Finding suitable figures was a trial as most African ranges are either Libyans/Abyssinians, or Zulus. I then (re)discovered Blue Moon's Deep Dark Africa. I ordered my figures through Old Glory UK as £12.80 postage (40% of order value) from the UK was a lot better than the $US94 Old Glory US intended to charge me for the same order!

I picked up two packs - Tribe 7 and Tribe 10 - with two packs of Shield type 3 as, in my opinion, these looked the most like the East African Shona people. If I order more, I will probably get some with Shield type 2 as this seems to be a more common shield type in East Africa, south of Ethiopia.

The shield designs are based on Shona shield patterns (thanks Google Images), drawn on the shield with a black sharpie, and then painted around.

These Old Glory figures are 18mm, which is why I based them on plastic card rather than the MDF bases I have used for the rest of Portuguese Colonial Army - to try and hide the height difference a little. The East African Monomotapa count as Warband Ordinary - Wb(O) - and seem to be rather stabby against enemy Foot. Can't wait to take them for a run.

In amongst all the historical figures I have been painting, I managed to complete some Fantasy figures as well. Firstly, a unit of mounted Vampirian Crossbows from Battle Valor Games - the Green Regiment.

A second unit of Vampirian Mounted Crossbows from Battle Valor Games - the Blue Regiment.

Another Vampirian Regiment of Foot from Battle Valor Games.

Once again, I replaced the batwing shields with Legian 'figure of eight' shields (which I think look better).

And finally I finished off my pack of elementals with two Water, two Earth, one Fire, and one Air Elemental - all from Alternative Armies.

28 December 2023

72 Portuguese Indian Allies, 62 Portuguese Colonials, 1 Heavy Gun, 2 Baggage elements

On a roll, painting (and gaming with) my 15mm Renaissance Portuguese Colonial Army, in November I continued to swap out proxies with actual completed figures as they rolled off the production line.

9 elements of Bow(I) - three figures per base. I didn't quite manage to finish the tenth element.

As Bow(I) count rear support, I painted up up some gong players to lead each pair of elements.

Just need to finish one more element of Bow(I) to complete my archer detachment.

Three elements of Bow(O).

Three elements of Indian Blade(F), from Eureka Miniatures' Indonesian and Malay range.

Two elements of Horde(O) - Indonesian and Malay spearmen.

Another two elements of Horde(O).

Two elements of Skirmisher(O) on the left and three Skirmisher(I) on the right. The morion-wearing troops are from Essex, while the hat-wearers are from Grumpy.

Skirmisher(X) - Naptha bomb throwers.

Two elements of Portuguese Civilisados Blade(F) and an element of African Slave Blade(F).

Four elements of Civilisados Blade(F) - a mixture of sword and shieldmen and half-pikes.

Another four elements of Blade(F).

And another three elements of Blade(F).

Light Horse(O). These are a mix of rebased figures (the sabre-armed cavalry) and new figures (the bow-armed cavalry) from Eureka Miniatures.

Two more elements of Light Guns - the banner bearer is a left-over Afghan/Moghul from Eureka Miniatures.

The General of the Portuguese Army is usually a Blade(O) infantry element. Optionally, the General can be a Lancer(F). These guys are from Essex Miniatures.

The Great Man, himself - Dom Diego de Diablo.

Heavy Gun - Art(S) - I probably won't use this gun very often, but it's nice to have it "in the back pocket", so to speak.

Three lovely baggage camels from Essex Miniatures.

Two-wheeled ox-drawn waggon from Essex Miniatures.

The halberds were left over from the Grumpy blade infantry. I have since added a cargo chest to the waggon, redeployed from the Norse Irish DBA army I bought from Baueda (and have failed to paint yet).

14 December 2023

10 Lizardmen, 12 Vampirians, 1 Air Elemental, 1 Water Elemental, 1 Earth Elemental, 1 Tent, 105 Portuguese Colonials, rebased 2 Elephants,
rebased 3 Lancers

I kept on plodding through bits and pieces in October. And then a visit to the annual Push of Pike Renaissance Wargames convention side-tracked me into finishing off an old project.

Another Lizardmen Clan from Ral Partha Europe.

The rest of the Lizardmen Clan.

Another regiment of Battle Valor Games Vampirian spears.

As with the other Vampirians I've completed, I replaced the Vampirian batwing shields with Legian shields.

Three more Elementals from the Alternative Armies Lesser Elementals pack. This time, an Air Elemental, a Water Elemental and an Earth Elemental.

During October, as I mentioned earlier, I attended the annual Push of Pike DBR Renaissance Wargames Tournament. This inspired me to dig out an old project - my Portuguese Colonial Army - and I decided to work on finishing it. Amongst the first elements completed was this recycled tent for my baggage camp.

The tent is a resin cast and probably dates back to Military Miniatures in the 90s. I think its been kicking around in my spares box for several decades. The halberds were spares I got from Eureka Miniatures.

36 Portuguese Colonial shot - 9 elements - Sh(F) (Fast Shot in DBR terms).

All figures are from Eureka Miniatures Grumpy ranges - Portuguese, Indonesian and Malay, and Buccaneer and Pirate and Naval.

The Portuguese infantry of this period are described as poorly paid, badly disciplined, yet fierce fighters. Mixing various figures together gives a nice, ragged, look. In DBR, Shot Fast move more quickly than standard Shot - they move in looser formations - and tend to discharge a volley, before charging fiercely.

33 African and Arab swordsmen - 11 elements - Bd(F) (Fast Blades in DBR terms).

All figures are from Eureka Miniatures Grumpy ranges - Portuguese, and Persian and Afghan and Moghul. The swordsman at the (camera) back left is a sample figure but I'm not sure which range he's from.

Like the Fast Shot, Fast Blades move faster than standard blades, and charge hard.

15 Portuguese Fast Blades (5 elements). The figures are all from Eureka Miniatures Grumpy ranges - Portuguese, and Buccaneer and Pirate and Naval range.

Fast Blades in DBR are described as being armed like Spanish sword and buckler men with a mixture of blade weapons and small shields, or like Japanese yari men with light or half-pikes. I added some Buccaneers with boarding pikes to my Fast Blades for that extra bit of stabby action.

And where you don't have a half-pike, a good old halberd allows you to reach out and touch someone.

The Portuguese Colonial Army can have a selection of almost evey type of Artillery available in DBR. The Indian Allies I use in my force can have Rocketeers - Art(X). These figures are from Essex Miniatures, and match well with Grumpys sizewise.

Also from Essex, jingals or wall guns as Art(I). The officer in yellow is from the Persian and Moghul and Afghan rangee.

A second element of Art(I).

An element of Skirmishers with naphtha bombs - Sk(X). One figure is from Essex while the other is from Irregular Miniatures.

When I first got interested in making the Portuguese Colonial Army, over a decade ago, amongst the first figures I painted were two elephants and crews from Grumpys Indonesian and Malay range. After a decade sitting in a box, I needed to wash the dust off them and rebase them to match my new basing style.

Dating from the same time period as the Elephants, this element of lancers also required dust washing off and rebasing. I think these lancers are from the Persian and Afghan and Moghul range.

And three General elements - the three figure elements are Blade (F) subgenerals while the four figure element is the Blade (O) General.

05 December 2023

3 15mm Hebrews, 16 15mm Vikings, 1 Statue, 1 Frog, 2 Ogres, 2 Fire Elementals, 1 Air Elemental, 3 Ghosts, 4 Owlbears, 1 Cyclops, 12 Vampirans

In and around work, I continued to complete bits and pieces during September - finishing off my Hebrew and Viking DBA armies.

Final element of my 15mm DBA Hebrew Army - "Other Tribesmen" (3Ax). Figures are 3D prints from Red Copper Miniatures, printed by Potbelly Miniatures.

In a late surge, I completed my second Viking army, which becomes the 2nd Command in Big Battle DBA, or BBDBA. Four elements of Raiders (3Bd).

One element of Huscarls (4Bd).

My last order from Alternative Armies included a free resin 28mm Dwarf as a promotional piece. I decided to paint it up as a 15mm stone statue as a bit of scatter terrain.

I decided to dress the base as if the statue survived in some ruined Dwarf hall.

Giant Frog from Alternative Armies - just the thing for Hordes of the Things if your Magic User fails a spell roll.

Herr Frog is a recently re-released 28mm creature from AA.

Another pair of Ogres from Alternative Armies. I do like these figures, they seem very true to the original cannibalistic French giant-types.

Rear view - the Ogre on the right has brought his lunch.

During our AD&D games, we have encountered a number of Elementals. While ordering various other bits and pieces from Alternative Armies, I decided to pick up a pack of Lesser Elementals. Here are two completed Fire Elementals and an Air Elemental.

And I added three Ghosts, from a sample set, to my collection of Undead. These are also from Alternative Armies.

I attempted to make them look more etherial by opting for a base colour of various shades of green with white high lights.

A pack (?), flock (?), sloth (?) of Owlbears from Splintered Light Miniatures.

There are only two poses in the pack of four Owlbears so I tried different colour combinations to give a bit of variety.

I remember watching The 7th Voyage of Sinbad as a Saturday afternoon matinee on television. One of the amazing monsters was the Cyclops, who looked a lot like this guy from Alternative Armies.

Remastered and cast in resin, rather than lead, the Cyclops has separate arms, which are slightly posable, if you use filler to hide the gaps.

And after a break, I completed another regiment of Battle Valor Games Vampirian spears.

Once again, I swapped out the Vampirian batwing shields for Legian Infantry Shields.

12 September 2023

4 Trolls, 1 Dragon, 2 Dungeon Doors, 1 Earth Elemental, 27 15mm Vikings, 27 15mm Hebrews, 1 Angel, 3 Ogres, 2 Castle Walls, 4 Adventurers, 15 Orcs

August turned into a relatively productive painting month. My overnight shifts for FIFA continued at the beginning of the month and I then had three weeks off when that job finished.

First up, four more trolls for our AD&D game from Alternative Armies, the left two are traditional lead alloy castings while the right two are resin casts. The resin casts are nice and crisp and paint up well.

Also from Alternative Armies, a Red Dragon.

The model looks like it's just launching itself into the air. Rather cleverly, the tail acts as a flight stand.

Scale shot - the Red Dragon swooping down on three Berserkers.

Two doors from Ral Partha Europe. The door on the right is double sided, so intended to be free standing, while the door on the left is actually single sided, designed to be attached to a wall - I've mounted it as a free-standing door.

Earth Elemental from Alternative Armies. This is a resin, three-part, casting I received as a promotional piece from Alternative Armies. I ended up glueing the two arms in, what I thought was, interesting poses, and then using some polyfilla to fill in the gaps.

He fits nicely on a 40mm x 40mm base so makes a good HoTT behemoth. The mould line stands out more prominently in the photo than it does in real life.

I also continued work on my DBA Viking army. I completed two elements of Berserkers (VIK8) from Baueda Wargames to both complete my first Big Battle DBA Viking Command, and to start of my second command. I haven't bought Baueda figures before but I decided to give them a try. On the whole, they are cruder sculpts, with more flash, then later Essex castings, but they paint up pretty well. I have also bought a Norse-Viking army from Baueda for use for DBA or as my third command for a Big Battle DBA army.

Another six completed Viking Raiders.

Viking General and huscarls as the command element for the second Viking Army.

Nine more raiders. As loose order troops, the Viking raiders move pretty quickly across the battlefield. Against John's Saxons, I've been able to draw his wings out to avoid encirclement, while breaking up his battleline and then pouncing on his exposed flanks. The trick seems to be to give the Vikings room to move around.

Viking Psiloi or skirmishers. These are optional troops I have yet to use - I prefer the other option of a Berserker Warband as the Berserkers have more stickability.

First half of my second Viking Army.

I also continued work on my Ancient Hebrews for DBA. These figures are resin by Red Copper Miniatures, printed by Potbelly Miniatures. This Ark of the Covenant could be the Hebrew "camp" or a Behemoth for a fantasy HoTT army.

The four bearers and the main body of the Covenant are all separate prints. By very carefully drilling into the poles either side of the body of the Covenant, I was able to peg the poles the bearers have on their shoulders into them. This provided needed support while the glue was setting.

Hebrew General with shofar-blower and supporting slinger. The actual General figure is a repurposed Hittite spearman, while the slinger is a Hebrew skirmisher.

Three elements of Hebrew Spearmen - other Tribesmen.

And another two elements of Hebrew Spearmen - other Tribesmen.

The Hebrew Army painted this month.

And so I can use my DBA army for HoTTs, a Reaper Bones Deva to be used as an Aerial Hero

The left-over Hebrew figures have been repurposed as Adventurers for AD&D - if we ever get around to running a Bronze Age game.

Three Ogres from Alternative Armies - the left two are Ogre Brigands while the right one is one of the classic Ogres.

Four Adventurers, also from Alternative Armies, the middle two are from Human Characters II, while the far left and far right figures are from the Human Barbarians pack.

My last order from Magister Militum. I decided to get a gatehouse and a couple of wall sections in, what they describe as, Italian style walls. I decided that these walls are those of a wealthy lord - the battlements are whitewashed, and so visible from a long distance, and the lower features are also painted because the lord of the castle wants to put on a good show.

Wall section presented in a similar style.

And my final unit of Alternative Army Black, or Moria, Orcs.

22 August 2023

28 15mm Hebrews, 4 Dragons, 1 Giant, 1 Centaur

In my last post, I forgot to add my final three completed figures for June - three dragons.

Recently in our AD&D game, we had an encounter with several dragons. We haven't met dragons for several years so I had no suitable figures to hand. I picked up a pack of three dragons from Ral Partha Europe. First up, a black dragon.

A Blue Dragon - specialising in electrical attacks in AD&D.

A sinuous Green Dragon

The entire clutch. These are actually 28mm Dragon Fledglings - still quite large for 15mm figures.

For July, I completed a Stone Giant from Alternative Armies, and a Centaur from Eureka Miniatures.

The Giant was painted in shades of gray (which doesn't show so well in the photo). I like the Eureka Centaur, but it's on the "heroic" end of the 18mm scale.

These Vikings are close to true 15mm, so you can see how much larger the Centaur. I'm not so concerned about the Giant as Giants are supposed to be large.

With all the Vikings I've been painting, I thought I needed a Great Wyrm to allow me to field them as a HoTT force, so here's the Wyrm Fafnir from the Sigurd legend - keeper of the treasure hoard of the Nibelungen until Sigurd slays him.

He could also fill in as Glaurung the Deceiver, the Lord of Dragons during the First Age of Middle Earth.

Because I don't have enough projects, when Pot Belly Miniatures announced he was stocking Red Copper Miniatures .stls for local printing, I was easily presuaded that an Early Hebrew Army might be fun to build for DBA. I have never painted printed figures before, so this is a bit of an experiment. First, Hebrew General (4Ax) - a Hittite Horde figure plus some Hebrew priests.

The Red Copper Miniatures Biblical Hebrew range is fairly limited at present, so I made up numbers with some Hittites. Unlike lead castings, these resin miniatures are closer to true scale and proportions which makes them a little frail. They paint up nicely, though.

Benjaminite Archers (3Bw) - They were bowmen and could shoot arrows and sling stones with either the right or the left hand; they were Benjamites.

Under camera magnification, I can see a lot of fine detail on these figures that I can no longer paint due to old eyes.

Benjaminite Slingers (Ps) - they are definitely slinging stones with the right and left hand.

Ephraiminite Warbands (3WB). The figures are actually Hittite Horde but I don't think they look too amiss as Ephraiminites.

Rear view of the Ephraiminites. The figures are printed without bases so I carefully glued each figure to the element base and then painted them in situ.

Gadite Skirmishers (Ps).

And just for fun, if I decide to use my Hebrew Army for HoTT, Moses based as a Cleric. The bush beside him is supposed to be a Burning Bush so I may need to add a whisp of smoke to it.

And finally, an element of Retained Mercenaries (4Ax) - actually Hitties Spearmen - and Other Tribesmen (Ps), two of the alternative elements for the army.

The Army so far.

19 August 2023

29 Vikings

During June I continued to potter away painting Vikings for a b>DBA Army. The figures are mainly Essex Miniatures, I believe, bought 2nd Hand from a gent at the Auckland Wargames Club.

Skirmishers (Psiloi) and Berserkers (Warband). I am in the process of painting up a couple of elements of Baueda Berserks and Ulfhednar to replace the current Berserker elements.

Three elements of Raiders (3Bd). The shield designs are transfers from Veni Vidi Vici.

Another three elements of Raiders (3Bd).

Two more elements of Raiders (3Bd).

My DBA Viking Army III/40a with General and Huscarls (4Bd) and the options on the right (Skirmishers Ps, Huscarls 4Bd, and Berserks 3Wb).

26 June 2023

4 Giant Rats, 1 Stone Golem, 1 Flesh Golem, 1 Thief, 3 Doors, 15 Orcs, 14 Vikings

In May, I finished off some bits and bobs that had been sittingn around on my desk for a number of years.

Four Giant Rats from Battle Valor Games. I've based these up for our AD&D game.

Flesh Golem and Stone Golem from Splintered Light Miniatures and a Frigian Assassin from Battle Valor Games.

Rear view of the Flesh and Stone Golems and the Assassin.

Three Dungeon doors from Ral Partha Europe - left to right: BA004, BA001 and BA002. The Battle Valor Games Dark Wizard is there to show scale.

Another Moria regiment of Alternative Armies orcs, with the occasional Magister Militum Great Orc thrown in.

For a change of pace, I decided to begin a Dark Ages Early Viking DBA army after picking up a bunch of Essex Miniatures Vikings. From left to right: Viking General, Viking Huscarls, two elements of Viking Raiders.

17 June 2023

1 Hydra, 8 Orcs, 4 Frigian Cavalry, 28 Frigian Infantry

I managed to get more figures painted in April, including finally knocking off the last of my Battle Valor Games Frigians.

This fine fellow is an Orc War Hydra from Splintered Light Miniatures.

The War Hydra is quite a svelt model, and rather unlike the more snake-like Hydra models I already have.

The 18mm tall Dark Wizard, left, gives a good idea as to how large the Hydra is.

I managed to complete another command element of Alternative Armies HOT Fantasy Orcs. Only numpty million to go.

After I completed my first two units of Frigian Cavalry, I still had four figures left over from the pack. I was toying with the idea of buying another figure pack when I realised I could convert these figures into skirmisher cavalry by just adding some javelins. The javelins are made from quilting pins and came out pretty well, I think.

A unit of Hillman foot. The figures are a mix of Frigian Swordsmen and Frigian Axemen, plus some Copplestone Castings Barbarian Heroes to make up numbers.

These units are part of my Middle Earth concept of Angmarian or Rhudaur Hillmen, allies of the Witch King of Angmar.

The second unit of Hillmen (and some women).

The banner is the Iron Crown of Angmar.

The Frigian warband in all it's glory.

14 June 2023

1 Fantasy House, 1 Castle Wall, 14 Orcs

March was a pretty busy month, workwise, plus I was experiencing a little bit of painter's burn-out.

Looking for something to paint that wasn't another Orc, I found I still had two resin houses from a Fantasy village set left to finish. This tall house was quite fun to paint.

This may be the front of the building, though the building seems to work either way around.

This Dark Wizard from Battle Valor Games is about 18mm tall, and is on a thick base, but he might still have to duck to get in the door.

I finally got around to painting a castle wall section I bought from Magister Militum - this is the back, showing the staircase access to the wall walk.

Front of the castle wall section.

The wall section fits in well with the wall sections I've already completed.

I did manage to paint up two more command elements of Alternative Armies Orcs, bulked up with a couple of Orcs with Two-handed weapons and Armoured Great Orcs.

12 May 2023

29 Frigian Infantry, 6 Frigian Cavalry, 1 Frigian General, 1 Frigian Hero, 6 Demons, 30 Orcs, 4 Mounted Orcs, 1 Orc General

And February arrived, and I continued cleaning up my Kickstarter backlog from Battle Valor Games by finishing up a bunch of Frigians, plus some Orcs from Alternative Armies.

Frigian Infantry swordsmen and axemen. I added a couple of Barbarians from Copplestone Miniatures to fill out numbers in the unit.

I decided that these Frigians would make excellent Hillmen, Dunlendings, or Angmarians for a Middle-Earth themed army, or generic 'Barbarian' army.

A second unit of Frigian Hillmen, supplemented with Copplestone Barbarians.

The Frigians are nice, basic figures while the Copplestone Barbarians are more finely detailed. They seem to work well together in the same unit.

Frigian Cavalry, these have a post-Roman/Dark Ages feel about them. More heavily armoured than the infantry, the cavalry obviously consists of the richer members of society.

Nice figures but, annoyingly, the riders seem to be smaller than the infantry.

Frigian Hero or General.

This figure very much reminds me of Odin from Norse Mythology, with his pair of wolves - Geri and Freki - and his long spear.

Hillmen General. The standard bearer and horn blower and from Battle Valor Games, while the General is from Copplestone Castings Barbarian Heroes pack.

Another Demon Horde from Magister Militum.

And with this unit, my Demonic host is complete.

I decided to boost my Moria Orc host, and add standard bearers to my Orc units. My first standard bearer conversion was necessitated by a figure with a snapped spear but, after that, I would select a figure from each element to convert. First two Moria Orc elements.

I also took the opportunity to use up the last of my Orcs with Two-handed weapons and Armoured Great Orcs from Magister Militum to make up numbers. Second two Moria Orc elements.

Four Orcs mounted on Fell Beasts. These figures are resin, and rather static in pose.

Orc General and standard bearer.

The standard bearer is a converted swordsorc.

22 April 2023

4 Centaurs, 4 Wolves, 8 Spiders, 2 Monks, 2 Wraiths, 2 Mummies, 1 Gorgan, 8 Vermian Cavalry, 8 Mycenaeans, 6 Frigian Cavalry, 6 Ice Demons, 16 Frigian Infantry, 16 Orc Infantry, 1 Bestian Heavy Chariot

During January I continued to work through my Kickstarter backlog, I also managed to finish off some bits and bobs that had been hanging around for a while.

In our AD&D game, we had encountered some centaurs. I found four centaurs in my 'To paint pile'. The left and right centaurs are from Splintered Light Miniatures Warriors of the Arena: Fantasy Gladiators pack 1. The two central centaurs are from Alternative Armies Tabletop Miniatures range.

It's interesting contrasting the two different design ethoses of these centaurs. The Alternative Armies Centaurs appear to be more Classical Greek in form - both the horse body and the human body are in proportion. The Splintered Light Centaurs have a longer horse body, pointed ears and long, mane-like, hair on the human bodies.

The last four wolves in my stash from Splintered Light. These are listed as Direwolves, though are relatively small and wolf-sized for direwolves. I have used other Direwolves as mounts for Splintered Light Orc wolf-riders.

Some left over little Giant Spiders from Wargames Atlantic, based up for AD&D.

And based up for wargames on 40mm x 40mm bases.

While not as large as some of the other Giant Spiders I've completed, they still look rather nasty.

I decided to introduce a Monk character into our AD&D game and needed a suitable figure. I happened to have a couple of Monk figures from Battle Valor Games in my stash - set P102.

I carefully cut off the staffs they came with, drilled out their hands, and added bills from a set of 15mm Medieval weapons I had on hand. In AD&D Monks can be armed with glaives but as glaives look basically like a carving knife on a stick, I decided that bills looked better. These monks look like they're equiped for a proper expedition.

A nice pair of Wraiths from Alternative Armies.

Also from Alternative Armies, a pair of Mummies.

Dwarian Juggernaut (Q212) from Battle Valor Games - Battle Valor Games currently doesn't have a website, but there are order forms on the Facebook page I have linked to.

When painting this figure, I was thinking of a firey brass bull automiton, but it occurred to me later that this figure would make a great AD&D Gorgon.

Vermian archers riding Ratweilers from Battle Valor Games. I decided to complete these guys as 'light horse'.

Second regiment of Vermian Ratweilers.

The two Vermian regiments. I think I've completed my Vermian force.

Two elements of Mycenaean Spearmen (SP), figures from Essex Miniatures.

Continuing to work my way through my backlog of Kickstarters, I painted up a unit of Battle Valor Games Frigian Cavalry. I had painted up some Frigian spearmen a while back as Middle Earth- style Evil Hillmen, allies of the Wich-King of Angmar. Now, I am able to add some cavalry to that force.

The Frigians are nice figures, but there are scale inconsistencies across the range that are annoying in a niggly way.

Demon Horde (DEM2) from Magister Militum. As my last Demon regiment, I decided to paint them up as Ice Demons.

I'm pleased with how the bases turned out - snow flock and snowy tuffs over gravel.

A regiment of Frigian archers from Battle Valor Games.

A second regiment of Frigian archers from Battle Valor Games.

Now my Evil Hillmen have some skirmishers.

I decided to expand my Black Orc/Moria Orc force and picked up a couple of packs of Orcs and Goblins from Alternative Armies.

These Orcs took a lot more prep time than the last lot I painted - lot of flash. I also changed my thoughts on how to present my Moria Orcs in that I decided I did need unit standard bearers. So, the next few elements are going to redress the lack of standards in the force.

Bestian Heavy Chariot from Battle Valor Games. A massive model, I ended up mounting it on a 100mm wide base - in retrospect I should have gone to 120mm wide as that would be equivalent to three element bases.

I have a second one of these monsters to paint up.

Housekeeping 2022

Painting Tally for 2022:
28mm Fantasy
11 Dwarves1 Ogre10 Clanrats3 Humans1 Gnome5 Gnolls6 Knights
16 Duergar
3 Demon Cavalry1 Duergar Rune Priest1 Stone Giant
28mm Science Fiction
119 figures
15mm Fantasy
68 Bestian Infantry2 Bestian Standards2 Bestian Generals2 Bestian Chariots22 Demons36 Orcs8 Wraiths
2 Ghouls8 Mummies1 Golem2 Minotaurs50 Kobolds50 Eastern Humans
1 Elf General49 Elf Infantry1 Elf Mage1 Gorgon2 Gods2 Skeletons1 Hydra
6 Human Knights6 Elf Cavalry
15mm Historical
32 Mycenaeans
Equipment and Scenery
1 15mm Fantasy Easterner catapult29 Scatter Terrain1 Landing Pad20 28mm Creatures4 Ladders41 bases of plants
1 28mm Duergar Cannon

07 February 2023

1 Golem, 2 Mummies, 1 Ghoul, 4 Wraiths, 14 Orcs, 12 Demons, 6 Myceneans, 2 Bestian Chariots, 2 Bestian Generals, 2 Bestian Standards, 68 Bestian Infantry

During December, I managed to complete a bit more of my DBA Mycenaean project as well as dug out a Kickstarter from Battle Valor Games.

Left to Right: A Golem from Splintered Light, two Mummies from Alternative Armies, and a Ghoul from Splintered Light.

Mummies from Alternative Armies and Essex Miniatures, the Alternative Armies figures are closer to 18mm.

Wraiths from Alternative Armies (Left) and Essex Miniatures (Right). The Essex Wraiths remind me a little of the Wraith workers in the What we Do in the Shadows TV series.

Rummaging around in Lead Mountain, I located my last couple of packets of Orcs from Splintered Light.

For consistancy, I went with a gunmetal/black/red pallet to match my earlier Orc regiments. After the Eureka Orcs, the Splintered Light Orcs are my favourite Orcs.

Also lurking in Lead Mountain was a large packet of Demons from Magister Militum.

Very much a late 80's vibe with these figures. For the first regiment I went for a traditional firey-demon look.

For my second regiment, I opted for Ice Demons.

These were quite fun to paint up. With only four poses, it took a little bit of thinking to mix things up enough to make the elements interesting.

Amidst all the Fantasy, I managed to knock out another Mycenean Chariot from Essex Miniatures for my DBA project.

Nice set of Dendra-style armour.

Mycenean Chariot crews can dismount as Auxilia (Ax).

After I finished the Bestian Minnites in November, I drew a deep breath and plunged into assembling the Bestian Medium Chariots. Ed at Battle Valor Games has been reorganising his virtual store front, which meant easily located guide photos were hard to come by. Fortunately, his figures are currently available via eBay and there were photos of the chariots! Presently, aside from eBay, Battle Valor miniatures can be sourced from Dragonfrog Games in the UK, or by directly ordering from Ed via email - the order form is in the files section of the Battle Valor Games Facebook page.

The Medium Chariots are drawn by two Bullators, and have two Bestians as crew.

The chariot models actually go together quite easily.

The chariots are quite large models. I was able to use a 40mm frontage, but had to allow an 80mm depth.

Medium Chariot panzergrupp.

Bestian General, armoured minotaur.

The General comes with a pet feral human. I added a standard bearer.

Minnite General with standard bearer. I had a left-over Minnite so decided to convert him into a Bestian General.

Quite pleased how my white bull came out.

And then we came to the Bestian Infantry - so much infantry! I mixed archers, javelin throwers, and swordsbeasts together to make a suitably Chaotic and wild looking warband.

I'm quite pleased with how generally chaotic the warbands came out.

Second warband with a slightly different mix of figures.

There are quite a mix of head types amongst each weapon type - goats, pigs, satyrs, dogs, plus some vaguely bird-like heads - a credit to Ed's designs.

Warband three. The Minotaur with the morning star, to the left of the standard bearer, was a sample from Eureka Minatures' 10mm Fantasy.

The Bestian shields are actually a selection of shields from the other ranges from Battle Valor Games - looted by the Bestians, one assumes.

Warband four - a slightly reduced figure count as I was trying to stretch out the number of figures to make another unit.

I was still able to keep the weapon and head-type mix to give that chaotic look.

Warband five. The axe-wielding Bestian was included in a command pack, as I recall.

So. Many. Bestians. 68 figures in all.

The (almost) completed army - just two heavy chariots to do.

The right flank.

The left flank.

A fun project, and I'm pleased I've pretty much completed it. As a Chaotic force, I would envision this army as unpredictable raiders, or in the service of some Chaotic or Evil Wizard or Warlord - perhaps supported by the demonic infantry I've just completed, or supporters/auxiliaries for Lawful Evil Hobgoblins.

24 January 2023

3 Mummies, 2 Wraiths, 6 Mycenaeans, 1 Easterner catapult, 33 Easterner Infantry, 50 Kobolds, 10 Demons, 2 Minotaurs

For November, I dug out some more 15mm Fantasy from my Lead Mountain, as well as moved forward on my DBA Mycenaean project.

In and around the units I was painting, I knocked out some more figures for our AD&D game. These are some more Mummies and Wraiths from Essex Miniatures packs DD47a and 47b.

Mycenaean Chariot #3 from the Essex Miniatures Achaian DBA ver 3 army pack.

More infocus view of the 'Man in Bronze' - Mycenaean chariot rider.

Each of the Mycenaean Chariots can dismount as an element of Auxilia, and here the Auxlia for the yellow chariot.

I finally finished off this second T'ang giant crossbow from Khurasan, that's been sitting on my painting desk since 2019.

I quite like the catapult model, but I found the crew figures a bit disappointing.

Second to last Fantasy Easterner Regiment. These Nan Chao Heavy Infantry from Eureka Miniatures inspired me to make my Fantasy Easterner Human Army.

Really like the tower shields.

Final Easterner Unit - a mix of Eureka Nan Chao spearmen and Khurasan Miniatures Siamese infantry with spear.

Again, the Siamese infantry were a bit shorter than the Nan Chao, so I boosted their height with bit of plastic card scrap.

As part of my ongoing AD&D Fantasy Project, I picked up a couple of Kobold warband packs from Spintered Light.

There's a nice selection of poses in the packs so a suitable warband can be constructed.

Second warband.

Like the Halflings I painted up a while back, the Kobolds are only 7 - 8 mm tall, so painting their little horns was a bit of a challenge.

Both completed warbands. Kobolds are the smallest and weakest of the Goblinoids so are probably little more than a speed bump in a battle field situation. Though, they probably move easily through rough terrain and can set ambushes.

For a change of pace, I painted up the two packs of Hellborn Flesh Reavers I bought from Onslaught Miniatures. The Hell Born Charnel Hounds I painted up a few months back to use as pack hunters in 5 Parsecs from Home, so now it was time for the Flesh Reavers.

The massively thick swords are, I think, an artifact of the 3D sculpting/master printing process as the 6mm versions of the Flesh Reavers have the same thick weapons. At present, this completed unit will probably end up in my Chaos/Evil force.

The Reavers are about man-size so they'd probably be standard infantry with the "Terrifying" attribute.

And finally, I made a start on my Bestian force from Battle Valor Games. Two Bestian Minnites, which are basically huge minotaurs with enormous cleavers.

Ed at Battle Valor Games has been reorganising his virtual store front. His figures are currently available via eBay, Dragonfrog Games in the UK, or can be directly ordered from Ed via email - the order form is in the files section of the Battle Valor Games Facebook page.

Your basic Minnite is approximately 11 - 12 feet tall!

03 January 2023


1 28mm Fantasy Dwarf, 2 28mm Greek Gods, 19 15mm Elf Infantry, 1 15mm Talos, 1 15mm Gorgon, 1 15mm Elf Mage, 22 15mm Orcs, 1 15mm Elf General, 17 15mm Eastern Humans, 3 15mm Mummies, 2 15mm Wraiths, 20 15mm Mycenaeans

During October, I pressed on with my 15mm Fantasy project. I also accidently finished another 28mm Fantasy Dwarf. Also during the month, my DBA/HoTTs Age of Chariots figures arrived and I started on that project, too.

Another Dwarf with axe - as before, I thought he was from Crusader Miniatures, but I can no longer find them on the Northstar site; and two 28mm Greeks - these were originally for a Runequest project which went nowhere. I have now recycled them as 15mm Gods for HoTTs.

Rear view of the Dwarf and the Greeks.

For my DBA/HoTTs Age of Chariots project, I decided to make a Mycenaean Army. For fun and HoTTs, last month I finished a Water Lurker Hydra. This month, I completed two Gods/Heroes. I can no longer remember where I got this figure in his Dendra panoply from, but he is in the running for a Mycenaean God.

The detail on this guy is quite amazing.

This guy has a more Geometric/Early Hoplite panoply - possibly Homeric period (c.900 BC). He seems more like the Ares I recall from picture books on the Trojan War (which goes to show they probably weren't terribly accurate).

Very pleased how the shield came out - painted the shield white with a copper circle in the center. The Medusa Veni, Vidi, Vici transfer slid nicely into position, and voilá.

Another regiment of 15/18mm Elf Infantry from Eureka Miniatures.

Like the Elf Regiments I completed in September, I used a Veni Vidi Vici Late Roman shield transfer over a gunmetal circle to make a more interesting shield and flag blazon.

From Splintered Light Miniatures, two constructs - based as Behemoths for HoTTs - Talos, and the Bronze Bull. To me, the Bronze Bull looks a bit like an AD&D Gorgon.

Rear view of Talos and the Bronze Bull.

Elf Mage and two Guardelves from Eureka Miniatures.

Elf General, Standard Bearer, and guards from Eureka Miniatures.

Elf Command group.

Another regiment of Orcs from Eureka Miniatures

A pretty fearsome bunch.

And for when you don't have a Balrog or Nazgul to command them, an Orc General and Standard Bearer, mounted on Fellbeasts, also from Eureka Miniatures.

The third to last unit of my 15mm Fantasy Eastern Humans. Figures are Nan Chao Chinese from Eureka Miniatures, with some Khurasan Miniatures Siamese mixed in.

The shielded swordsmen are from Khurasan's Siamese range. They're smaller than the Eureka figures so I packed their bases with plastic card to make them the same height as the Nan Chao.

In our AD&D game we have been having Undead issues, so I picked up a pack each of Mummies (DD47a)and Wraiths (DD47b) from Essex Miniatures.

For my DBA Age of Chariots project, I decided to make an Achaian/Mycenaean Army from Essex Miniatures. First elements painted were the Psiloi - slings and javelins.

This was followed by an element of Warband - the Myrmidons.

Ready to lay some Thessalian smackdown on the enemies of Achilles.

Two Mycenaean Light Chariots, including the General (in purple).

Chariot assembly did require a bit of anti-gravity and swearing. But we got there in the end.

Chariots can deploy dismounted as Auxilia in DBA - the red-shield Auxilia have the dismounted General with them (I added the standard).

Rear view of the Auxilia. Essex is kind of the standard for 15mm Historicals, but they seem to come in fairly passive poses.

02 January 2023

1 28mm Fantasy Ogre, 1 15mm Ghoul, 2 15mm Skeletons, 1 15mm Hydra, 6 15mm Knights, 30 15mm Elf Infantry, 6 15mm Elf Cavalry

By September work had got busier, and my enthusiasm for painting Science Fiction Figures had begun to wane (I had painted over 400 figures and after a brief burst of 5 Parsecs from Home had not gamed in months). I got to considering Fantastic Battles as a 15mm Fantasy ruleset again, and when it was suggested that John and Malcolm and I should try 15mm Age of Chariot DBA armies, I ordered a new DBA army, and began to clear some of my 15mm Fantasy backlog.

Amongst the figures I finally finished, was this Ogre from Reaper Miniatures. I'm still not 100% sold on Reaper's Bones (ie plastic) figures, but they take the paint quite well.

While a large 28mm scale monster, the Ogre would also work well as a 15mm giant.

Two skeletons and a ghoul from Splintered Light Miniatures.

Rear view of the Undead. I do like Splintered Light figures, but postage from the US is bonkers at the moment (over 100% value of the order - though David at Splintered Light will refund the balance when he gets an accurate price from USPS).

The final figure from my Ral Partha Legacy order - a young Hydra.

Sculpted in 1/64th (25mm) scale, this hydra works well in 15mm (1/100th) scale. I finally finished him with an eye to my next project - 15mm DBA/HoTT army for the Age of Chariots.

While rootling around in the Lead Mountain for other figures to finish, I found an order I received from Eureka Miniatures in Australia. So I completed another unit of Knights from the Men of Grandeur range for my Western Human Fantasy Army.

While a fairly limited range, the Men of Grandeur have enough poses to make units interesting.

And what (re)started the 15mm Fantasy project - Elves of the Lofty Spire from Eureka Miniatures. The shield and flag decals are from Veni Vidi Vici's Late Roman range. I painted a yellow sun on each shield/side of the flag and then centered the decal over it so the under lying colour came through the space left for a shield boss - worked rather well, I thought.

15 yellow suns and decals later, the unit was complete.

A different pattern decal, but the same style of application for this unit of swordselves. The thick central black circle of the decal meant I didn't need to paint perfect circles in yellow as the decal hid any wonky bits.

The second unit in all its glory.

Both regiments on parade.

And, after sitting on my painting desk, half completed, for about a year, I finished off this regiment of Elvish Cavalry.

24 November 2022

2 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 1 28mm Science Fiction Character, 1 28mm Science Fiction Street Furniture, 5 28mm Gnolls, 1 28mm Dwarf, 1 28mm Gnome, 1 28mm Fantasy Human, 6 28mm Clanrats

In August, I rebased two more Ground Zero Games UNSC troopers, painted up as Traveller Marines.

There's a nice, old-school vibe about these true-25mm figures.

Left to Right: Fae Graal - Feterrik Sniper. The Feterrik are an insectoid species adapted for sub-aquatic or thin atmosphere life zones. This figure is part of the Northstar Specialist Soldiers: Snipers pack; the gadget - some sort of follow-spot, beam projector, or scanner - is from Archon Studios Dungeons and Lasers Science Fiction Bits set, now stocked by Northstar Figures.

Rear View: Left to Right: Fae Graal - Feterrik Sniper, and gadget.

My 28mm Fantasy project continued with some Northstar plastic Frostgrave Gnolls painted up as Gnolls, rather than Vargr.

Quite pleased with how these turned out.

Two further Gnolls to join the warband.

Rear view of the Crossbowgnoll and Speargnoll.

Three Adventurers: A Dwarf with axe - I thought he was from Crusader Miniatures, but I can no longer find them on the Northstar site - a Gnome Bard - from the D&D Nolzur's range of figures - and a Human Archer - assembled from Fireforge Games Scandinavian Infantry.

Rear view of the Adventurers.

I pushed on with my Clanrats and finished the final six. Here's the first three.

And a rear view of them.

And the final three, including an officer.

And a rear view of them.

10 October 2022

1 28mm Science Fiction Character rebased, 2 28mm Fantasy Dwarves, 3 28mm Clanrats, 2 28mm fantasy Humans, 7 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 5 Charnel Hounds, 1 Objective Marker, 1 Street Furniture

Work ramped up during July, and I found it harder to complete projects. I did get a few things done, though.

I rebased the first of my United Nations Space Command (UNSC) figures from Ground Zero Games. When I bought these some years ago, I intended to use them as Imperial Marines for Traveller.

The UNSC troopers have a similar shaped helmet to the very distinctive Imperial Marine Battledress helmet.

When I first got (re)interested in 28mm Fantasy, I picked up some Oathmark plastic Elves (still unpainted) and a couple of packs of lead Dwarves. I thought they were from Crusader Miniatures, but I can no longer find them on the Northstar site.

There's a nice, north-lands, viking-ish vibe about these dwarves.

Having completed my test Clanrat last month, I painted up another three this month. As befits bog standard troopers, there's not a huge amount of posability with these figures, though by changing the shield, and the weapon in the weapon hand, a unit can look a bit more random.

I decided to equip most of my Clanrats with polearms - of which quite a variety come on the figure sprues.

And finally, a couple of Fantasy Human warriors. The basic body type and head is from Fireforge Games's Scandinavian Infantry. The rectangular shield is from the Oathmark Human Cavalry set, and the sword is, I think, from the Frostgrave Soldiers II set.

A couple of Fantasy cannon-fodder types.

Left to Right: Gason "Bugeyes" Valb - Sniper. Northstar Specialist Soldier; Jofene Jhones - Adventurer. Alternative Armies Betrayer Alpha; Alkab Akemi - mechanic. Northstar Robotic Expert.

Rear View: Left to Right: Gason "Bugeyes" Valb - Sniper; Jofene Jhones - Adventurer; Alkab Akemi - mechanic.

Phelphishey Pharnam - Mercenary. Rogue Stars Soldier of Fortune from Northstar Figures.

Rear View: Phelphishey Pharnam - Mercenary.

A pack of Charnel Hounds. These are actually 15mm scale Hellborn Charnel Hounds from Onslaught Miniatures. They stand about man-high in 15mm but in 28mm they work well as a pack of attack dogs.

Reverse view of the Charnel Hounds.

Left to Right: Squeek Kah, Neekacheep Che, and Skrateek Rek - the final three members of my Murisaen crew from Novegia. Converted Games Workshop Clanrats with weapons courtesy of Bitbox. Squeek Kah's body took a bit of trimming so I could pass the needle rifle under his chin. I also carved off his left arm so I could use the arm attached to the rifle.

Rear View: Left to Right: Squeek Kah, Neekacheep Che, and Skrateek Rek - the final three members of my Murisaen crew from Novegia. Skrateek Rek has a surplus knife blade transplanted onto his left hand.

Murisaens are coming for YOU!

Some random street furniture or objective markers - an escaped brain, a droid you might be looking for, and an empty storage box.

The brain is an objective marker from Stargrave's Loot Pack 1, the droid I picked up on Etsy (he's actually 32mm scale but, being a droid, fits with 28mm figures, and the box is from Archon Studios Dungeons and Lasers Science Fiction Bits set, now stocked by Northstar Figures.

22 August 2022

2 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 4 Cargo crates, 4 28mm Creatures, 2 28mm Street Furniture, 7 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 3 28mm Fantasy Knights, 1 Landing Pad

Rebasing for June. Left to Right: Olan Oh - Freedom Fighter, SLS-09 female terrorist from Ground Zero Games's Street Level range; Vemi-17 - Synthetic las-gunner, SF25 Female Adventurer from Denizen Miniatures.

Rear View. Left to Right: Olan Oh - Freedom Fighter; Vemi-17 Synthetic las-gunner.

I completed and painted up the second pack of four "cargo containers" from 4Ground I bought as part of their closing down sale.

Three Frostgrave Chronohounds. I rebased them in keeping with the basing style I've been using for my Science Fiction creatures.

I have no idea what they do in Frostgrave but they look pretty good as some sort of alien hunting dog for Stargrave/5 Parsecs from Home.

Two loot items from North Star's Stargrave range - a box of pretty stones and a small service'droid.

Just the thing to place on the table as objectives.

Federation Space Troops from Denizen Miniatures - two troopers with ACRs and an Officer.

Rear View: Federation Space Troops. There's tons of detail on these figures and their backpacks come separately. They are true 25mm scale so mix well with older Grenadier Traveller figures, early Games Workshop Spacefarers, and Ground Zero Games Stargrunt ranges, but they are small when compared to 28mm Stargrave figures.

Left to Right: Amaulan Fouthariak Gossam - Hipporian Hunter. A resized 3D print from Mini Mayhem; Kher'stk - Hunter. Games Workshop Kroot; Vorman Takk - Adventurer. Stargrave crewman.

Rear View: Left to Right: Amaulan Fouthariak Gossam - Hipporian Hunter; Kher'stk - Hunter; Vorman Takk - Adventurer.

Left to Right: Algan Etra - security specialist. A converted Rifts Psi-stalker; Seminarian of the Ferenti - the Obeisant Order of Sarrigarisan the Ascendant. Body and arms are from the Beyond the Gates of Antares Freeborn Domari sprue, head is from Anvil Industry Brodie Gladiator Helmets.

Rear View: Left to Right: Algan Etra - security specialist; Seminarian of the Ferenti - the Obeisant Order of Sarrigarisan the Ascendant.

Left to Right: Critter #4. I had bought four critters from a local seller, some sort of Dungeons and Dragons monster as I recall. I painted up three of them in May and finished the final one in June; Drog Goglog - Ogryn gunner. I've always quite liked these giant abhumans but the models have got increasingly nightmarish and expensive over the years. This fellow was bought as pieces from Bitbox and then put together. Nice to see that the Ripper Gun has not got smaller over the years.

Left to Right: Drog Goglog - Ogryn gunner; Vorman Takk - Adventurer. Ogryn are big! And they can really lay the hurt down with their Ripper Gun!

"Space Elf Landing Pad" SFG020 from TTCombat, bought through Mighty Ape. This may have been an end-of-line item as I can only find the assembly instructions on TTCombat's webstore.

I haven't glued the legs or stairs to the landing pad, so it takes up less room when in storage.

The landing pad is quite a substantual structure - as you can see by the 28mm figure and the gunship model.

And while playing around with some Oathmark Human Cavalrymen legs and horses and some Orc bodies, arms, heads and weapons, I ended up with some Orc Cavalry.

In The Lord of the Rings, the Rohirrim were having problems with Orcs rustling horses. While it's possible the Orcs ate them, or on-sold them to the Easterlings, it isn't beyond the bounds of possibility that large man-orcs might also ride horses, even just as mounted infantry.

10 July 2022

4 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 1 28mm Fantasy Clanrat, 18 bases of plants, 1 28mm ladder, 4 Cargo crates, 3 28mm Street Furniture, 3 28mm Droids, 4 28mm Creatures, 27 28mm Science Fiction Characters

Rebasing for May: Left to Right: Pol Tak Pan - Kiang Officer. Tzacol from Onslaught Miniatures. The Kiang are a Minor race in my Traveller campaign, dominated by the Kalar-Wi and used as a form of sepoy troops; Roscon "Ros" Kiapan - Adventurer. A Ground Zero Games figure - SLS-25 from the 25mm Street Level range, I think; C'chur Cawrr - Avian Adventurer. An Avian from CP Models; Lajeen Shal - Mid-Tech trooper. SF56 from Denizen Miniatures.

Rear View: Left to Right: Pol Tak Pan - Kiang Officer; Roscon "Ros" Kiapan - Adventurer; C'chur Cawrr - Avian Adventurer; Lajeen Shal - Mid-Tech trooper.

Wanting to create some Space Rats, and failing to find any suitable figures, I picked up a pack of Games Workshop Clanrats from Mighty Ape. I only wanted 10 Space Rats, so I decided to complete the balance as standard Skaven. Here's the test model.

The Clanrats turned out to be a lot less poseable than I expected - essentially only the right, weapon arm, can be swapped for various weapon or accessaries. There's a nice selection of polearms and other stabby things, and various items like bells and maces. There's also a selection of shields in various styles.

I bought this set of four "cargo containers" from 4Ground at the same time I bought the MDF stairs. Again, these items were laser-cut in thin MDF and some assembly was required.

Man-bun wearing Elgan Faresse acts as Captain Scale, showing how big the cargo containers are.

Left to Right: nest with space eggs; Smallbot. Both the space egg nest and Smallbot are from Northstar's Loot tokens set; Glass Spider from Northstar's Frostgrave Glass Spider set.

Left to Right: Blue - wardog. Tricked up guard dog from Northstar's Stargrave range; manipulator arm, and storage container - two further pieces of Sci-Fi street furniture from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range of SciFi customization bits I picked up through a Trademe trade; K-Nine - attack caninedroid, also from Northstar's Stargrave range.

Rear view: Left to Right: Blue - wardog; manipulator arm, and storage container - two further pieces of Sci-Fi street furniture; K-Nine - attack caninedroid.

Three critters - I bought these from a local seller and can't recall what they were, except some sort of D&D monster. I think the seller had 3D printed the figures as there was flash on the spines and one of the arms on one of the critters hadn't printed completely.

I was able to fix the half-printed arm with some polyfilla to round it out. They were quite fun to paint up.

I made up another selection of plants - some singles and some doubles, and some with painted leaf tips.

Man-bun wearing Elgan Faresse acts as Captain Scale, showing how big the plants are.

A different style of plant - disassembled a $2 shop plastic plant mat, glued the boles to bases, and painted the leaf tips.

En masse, they don't look too bad.

I finished off the final staircase I bought from 4Ground as part of their closing down sale.

Made from laser-cut MDF, they look quite good when assembled and painted.

Three critters - I bought these from a local seller and can't recall what they were, except some sort of D&D monster. I think the seller had 3D printed the figures as there was flash on the spines and one of the arms on one of the critters hadn't printed completely.

I was able to fix the half-printed arm with some polyfilla to round it out. They were quite fun to paint up.

A Xeec'xer Motile Nest guard unit - the Xeec'xer are a nest-building insectoid species. This figure is a Starfinder RPG Miniature: Anacite Laborer I got through Mighty Ape, though it is currently out of stock.

The motile units are physically upgraded through a series of body modifications.

Left to Right: Krekk Va, Brey Nerq Re, Chuda Ma, Grek So, and Atekk Erk - Murisaen crew from Novegia. Converted Games Workshop Clanrats. The extreme left and extreme right rats have had their weapon arms swapped with gun arms from Wargames Atlantic Lizardmen set. Second left and second right rats have their ratty arms, but their weapons swapped out with Games Workshop Warhammer 40k weapons from Bitzbox. The middle ratty has a Genestealer Cult gun arm and flamer, also from Bitzbox.

Rear view: Left to Right: Krekk Va, Brey Nerq Re, Chuda Ma, Grek So, and Atekk Erk - Murisaen crew from Novegia. Chuda Ma and Grek So have been armed with blades that were part of the accessories with the Clanrat set.

The Murisaen crew - sneakers and Skulkers.

Left to Right: Two Vargr members of the Group Unity Teaching Path - a Vargr cult. These guys started off as Frostgrave Gnolls, with the addition of weapons from the Cultist Sci-Fi Accessory pack; Taitua Hahruguun - Fas'ini Adventurer. Body from the Frostgrave Demons box, arms from the Stargrave Mercenaries box, head from the Stargrave Crew box; F'reep C'nar - Avian Adventurer from CP Models. He sort of looks like this one but has a different head.

Rear View: Left to Right: Two Vargr members of the Group Unity Teaching Path - a Vargr cult; Taitua Hahruguun - Fas'ini Adventurer; F'reep C'nar - Avian Adventurer.

My Vargr crew en masse.

Quite the savage bunch.

There seems to be a disturbing number of Cultists amongst them.

Left to Right: Gharsuh Isralnehn, Rhocaloar Tabbiyasa, Masisk Illoyan, and Arioach Asrian - Kihyri raiders. Oathmark Elf heads, Northstar Cultist Sci Fi Weapons (though Rhocaloar Tabbiyasa has a set of Stargrave arms and weapon), and Oathmark Cultist bodies.

Rear view: Left to Right: Gharsuh Isralnehn, Rhocaloar Tabbiyasa, Masisk Illoyan, and Arioach Asrian - Kihyri raiders.

My Kihyri Raider crew, ready to loot and pillage.

Gene Renegades, Mutants, or Converted - four hybrids. Left to Right: #1 Frostgrave crew body, Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider limbs, Games Workshop Dark Elder arms and weapons, Games Workshop Genestealer head; #2 Frostgrave crew body, Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider limbs, Frostgrave Cultist arms and head; #3 Frostgrave Cultist body, head and right arm, Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider limbs and weapon arm; #4 Frostgrave crew body, Frostgrave Cultist arms and head, Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider limbs

Rear View of the Gene Renegades, Mutants, or Converted.

Detailed look at the Gene Renegade/Mutant/Converted heavy weapons operator: Frostgrave crew body, Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider limbs, Games Workshop Dark Elder arms and weapons, Games Workshop Genestealer head.

Six more Space Dwarves.

Left to Right: Thror Gunnarsson, Hrolf Ekkel and Raring Ingstrom; Thror has an Oathmark Dwarf Infantry body while Hrolf and Raring Ingstrom have Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry bodies. All three have Stargrave Starship Crew or Mercenary arms and weapons and Dwarf Light Infantry heads.

Rear View: Left to Right: Thror Gunnarsson, Hrolf Ekkel and Raring Ingstrom with various accessories.

Left to Right: Nain Olaffsson, Pál Ondaergat, Þrain Bláhettu; Nain and Þrain have Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry bodies, while Pál has a Oathmark Dwarf Infantry body. All three have Stargrave arms and weapons from either the Crew or Mercenary sprues. Heads are from the Oathmark Dwarf sets.

Rear View: Left to Right: Nain Olaffsson, Pál Ondaergat, Þrain Bláhettu; with accessories from various sprues.

Full Space Dwarf crew.

Close-up of the right-hand end of the group - mainly standard Oathmark Dwarf bodies, unarmoured heads and Stargrave arms and weapons.

Close-up of the left-hand end of the group - mainly Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry bodies, unarmoured heads and Stargrave arms and weapons.

Left to Right: Col Aternassi - Delivery Agent, Stargrave body and arms, Frostgrave Barbarian head; Ignatio Drilano - AI specialist and Droid wrangler, North Star metal figure; Elgan Faresse - Adventurer, Stargrave body and arms, Oathmark Barbarian head.

Rear View: Left to Right: Col Aternassi - Delivery Agent; Ignatio Drilano - AI specialist and Droid wrangler; Elgan Faresse - Adventurer.

10 June 2022

2 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 3 28mm Fantasy Knights, 7 28mm Fantasy Dwarves, 23 bases of plants, 3 28mm ladders, 2 28mm Street Furniture, 4 28mm Droids, 8 28mm Science Fiction Characters

Rebasing for April. Left to Right: Matamata Smith - Adventurer. SF74 from Denizen Miniatures; Katya Polowski - Adventurer. I think she's from Ground Zero Games but I can't recall which range. Her left ankle snapped while I was cutting off her original base, but I managed to repin it.

Rebasing for April. Rear view. Left to Right: Matamata Smith - Adventurer; Katya Polowski - Adventurer.

Another element of 28mm Demonic Cavalry for my UnderDark Alliance HoTT army. Horses, legs and torsos are from Oathmark's Human Cavalry. Arms, weapons and shields are from Frostgrave Gnolls and Cultists. Heads are Cultists or Demons.

The Demon wings on the middle rider are also from Northstar.

Rear view of the Demonic riders.

A collection of 28mm Oathmark Dwarves - two Heavy Infantry, and five Light Infantry Dwarves. I've based these up on the supplied plastic bases to perhaps play some skirmish games, or AD&D.

Rear view of the Dwarves.

Formed up, ready for battle.

I bought some model plants from a seller in China, and there was a good reason they were cheap. As I have accumulated a large pile of round bases, I hit on a solution. Snipping the pointy end of the plant stalk off, I was able to drill a hole in the stalk and glue in a segment of quilting pin. I then covered the base with PVA and sand, painted it, and then drilled a hole through it. The quilting pin sticking out of the stalk then fitted nicely into the hole drilled in the base and, voilà, a plant.

I added some splashes of colour to the tips of the the leaves of some of the plants to break up the green.

As an experiment, I made up a couple of bases with extra plants and a large stone from the local path.

I saw a report that 4Ground is in the process of shutting down. I picked up a number of items, including these staircases. The kits were relatively easy to assemble, but really fiddly at the final stage where the other hand rail is joined to the initial handrail and tread combo.

When completed, the staircases don't look too bad, in my opinion.

Two more pieces of Sci-Fi street furniture from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range of SciFi customization bits I picked up through a Trademe trade - an ammunition box and a computer monitor.

Rear view of the street furniture.

Bot collection: Left to Right: Dark Heaven - XairBot (Small). A Reaper Bones figure I got through Mighty Ape; two Frostgrave Glass Spiders; Warbot - Concord Support Drone from Warlord Games.

Rear view: Bot collection: Left to Right: Dark Heaven - XairBot (Small); two Glass Spiders; Warbot.

Left to Right: Gisu Jahlan - mercenary; Aubish Cobleen - mercenary. Bodies are from Warlord Games Concord Strike Squad and heads from CP Models - the head on the left is from Mixed Alien Heads, while that on the right is an alternative head for Hent.

Rear view: Left to Right: Gisu Jahlan - mercenary; Aubish Cobleen - mercenary.

Adventurers or Henchmen. Left to Right: Corban Yonn - Ice World explorer. Body from Northstar's Frostgrave Barbarians, arms from the Stargrave Mercenaries box, and the head from the Stargrave Crew set. The large handgun at his side is from CP Models; Jorge Halissa - Ice World explorer. Body from Northstar's Frostgrave Barbarians, head is from Frostgrave's Ghost Archipelago crewmen box, arms are probably from Stargrave's Mercenaries set; Orf Angane - Henchman. Body and Arms from Stargrave's Crew box, head from Frostgrave's Ghost Archipelago crewmen box.

Rear View Adventurers or Henchmen. Left to Right: Corban Yonn - Ice World explorer; Jorge Halissa - Ice World explorer; Orf Angane - Henchman.

Left to Right: Rhani Taikor - Security Guard or Henchman. IA150 Alternative Armies Betrayer Urbanite; Luka Skyulker - Psionic Adventurer. A Psionic from Northstar's Rogue Stars collection; Enga a'Toli - Henchman. Malvernis Soldier from Reaper Miniatures. I can only find the metal version of the Malvernis Soldier in the Chronoscope range on the Reaper website, even though my figure was from the Reaper Bones range.

Rear View. Left to Right: Rhani Taikor - Security Guard or Henchman; Luka Skyulker - Psionic Adventurer; Enga a'Toli - Henchman.

11 May 2022

3 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 9 Duergar, 1 Duergar Champion, 26 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 2 Street Furniture, 4 plants, 1 Alien Dog

March was a much more productive month than February - the worst of the summer heat was behind us.

Left to Right: "Con" DeValis - Loadmaster. Cargo Officer from eM4; Eccan Hurb - Adventurer. A slightly converted Singer with Heavy Pistol from eM4 - I lopped off the microphone in his left hand; Garlo Inggar - Adventurer. I think this guy is from the RAFM Rifts range - some of which are still available.

Rear View, Left to Right: "Con" DeValis - Loadmaster; Eccan Hurb - Adventurer; Garlo Inggar - Adventurer.

Continuing my Alliance of the UnderDark HoTT project, I completed another three elements of Duergar Warband. These figures are from Northstar's Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry.

Second element of Duergar Warband. Again, figures are from Northstar's Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry. The swordsman (swordsduergar) has a targe from Northstar's Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago crew set.

Third element of Duergar Warband. The central figure also has a targe from Northstar's Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago crew set.

The warband elements.

Duergar Hero - Oathmark Dwarf Heavy Infantry.

I do like these Oathmark figures - there's an awfull lot of detail on them.

A squad of six Kalar-Wi troopers. In my Traveller campaign, the Kalar-Wi are an aggressive, humanoid species, not very friendly towards the Imperium. These figures are Ventauran Space Troops from Denizen Miniatures - note: these figures are closer to 25mm than 28mm.

Rear view of the troopers. The backpacks are cast separately and seem to be some sort of life support system for the sealed combat armour.

Left to Right: Khar'tk - Games Workshop Kroot; Fluffy - a Geirshan fang hunter. One of the Specialist Soldier: Guard Dogs set from Northstar Miniatures; Phenelle Chaster - mercenary. An old Necromunda figure, I think. I added the pistol and right arm with submachine gun from my bit box; Timaru Jane - adventurer. A not-"Lara Croft" figure (CM-03) from Ground Zero Games

Rear View: Left to Right: Khar'tk - gunman; Fluffy - a Geirshan fang hunter; Phenelle Chaster - mercenary; Timaru Jane - adventurer.

Left to Right: Master Froon Skulphoh - Hesmayin Psy Master. A Northstar Miniatures Rogue Stars Psionic; Hurugor Hunn - FeyGene gunman. A Phagon with Laser Rifle from eM4; An Trelcher - bodyguard and adventurer. An old RAFM Rifts Scout from the Psi Stalker and Scouts pack. These figures are still available from Palladium's Book Store; Seka Cronnis - Caradavioi gunman from Iordarant. Stargrave bodyparts and head.

Rear View: Left to Right: Master Froon Skulphoh - Hesmayin Psy Master; Hurugor Hunn - FeyGene gunman; An Trelcher - bodyguard and adventurer; Seka Cronnis - Caradavioi gunman from Iordarant.

Left to Right: Joel Haggin and Blair Forran - cold weather gunmen. Frostgrave Barbarians from Northstar bodies, Stargrave arms and weapons, and helmet. The hooded head is possibly from either the Northstar Cultists, or the Barbarian pack; Elissa Morn and Chalindra Mahghanda - cold weather gunwomen. Frostgrave Soldiers II bodies, Stargrave Arms and heads. I was inspired to make an Ice Planet survey or survival team.

Rear View: Left to Right: Joel Haggin and Blair Forran - cold weather gunmen; Elissa Morn and Chalindra Mahghanda - cold weather gunwomen. My Ice Planet survey or survival team.

Left to Right: Lee Garbaldi, Lon Smyran, Ito Atakai, Pru Schnerh - cold weather adventurers. Bodies for Lee, Ito and Pru from Frostgrave's Soldiers II, Lon's body is a Stargrave Mercenary or Crewman. All arms and weapons are from Stargrave Mercenary or Crewman sprues. Ito and Pru's heads are from the Frostgrave Soldiers II sprue, Lon's head is from the Frostgrave Barbarian sprue, while Lee's head is from either the Stargrave Mercenary or Crewman spue.

Rear View: Left to Right: Lee Garbaldi, Lon Smyran, Ito Atakai, Pru Schnerh - cold weather adventurers.

I bought some cheap, plastic shrubs from a Chinese supplier, which turned out to be cheaper than I wanted. But! Then I had a cunning idea. I have a number of round figure bases of various sizes from various manufacturers. I sanded, painted, and flocked these. I then snipped off the spikey end of the shrub stalkes and carefully drilled a hole up the shaft (and yes, I did spike my thumb at one stage), drilled a corresponding hole in the base, and pinned the base and shrub together.

Two more items of Sci-Fi scatter terrain from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range of SciFi customization bits I picked up through a Trademe trade - gas cylinders and ammunition box.

Rear view of the gas cylinders, and the ammo box.

06 April 2022

1 28mm Science Fiction Character rebased, 2 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 1 28mm Creature, 3 28mm Fantasy Demon Cavalry, 6 Duergar

February wasn't a very productive month at all. Too hot, and I was too tired. I did get a few things finished, though.

Officer Stanton Haines - Described as an Adventurer with Hand Laser, I thought he looked more like a cop when I painted him up. I think I picked him up with a couple of Phagons and several other civilians in the late 90's or early 2000's, painted him up a few years ago, and have now rebased him.

Rear view: Officer Stanton Haines. He reminds me a lot of characters from 2000 AD magazine - in particular Judge Dredd - where knee and shoulder pads are essential wearing.

Left to Right: Aeton Uln - Adventurer. Frostgrave Demon Infantry body, and Stargrave arms, head and accessories; D'vok Ene Trall - Assiki Adventurer. Ael Yael figure from the old Grenadier Traveller Alien Races boxed set.

Rear view: Left to Right: Aeton Uln - Adventurer; D'vok Ene Trall - Assiki Adventurer.

I think this figure is from Grenadier's Call of Cthulu range, or perhaps from RAFM, but I can't locate it on the Lost Miniatures wiki. It is some sort of monster, so perfect for an alien pouncer/predator.

This creature vaguely reminds me of the mutants in the ruined city in Andre Norton's novel Starman's Son.

I completed a few more elements for my 28mm HoTT army - The Underdark Alliance. First up, an element of Demon Knights.

The basic horses and rider legs and torsos comes from Northstar's Oathmark Human cavalry. I added demon and cultist heads, and Gnoll weapons into the mix.

The pair of Demon wings is also from Northstar. I was thinking of some of the cavalry from the movie "Wizards" when I thought of adding the wings to the rider.

Duergar Lurkers. Again, Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry. Oathmark is set against a Dark Ages/Late Antiquity technology level, hence bows but no crossbows. I've always thought that tunnel fighters would be better served with crossbows than long bows, due to the flatter trajectory, so I swapped in some crossbow arms from the Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Crew pack.

The facial expressions and other details on these figures are quite exquisite.

Rear view of the Lurkers.

Having completed serveral elements of heavily armed Blade troops, I considered how less well equipped Duergar might be represented. Initially, I was going to go with Horde, as a militia, but then considered even poorly equipped Duergar to be more aggressive than Militia.

So, if not Horde, then Warband. The Dwarf Light Infantry are mostly armed with pole weapons, but by slicing off a longbow and replacing it with a targe from the Oathmark Ghost Archipelago Crew set, I was able to add a close-in axe-and-buckler dwarf to the group.

18 March 2022

1 28mm Science Fiction Character rebased, 5 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 1 28mm Science Fiction Power Core, 1 28mm Creature, 1 28mm Fantasy Stone Giant, 3 28mm Fantasy Duergar, 1 28mm Fantasy Duergar Cannon, 1 28mm Fantasy Duergar Rune Priest

January was hot, and very humid, and I was working as a delivery driver as most productions were delaying their start times due to on-going Covid fears. The delivery job involved a lot of hand-unloading timber and other building supplies and was a lot more physical than I had anticipated. So, with a combination of heat, humidity, and physical exhaustion, I didn't get a lot of painting done in January.

I did rebase this guy - Georg Worshingtan, an Space Merchant from the Cobalt-1 range, previously stocked by Black Hat Miniatures and now stocked by Bridge Miniatures - though I see from a post on the Lead Adventure Forum that the owner of Bridge Miniatures has been very ill and hasn't been in his workshop for nearly a year! That explains why his on-line store has no stock.

The Cobalt-1 range was sculpted by Bob Naismith back in the early 2000's and have a huge amount of detail. The humans are also closer to 32mm than 28mm.

Left to Right: Spam, Frito, Moxie, Pepsi, and Dildo - five Barghanses (inspired by the Boggies of Stye). The Barghanses are a monoculi humanoid species often found living in the lower levels of Hive Worlds. Cowardly, vicious and nasty, they specialise in extortion, blackmail and larceny. Bodies and arms are Wargames Atlantic Halflings, heads are Stargrave crew monoculus heads, weapons are random Science-Fiction weapons I have acquired from various sources.

Rear View: Left to Right: Spam, Frito, Moxie, Pepsi, and Dildo.

Another item - a Power Core - from the sprues from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range of SciFi customization bits I picked up through a Trademe trade.

Another view of the Power Core.

A Tarrax - a delightful Grey Render from Gateway Games. Perfect for both Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Just the sort of primordial force of nature to ruin a character's day.

Size comparison: Left to Right: Tarrax, a Barghanses, Georg Worshingtan.

Continuing with my Alliance of the UnderDark Hordes of the Things project, I added a female Stone Giant as a Behemoth for my Duergar force. I discovered afterwards that Stone Giants in D&D are Neutral, while Duergar are Lawful Evil. Not a deal breaker, but a funny old thing. Apparently, Fire Giants are Lawful Evil, but I'm using the Fire Giant figure I painted up as a 15mm Morgoth.

Stone Giant, rear view.

I spotted this WizKids cannon at Mighty Ape and thought "how cool". I then started assembling Oathmark Dwarves and thought "what they need is a big sod-off cannon". And so it was written and so it came to pass.

The cannon just fitted on the base of the perscribed size, and then I had to fit the crew on the base.

The Duergar with the shovel is from the Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry set. His companion with the green hood, is from the standard Oathmark Dwarf set - he has archer arms, though I cut off the bow and hollowed out the hand so he looks like he's pushing the gun frame. The Dwarf gun captain has a body from the standard Oathmark Dwarf set. The arms are from the Oathmark Dwarf set - originally he had a spear. I cut off the head of the spear and replaced it with a torch from the Frostgrave Female Soldier set, thus making a long-handled flambeau. The Gun Captain is wearing a Dragon-fighting helmet from the Oathmark Dwarf Heavy Infantry set.

Duergar Rune Priest. I was thinking the Duergar needed some sort of spell caster, but Dwarves don't tend to be Magic-Users. In HoTTs priests protect units around them by grounding Magical Attacks, which sounds like just the thing for a Duergar force.

The body, head, and right arm of the Rune Priest, including the hammer, are from the Oathmark Dwarf Light Infantry set. The left arm and staff are from the Frostgrave Wizards II set.

The stones and rocks are from a path in the local reserve.

10 March 2022

Housekeeping 2021

Painting Tally for 2021:
15mm Fantasy
106 Dwarf Infantry15 Dwarf Generals1 Cold Drake1 Blue Dragon2 Lindworms13 High Elf Infantry
6 High Elf Cavalry8 Wood Elf Cavalry32 Rats26 Gnome Infantry6 Gnome Generals2 Gnome Illusionists
4 Dwarf Wizards16 Drow Archers24 Drow Infantry1 Drow General
28mm Fantasy
30 Duergar31 Skeletons30 Drow2 Wizards4 Fliers2 Behemoths
3 Lurkers6 Beasts1 Lurker1 God/Hero2 Driders
28mm Science Fiction
301 Figures
10mm War of the Spanish Succession
56 Cavalry117 Infantry8 Generals
Equipment and Scenery
1 Creature1 Building2 1/1000th Starships6 Scatter Terrain1 28mm Landing Craft2 15mm Gnome Ballista

25 February 2022

1 28mm Science Fiction Character rebased, 12 28mm Fantasy Duergar, 56 10mm War of the Spanish Succession Cavalry, 117 10mm War of the Spanish Succession Infantry, 8 10mm War of the Spanish Succession Generals

At the beginning of December, I suffered an attack of ennui and couldn't be bothered painting anything for a little while. Eventually, I regained my painting mojo by completing some Oathmark Dwarf heavy infantry (which turned up from the UK), and by painting up some more units for my 10mm War of the Spanish Succession project.

Rebased this fine bird - an Avian Alien with Pulse Rifle from CP Models. His name is R'cho Rhook.

I went for a vaguely Rosella look - one of the more colourful bird imports into New Zealand from Australia, and quite common in the Auckland area.

My HoTT Alliance of the UnderDark force continues to grow. Two elements of Duergar Blades (Oathmark Dwarf Heavy Infantry). The heavy armour and full face helmets remind me of descriptions of the Dwarves of Belegost in the Fifth Battle of the Wars of Beleriand, the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, when they held off the dragon, Glaurung.

And two further elements of Duergar.

The four elements together. As HoTT is a fairly abstract system, so these heavy, line-breaker, Duergar are no better or worse than the lighter armed Duergar Blade elements I completed back in November.

Rear view. I quite like the heavy shields.

Rear view of the four elements. With the four elements I completed in November, I probably have enough Duergar Blades. For now.

I ran out of 'thuse for painting 28mm about midway through the month. I had recently finished reading a book on the Army of Savoy in the late 17th Century. This reignited my interest in the War of the Spanish Succession. On my painting desk, in a box, is the balance of the 10mm War of the Spanish Succession figures I bought a couple of years back. With a slight repaint, and the conversion of a couple of troopers into standard bearers, I completed two regiments of Dragoons - Hay's and Wynne's.

Margrave Philip's Regiment of Cuirassiers - a Prussian regiment.

A second Prussian cavalry regiment - Margrave Philip's Liebregiment.

A third Prussian Regiment - Portail's.

Ansbach Regiment - another Prussian Regiment.

Prussian Liebregiment.

A Brigade General - the General figure is from Pendraken's War of the League of Augsburg range. I do like the LoA General figures, but they're closer to 12mm than 10mm.

A second Brigade General.

Two cavalry Brigades on the march.

Churchill's Regiment of Foot. I initially started working on recreating the Allied order of battle for Blenheim, as this is quite well documented. I currently have 19 Regiments of Horse for Blenheim, plus three Prussian Regiments which existed around this time, and which featured later in the conflict. I have finished 28 Regiments of Foot, including Churchill's, for Blenheim, plus an Austrian Regiment that was active in Italy during this period.

Wendt's Regiment of Foot. One of four Austrian Regiments where I have information on both the uniform and the regimental standard. Wendt's Regiment served in Hungary and Northern Italy.

1st Battalion Rantzau's Regiment of Foot. The Hanoverian Von Rantzau's Regiment of Foot fielded two battalions at Blenheim.

1st Battalion, Fynske's Regiment of Foot. A Danish Regiment. The United Provinces employed a number of foreign regiments, including two Danish Brigades at Blenheim.

1st Battalion, Regiment of Foot Prince George. Another Danish Regiment.

2nd Battalion, Regiment of Foot Prince Carl. Yet another Danish Regiment.

Two more Brigade Generals. Again, the Generals are from Pendraken's League of Augsburg range, while their supporters are from Pendraken's War of the Spanish Succession range.

Not a bad result for a month's painting.

04 February 2022

2 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 17 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 1 28mm Science Fiction creature, 1 28mm Science Fiction Street Furniture, 1 28mm Fantasy Drow Magician, 19 Skeletons, 6 Drow, 18 Duergar

Work fired up again mid-November, which put a crimp on my painting time. We were still operating under Level 3 Lockdown protocols which meant long days wearing masks.

The Kiang are a dimunitive alien race in my Traveller campaign. They are dominated by the Kalar-Wi and are used as sepoy-type troops. I have imaged them, using three different figure types, in three different scales. These figures are Tzacol are from Onslaught Miniatures. I removed their staff weapons and added firearms.

Kiang stand about 900mm tall (approximately 3 feet). Here they are with a human adventurer for scale.

John and I have been playing Big Battle Hordes of the Things - where each flank command and the centre command are the equivalent of a standard HoTT army. Hence, I needed to paint up a second Drow Wizard.

This Wizard, and her little Gargoyle friend, were from our collective box of 25mm random fantasy figures from ye olde anciente tymes. The burial chamber is made from some stones I found on a local path.

I added two more elements of Drow Crossbow, also from our collective box of 25mm random fantasy figures from ye olde anciente tymes. Classed as Shooters in HoTT, they are actually quite good, solid troops, plus they have ranged attacks.

For Hordes of the Things, one needs Hordes. For an Evil Drow/UnderDark Alliance, Hordes of Undead seem just the ticket.

I think the bulk of these skeletons are old Citadel or Grenadier Miniatures. Some of the sculpts are very nice - the mounted one in particular. He was missing an arm so I was able to replace it with the sword arm from a Northstar Cultist. The little skeleton standing to the right, at the back, is an old Minifigs Valley of the Four Winds skellie.

Some of these Undead were originally Orcs, just deaded up a bit. The skellie with the spear on the right hand base had lost his original weapon, I replaced it with a plastic spear from a Victrix Saxon sprue I had to hand.

With my Drow force reaching completion, I began to consider a wider Alliance of the UnderDark themed army. As we play Big Battle HoTTs, I decided to add a Duergar command to my force. These figures are Oathmark Dwarf Infantry from Northstar Military Figures and were a lot of fun to assemble.

The shield decals are from Veni Vidi Vici. I found the 10mm diameter decals fitted the Oathmark shields the best, though I had to put a slit in the decal to get it to fit around the shield boss. This build gave me four elements of Blades.

Dwarves aren't reknown as archers, but I wanted to include a couple of elements of Shooters in my Duergar force. For tunnel fighting, crossbows seemed a better fit than longbows.

The arms and crossbows are from the Frostgrave Demon set, while the bodies, heads, etc, are from the Oathmark Dwarf Infantry set.

Left to Right: Tsek'hal Xhun - Precursor Wanderer. Bounty Hunter Enyo from Wargames3D on Etsy - a fascinating figure, though very tall at 32mm; ammo case from Archon Studios; Kephle Chioon and Fal Gos Reen - Irinidi chimeric multi-forms from the Gukir system. Frostgrave Demon bodies and tails, Stargrave arms, CP Models Alien Heads.

Rear View. Left to Right: Tsek'hal Xhun - Precursor Wanderer; ammo case; Kephle Chioon and Fal Gos Reen - Irinidi chimeric multi-forms from the Gukir system.

Left to Right: Glorin Throrsson - Dwarf sniper from Battle Valor Games; Aedan Org - Adventurer and Henchman. Frostgrave Demon Body, Stargrave arms and weapons, Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Crewman head; a Vent Crawler. D&D Figures Iron Cobra; Mauda Attalono - Adventurer and Henchperson. Body, head, and open hand from Frostgrave Wizards II, gunhand from Stargrave Crewmen.

Rear View. Left to Right: Glorin Throrsson - Dwarf sniper; Aedan Org - Adventurer and Henchman; a Vent Crawler; Mauda Attalono - Adventurer and Henchperson.

Left to Right: Bostar - Hominidae trooper. I had used all the Stargrave chimp heads on my initial Hominidae adventurers, and was able to boost crew numbers with a couple of pewter figures from Alternative Armies. Choosing a helmetfacemask style, I've added a couple of troopers, including Bostar, to the Hominidae roster; Likol Batar and Nimo Gualtr - two more Alquanti troopers. Bodies, heads and arms from the Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxed sets; Karlo Sanguano - henchman. Frostgrave Demon body, Stargrave arms, and Victrix Saxon head.

Rear View. Left to Right: Bostar - Hominidae trooper; Likol Batar and Nimo Gualtr - two more Alquanti troopers; Karlo Sanguano - henchman.

Seven Angry (or Deadly) Dwarves. Bodies by Oathmark, arms and weapons from Stargrave.

Rear view of the Seven Deadly Dwarves.

Left to Right: Ori "Snarky" Oinsson, Dori "Stabby" Oinsson, and Nori "Nasty" Thrainsson.

Rear View.

Left to Right: Philanbor "Phil" Gloinsson, Arbak "Aggro" Throrsson, Bifur "Bovva" Grimsson, and Bombur "Boom-boom" Dvalinsson.

Rear View.

Snow Fright and the Seven Angrey Dwarves. Snow Fright is from Hasslefree Miniatures.

31 December 2021

1 Building, 33 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 5 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 12 28mm Fantasy Skeletons

Lockdown in Auckland continued into October (and November), and I continued plugging away at painting and rebasing 28mm figures.

A collection of Adventurers - Left to Right: Toshii Io - Male Exotic from em4 Miniatures. A fun figure that reminds me of a heavily armed Leningrad Cowboy; Akcron Menshan - Merchant Prince or Politician from em4 Miniatures; Constans Murcherson - pistol-armed militiaman from Scotia Grendel; Esser Arnnet and Kolleen Josoon - female adventurer with pistol (SF28), and female crew member (SF26) from Denizen Miniatures.

Rear View: Left to Right: Toshii Io; Akcron Menshan; Constans Murcherson; Esser Arnnet and Kolleen Josoon.

I also made a bit more progress on my Forces of the Underdark HoTT Army - the first of three elements of Hordes.

A second element of Undead Hordes - this element could also be a Horde General.

Third element of Undead Hordes.

The Undead Horde, so far. These figures have been bouncing around our larger wargaming group since the 90's, so I have no idea what range(s) they were originally from.

Two Deimioi from Deimios; Shimek and Fortuuar. Northstar Frostgrave Demon heads, Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago crewman bodies, Stargrave Mercenary arms.

Backpacks and accessories from various kits.

Left to Right: Daithnah Paarshamauthil and Geemish Poulkantaker - two Gauth adventurers. The bodies are from Northstar's Ghost Archipelego Crew box, while the arms, weapons and heads are from the Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxes.

Rear view: Left to Right: Daithnah Paarshamauthil and Geemish Poulkantaker.

I made up a squad of Troopers, possibly from the Essenaro Congress, from the Stargrave Troopers box. 1st Fireteam includes a sniper and the fireteam heavy support gunner.

I opted to make two of the troopers bareheaded. I filed the neck peg of the helmet head down and turned the head into a slung helmet for each of the two troopers.

2nd Fireteam has a missile launcher and team heavy support gunner.

The team leader has a data pad and a light assualt rifle.

The full squad.

Through a Trademe trade, I picked up a couple of sprues of SciFi customization bits that I later discovered were from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range. Left to Right: munitions box, and power module from Archon Studios, D&D Iron Defender, and gun drone from Archon Studios.

Rear View. Only the Iron Defender and the gun drone look any different.

Three more items from Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers range. Left to Right: Haz Waste tank, cryopod, and power module.

Rear view of Haz Waste tank, cryopod and power module.

Left to Right: Ajit osi Khallus - Kalar-Wi sniper. An Old Games Workshop Eldar from the 90's; Vikan Lansu - Auditor and Assassin from Battle Valor Games.

Rear view of the Sniper and the Assassin.

Left to right: Four Dar'bahr - old Chronopia 2336 Stygian Axemen and, no, I have no idea why I bought these - I'm guessing they were end-of-line in a bargain bin.

I decided on white lizards, rather than green or grey. I think they came out rather well.

Left to Right: Phol Nengren - itinerant traveler. Vaelent Goos from Zombiesmith; Mharsha Phenax - Psycher. A Psionicist from Northstar Military Figures; Vhun Shamarathra - Mystic/Martial Artist. A Mystic from Northstar Military Figures; Jhinny Cal Olbo - freelance Mercenary. Body and weapon from a Domari Squad sprue from Warlord Games, head from Northstar's Cultist Sci-Fi Accessory Pack; Lyl Antor - Adventurer; and Jax Natar - Space Pirate. Both figures are from Alternative Armies Space Marine and Adventurers Range.

Rear View: Left to Right: Phol Nengren - itinerant traveler; Mharsha Phenax - Psycher; Vhun Shamarathra - Mystic/Martial Artist; Jhinny Cal Olbo - freelance Mercenary; Lyl Antor - Adventurer; and Jax Natar - Space Pirate.

An industrial building made from recycled packaging and other bits and pieces.

The building is decorated with Gundam transfers.

Darn. Taggers in the future.

09 November 2021

2 Scatter Terrain pieces, 22 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 10 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 1 28mm Drow Behemoth, 2 28mm Drow Fliers, 2 Spaceships, 2 Leucrotta, 2 Alien Creatures

Painting and Rebasing for September. Lockdown continued in Auckland (as it did during October, and into November - sigh) and I pushed on with the painting and rebasing.

I rebased 10 figures this month. Firstly, five Kalar-Wi troopers. These Ventauran figures are from Denizen Miniatures. Lovely figures, closer to true 25mm than 28mm.

And five Characters/Adventurers/Minions. Left to Right: Arfur Fink - Cyberpunk Troll Security Guard - a figure I picked up in the 90's, not sure of the manufacturer; Alistir Gorlob hyphen fFarbes - Nobleman from, I think, em4 Miniatures, though I can't find him on their website; Daytar Jhones - a security officer - the wrap around eyeware was one of my earliest conversions (yay, greenstuff), again he's 25mm and from the 90's and I have no idea who made him; Clay Maybin and Malikie Carston - two gunmen from the Militia with Handguns pack from Scotia Grendel's Urban War range.

Rear view of the five Adventurers/Minions.

A Behemoth for my HoTT Drow Army. The giant spider is from Wargames Atlantic, while the Drow archer is from our collection of miscellaneous, ancient and random Fantasy figures.

The Giant Spiders are fairly frail. I added the archer escort to give me something to pick the base up with.

Another element of fliers. A pair of gargoyles of forgotten origin.

Rear view of the gargoyles. There are lots of lovely little details on these figures.

Type-R Subsidized Merchant Ship. A 1/1000th scale resin model from Foreven Shipyards on Shapeways. I've had this model, and the Free/Far Trader, below, sitting on my desk for about a year. Finally, with Lockdown, I've got around to painting it up.

The hull script is from a set of Drazi decals, and the fin emblems are Kzinti Clan Markings from Jupiter IV.

Free Trader. 1/1000th scale resin model from Foreven Shipyards on Shapeways.

Free Trader, showing ship ID on fin - again, a Drazi script decal from Jupiter IV.

A pair of Leucrotta Dungeons and Dragons figures from Gateway Games. I thought these would paint up nicely as some sort of wildlife for Traveller, or 5 Parsecs.

I looked up the Leucrotta and they're a nasty monster in D&D terms, and even in the original mythology.

Left to Right: Khehersek, Chareserk and Shehereserek - three Cusserskus raiders. These are Northstar Snakemen. I have rearmed them with various firearms from various packs of SciFi weapons I've picked up over the last few years. Khehersek also has a com head set and a computer hand set from one of the other sprues I've been assembling

Rear view: Left to Right: Khehersek, Chareserk and Shehereserek - three Cusserskus raiders.

Chareserk, showing his pulse rifle, and Dr Andov Chorsorovich. Dr Chorsorovich is a pewter Northstar Stargrave character figure and is useful as a "standard height comparison" with other characters.

Left: Magmite from Northstar. I have used this as a Vent Crawler in 5 Parsecs. Right: Reaper Bones Computer Terminal

Rear view of Magmite and Computer Terminal

Dr Chorsorovich compares heights.

Left to Right: Aie'yah Ftaul, Wakhuae' Yu, Easa Faekhoureraohta, and Htou Kauhaew. Four Aslan. The three left hand figures are resin miniatures from Cold War Miniatures. The right hand miniature is a Northstar Miniatures Smuggler

Rear View: Left to Right: Left to Right: Aie'yah Ftaul, Wakhuae' Yu, Easa Faekhoureraohta, and Htou Kauhaew.

Height comparison: Aie'yah Ftaul, Dr Chorsorovich, and Easa Faekhoureraohta.

Left to Right: Gherlach support gunner. The Gherlach are a reptilian Minor race in my Traveller campaign; Oin Thrainsson - Dwarf sniper from Battle Valor Games; Kou'hter - Games Workshop Kroot sniper; Steevhan Kolan - patron and adventurer. I picked this figure up in the 90's and think it may have been from Shadowrun.

Rear View: Left to Right: Gherlach support gunner; Oin Thrainsson - Dwarf sniper; Kou'hter - Kroot sniper; Steevhan Kolan - patron and adventurer.

Height comparison: Dr Chorsorovich compares heights.

Left to Right: Kassandra Morghan - Frostgrave Wizards II body, head and left arm, Stargrave Crew(?) right arm; Filippa Artaan - Infiltrator Agent; Commander Illian Rhorlan - Ground Zero Games Female Crew member SLS-03; Uro Heurasha - Frostgrave Demons body, Frostgrave Wizards II arms, Cultist Sci-Fi Acessory pack hand gun.

Rear View: Left to Right: Kassandra Morghan; Filippa Artaan; Commander Illian Rhorlan; Uro Heurasha.

Left to Right: Two alien creatures - I think they were originally from some Call of Cthulu range, possibly by Grenadier?; Luurha Nun - Phagon with Needler; Ete Oul Jaffan - Reaper Bones Malvernis Soldier.

Rear View: Left to Right: Two alien creatures - I think they were originally from some Call of Cthulu range; Luurha Nun; Ete Oul Jaffan.

Height comparison: Dr Chorsorovich compares heights.

Left to Right: Dr Andov Chorsorovich - Medic; Four Deimioi from Deimios. Left to Right: Guulva - Frostgrave Female Wizard torso, Stargrave Crew or Merc arms, Frostgrave Demon head; Nuurran - Frostgrave Female Wizard torso, Stargrave Crew/Merc arms, Frostgrave Demon head; Hartok - Frostgrave Ghost Archipeligo Crew torso, Stargrave Crew arms rocket launcher, Frostgrave Demon head; and Kharhor - Frostgrave Female Wizard torso, Stargrave Soldier arms, Frostgrave Demon head. All Deimioi carry a large knief as part of their cultural identity.

Rear View: Left to Right: Dr Andov Chorsorovich, Guulva, Nuurran, Hartok and Kharhor.

Left to Right: Lee Jaoh Terraqui - Vehakelai Mercenary. Conversion using a Concord body and a CP Models alien head; three more Lizardmen from Wargames Atlantic. The left one has been re-armed with a pulse pistol from a pack of science fiction weapons, while the right two are armed with AK-47s, straight out of the box.

Rear View: Left to Right: Lee Jaoh Terraqui and three Lizardmen.

Height comparison with Dr Andov Chorsorovich.

Left to Right: Gvaegnogz and Vekourr - two Ouhoow raiders. I think these figures were for the RPG Rifts. I have converted them by adding handguns; Reka Hoursa - Port Official. A PF sculpt of Doseki Mullimbits from Zombiesmith; Brother Loras Garn - a Cultist. A Dark Disciple from back in the day Citadel Miniatures.

Rear View: Left to Right: Gvaegnogz and Vekourr - two Ouhoow raiders; Reka Hoursa - Port Official; Brother Loras Garn - a Cultist.

Height comparison with Dr Andov Chorsorovich.

Liisa Sendo - Adventurer. Denizen Miniatures Adventurer SF28; Fan Wa - Mystic and Assassin, from Northstar; JJ Marsh - Adventurer. Torso from Frostgrave Demons, head from Frostgrave Ghost Achipelago Crew, arms from Stargrave Crew box; Nen Colpi - Caradavioi trooper. Torso, arms and head from the Stargrave Crew or Mercenaries boxes.

Rear View: Liisa Sendo - Adventurer; Fan Wa - Mystic and Assassin; JJ Marsh - Adventurer; Nen Colpi - Caradavioi trooper.

Left to Right: Granny Goodness and Pip - Smuggler and dragonette pet. Rogue Stars Smuggler from Northstar Miniatures; Unsue - porter. From Zombiesmith; Gii Anandan and Friski - security guard with lizard pet. Another member of the Zombiesmith starport crew. The lizard pet is sitting on Gii Anandan's shoulder.

Rear View: Left to Right: Granny Goodness and Pip - Smuggler and dragonette pet; Unsue - porter; Gii Anandan and Friski - security guard with lizard pet.

Height comparison: Dr Chorsorovich compares heights.

26 September 2021

19 28mm Science Fiction Characters rebased, 44 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 1 28mm Drow Behemoth

Painting and Rebasing for August. Half way through August, New Zealand went into Lockdown #5 as Covid-19 emerged in the community again. From being relatively busy, work for me dried up completely. It did give me a bit more time for painting. During August, I also started a project to rebase a bunch of 25mm/28mm Science Fiction figures I painted up back in 2015.

First group of rebased figures from my initial 2015 burst of painting 25/28mm figures. Left to Right: Gheran Lidan - armoured trooper. An Alien Major from CP Models; Dahulan "Dawleen" Beshan - a personality figure from eM4's Spacelords range; Phuamba Phaphuna - Phuamba Phaphuna's people are known as "boomers", evolving from marsh-dwelling hunters they retain the enlarged skull and sinus cavities used by their ancestors to communicate across the pools and meres of their ancestral planet. This figure is the 'Leader of the Hired Guns' from CP Models. I went with the Alien Head option; Anton Grimm - gunman. One of the Militia with Handguns pack from Scotia Grendel's Urban War range.

Rear View, Left to Right: Gheran Lidan - armoured trooper; Dahulan "Dawleen" Beshan; Phuamba Phaphuna; Anton Grimm - gunman.

Left to Right: Ftaeloah Lalihow - Aslan crewman. Finding Aslan in 25/28mm is nearly impossible. While he lacks the mane of an Aslan male, needs must. He's a Lancer Captain from Bombshell Miniatures; Frederick "Frank" Neen - gunman. Another of the Militia with Handguns pack from Scotia Grendel. The reason I originally bought this set was for this guy - the figure that Ed of Two Hour Wargames uses for his main character, Billy Pink; Geen Hastro - Federation Trooper (SF36) from Denizen Miniatures.

Rear View Left to Right: Ftaeloah Lalihow - Aslan crewman; Frederick "Frank" Neen - gunman; Geen Hastro - Federation Trooper.

Left to Right: Randolf Racoon - sidekick from Bomshell Miniatures; Leit tio Hasshan - Kalar-Wi assassin. An old Games Workshop Eldar Scout; 4-Aroah-2 - homonculus engineer. Sidekick called Shrapnel from Bombshell Miniatures.

Rear View Left to Right: Randolf Racoon - sidekick; Leit tio Hasshan - Kalar-Wi assassin; 4-Aroah-2 - homonculus engineer.

Height comparison between Homonculus, Human, Kalar-Wi, Aslan.

Three Gherlach - a reptilian Minor Race from the Klarthur Confederacy in Aemilor Subsector, in my Traveller campaign. The Gherlach are similar to Bwaps, though more aggressive. These are converted old Fantasy Lizardmen, with some Warhammer 40K weapons.

Rear View three Gherlach.

Left to Right: Lloeg Kfuengghoung, Engka Fothoutsue, Ougvorrufozi On - Vargr Raiders. Before the Northstar Gnolls came out for conversion to Vargr, I found these Ar-Men from the Cobalt-1 range, previously at Black Hat Miniatures and now at Bridge Miniatures.

Rear View Left to Right: Lloeg Kfuengghoung, Engka Fothoutsue, Ougvorrufozi On - Vargr Raiders.

Left to Right: Uetho Dhogvurs, Ikhsalun Urruers, and Khaegourroun Kson. Another three Ar-Men/Vargr from Bridge Miniatures.

Rear View Left to Right: Uetho Dhogvurs, Ikhsalun Urruers, and Khaegourroun Kson. These 19 figures completed the first stage of the rebasing project.

Left to Right: Sseenek and Cseresk - two Cusserskus raiders. These are Northstar Snakemen. Cseresk, with his boarding axe, is pretty much straight out of the box. Sseenek has been re-equipped with a gauss gun from one of the packs of SciFi weapons I've picked up over the last few years. The third item is a piece of scatter terrain from Northstar - some sort of locked box with a tablet locking device.

An alternative view of the Cusserskus, and the lock box.

Left to Right: Dezon Coptron - Adventurer. All bodyparts are from Northstar. Body from the Demons box, head from Ghost Archipelago Crew box, arms and weapons from the Stargrave Crew box; Uira Nahguun - Fas'ini Mystic. Again, the body from the Demons box, arms from the Wizards II box, head from the Stargrave Crew box; Antamaman Campramastra - Andromedan Ambassador or Bureaucrat. Figure from Reaper Miniatures; Fandan Shunopia - System Hacker. Body from Northstar's Ghost Archipelago Crew box, arms from the Stargrave Crew box, head from Anvil Industry.

Rear View Left to Right: Dezon Coptron - Adventurer; Uira Nahguun - Fas'ini Mystic; Antamaman Campramastra - Andromedan Ambassador or Bureaucrat; Fandan Shunopia - System Hacker.

Left to Right: Cassia Loussia - Hacker. Northstar metal character figure; Reshan - an Ouhoow trooper. The Ouhoow are Uplifted Caninoids. I think this figure is from an old Rifts Canine pack. I have several other figures of different uplifted dog breeds which came from the same pack; Cabal Atim and Sebro Equar - two Alquanti troopers. Bodies, heads and arms from the Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxed sets.

Rear View Left to Right: Cassia Loussia - Hacker; Reshan - an Ouhoow trooper; Cabal Atim and Sebro Equar - two Alquanti troopers.

Left to Right: Three Seminarians and a Deacon of the Ferenti – the Obeisant Order of Sarrigarisan the Ascendant. Bodies and arms are from the Beyond the Gates of Antares Freeborn Domari sprue, heads are from Anvil Industry Brodie Gladiator Helmets . I think the Deacon's head may have been from the Freeborn Domari sprue.

Rear View Left to Right: Three Seminarians and a Deacon of the Ferenti.

Left to Right: Ferenti Drone, Deacon, and Deacon Specialist. Again, the boadies, arms and weapons are from the Beyond the Gates of Antares Freeborn Domari sprue, heads are from Anvil Industry Female PMC Heads pack.

Rear View Left to Right: Ferenti Drone, Deacon, and Deacon Specialist.

Left to Right: Kadro Galwhen - Adventurer. An Alternative Armies Legionary Prefect; A Flower of Evil - scatter terrain from Alternative Armies; Harul - a Deimioi trooper. Frostgrave Crewman torso, Stargrave Crewman arms and weapon, Frostgrave Demon head; Janto Knurr - Adventurer. Stargrave Mercenary torso, arms and weapons, and head.

Rear View Left to Right: Kadro Galwhen - Adventurer; A Flower of Evil; Harul - a Deimioi trooper; Janto Knurr - Adventurer.

Left to Right: Fin Daphal and Yir Galpi - Caradavioi troopers. Torsos, Arms and Weapons, and Heads from the Stargrave Crew or Mercenaries boxes; Jun Harfi - Caradavioi Adventurer. Northstar metal figure.

Rear View Left to Right: Fin Daphal, Yir Galpi, and Jun Harfi - Caradavioi Adventurers.

Left to Right: Pal Hassing - Adventurer. CP Models' Hawkes from their Scum and Smugglers range; Lowjohl - Miujhale Psyker. Psyker from North Stars Rogue Stars range; Attila le Gros - Uplifted Porcine trader. CP Models' Plutt from their Scum and Smugglers range; scatter terrain from North Star's Stargrave range.

Rear View Left to Right: Pal Hassing - Adventurer; Lowjohl - Miujhale Psyker; Attila le Gros - Uplifted Porcine trader; scatter terrain from North Star's Stargrave range.

Left to Right: Maur Takau, Shindo Shoulon, Oda Nawan Undoora - three Psykic Warriors. Battle Valor Games Space Knights. I replaced their metal light sabres with plastic rod. Shindo's facial expression cracks me up, he seems to be giving Oda Nawan the side-eye.

Rear View Left to Right: Maur Takau, Shindo Shoulon, Oda Nawan Undoora - three Psykic Warriors.

Left to Right: Ardo Acker - Psykic Warrior. A Psi Paladin from Alternative Armies; Mhark Fhirm - Psykic Warrior-Apprentice. Battle Valor Games Space Knight. I replaced the Psykic Warriors' metal light sabres with plastic rod.

Rear View Left to Right: Ardo Acker - Psykic Warrior; Mhark Fhirm - Psykic Warrior-Apprentice.

Left to Right: Osiralan Clade Hegemonising Swarm Combat Units. Asterian Cypher Troops from Mantic Games.

Rear View Left to Right: Osiralan Clade Hegemonising Swarm Combat Units.

Left to Right: A second squad of Osiralan Clade Hegemonising Swarm Combat Units. Asterian Cypher Troops from Mantic Games.

Rear View Left to Right: Osiralan Clade Hegemonising Swarm Combat Units.

Osiralan Clade Hegemonising Swarm Combat Units. The full Combat Swarm.

17 September 2021

29 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 3 Scatter Objectives, 3 28mm Drow Beasts, 6 28mm Fantasy Drow Infantry, 3 28mm Drow Sneakers

Painting results for July.

Continuing work on my 28mm Drow HoTT Army, I finished off a second element of Beasts. Again, the figures are from Wargames Atlantic's Giant Spider boxed set.

I also completed another two elements of Drow Blades. Again, these figures are some 25mm Fantasy Elves that have been kicking around in various spares boxes for years. The shields are from Battle Valor Games.

Originally, I was going to use the middle figure - a Reaper Miniatures Half-Elf Rogue - as a Drow Hero, but having decided to use the Spider Queen as a Hero, I opted to use the Rogue as a Sneaker. As Sneakers are describe as being, amongst other things, wandering heirs to lost thrones, it seemed logical to give my Sneaker an entourage of a Standard Bearer and a Trumpeter. The Standard Bearer and Trumpeter are also from the collection of old 25mm Fantasy figures - there's quite a height difference between 25mm and leggy 28mm.

Three pieces of scatter terrain, either objectives or loot. A box of grenades, a computer terminal, and an old generator. The grenade box is from Northstar - I got mine as part of the Stargrave Nickstarter, and the computer terminal and generator are from Reaper Miniatures.

As the premise for Stargrave is exploring the ruins of a collapsing interstellar society, I painted the terminal and generator as if they had been abandoned in a shattered city.

Number 3 Space Spider - an Aramba'hkkt, a variant of the Angon - a zero-G dwelling arachnoid species in my Traveller Universe. From Wargames Atlantic's Giant Spider boxed set.

Rekk Vo and Naroo Ta, two Muridaen from Norvegia. Originally, these were Fantasy ratmen and have been kicking around in my bitz box since forever.

I had started converting them in 2015 and then put them to one side. This month, I added two proper handguns from my stash to replace the half-arsed wire and plastercine efforts I had attempted back in 2015. They came out rather well, I think.

Left to Right: Jokko Ai - a Hent from CP Models; Neeana Attero - I think this might be an old 90's Rift Wars figure. She's definitely true-25mm rather than 28mm, and is armed with a handgun and some sort of fighting claw on her left hand; Haakon Throrsson - a Dwarf sniper.

Rear view, Left to Right: Jokko Ai - a Hent; Neena Attero - Baseline Human; Haakon Throrsson - Dwarf sniper.

Hominidae crew from Panus.

Left to Right: Hanno, Himilcar and Captain Cornelius. Figures assembled from North Star's Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxes.

Rear view, Left to Right: Hanno, Himilcar and Captain Cornelius.

Left to Right: Hasdrubel and Phameas. As there were only four hominid heads in the figure boxes, I decided that I would bulk out the Hominidae with heads with full face masks.

Rear view, Left to Right: Hasdrubel and Phameas.

Left to Right: Sophonisba, navigator and computer expert, and Bomilcar. Figures from Alternative Armies.

Rear view, Left to Right: Sophonisba, navigator and computer expert, and Bomilcar.

Height comparison of the various adventurers.

Left to Right: Essuhral Ta Quarrith - Uvarri Sniper from CP Models; Pa vHuuti - Yanshen thuggee from Northstar; Shunan Shuur - Aeitan Mercenary. Conversion using a Concord body and a CP Models alien head.

Rear view, Left to Right: Uvarri Sniper, Yanshen thuggee, and Aeitan Mercenary.

Left to Right: Zingra Fallax - a Callipii Sniper; Kanto hai Galpan - Kalar-Wi Sniper. An old Games Workshop Eldar or Harlequin I picked up sometime in the 90's; Ellan Lanfair - adventurer. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think this figure came from Ground Zero Games; Resso Farlan - a hunter. Another old Games Workshop ganger from the 90's.

Rear view, Left to Right: Zingra Fallax, Kanto hai Galpan, Ellan Lanfair, and Resso Farlan and friend.

Left to Right: Kokluha Piothiokitaaf and Nadah Phlavuduatker - two Gauth adventurers. The bodies are from Northstar's Ghost Archipelego Crew box, while the arms, weapons and heads are from the Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxes.

Rear view, Left to Right: Kokluha Piothiokitaaf and Nadah Phlavuduatker.

Left to Right: Jhon Kolpei and Beidan Vex - guns for hire. Bodies are from Northstar's Demon Infantry box, heads are from the Ghost Archipelego Crew box, arms and weapons are from the Stargrave Crew and Mercenaries boxes.

Rear view, Left to Right: Jhon Kolpei and Beidan Vex.

Left to Right: Tham Zdihmisa and Lihdhugh Pekerehyrininih - two Kihyri raiders. The Kihyri bodies are Northstar Cultists, arms and weapons are from the Stargrave Crew or Mercenaries boxes. The heads are from the Oathmark Elf Infantry set.

Rear view, Left to Right: Tham Zdihmisa and Lihdhugh Pekerehyrininih. Lihdhugh's belt bag and gear is from my Kroot bits box.

Left to Right: Dihran Yimolihnd, Dedhonih Bimihnehn, and Ryi Pehyrir - three Kihyri raiders. The Kihyri bodies are Northstar Cultists, arms and weapons are from the Stargrave Crew or Mercenaries boxes, while Ryi Pehyrir is armed with the heavy machine gun from the Cultist Sci Fi pack. The heads are from the Oathmark Elf Infantry set.

Rear view, Left to Right: Dihran Yimolihnd, Dedhonih Bimihnehn, and Ryi Pehyrir - three Kihyri raiders.

The Kihyri raiding party.

22 August 2021

29 28mm Science Fiction Characters, 1 28mm Science Fiction Lander, 6 28mm Fantasy Drow Infantry, 1 28mm Fantasy Drow Lurker

Life quietened down a bit in June, and I was able to make a bit of progress on both my HoTT and Sci Fi projects.

Fossicking around on the Internet, as you do, I accidently discovered these Desert Scrappers from Wargames3D. Left to Right: Aoun, Kelki, and Beezu.

A bit more expensive than I wanted to pay, but the postage was less expensive than other Etsey sellers.

The Desert Scappers are fun little figures, and I'm glad I bought them. An Andralassian Hegemony Strike Force trooper gives an idea how small the Scrappers are.

Left to Right: Anylea Gorsh, Noblewoman or Agent from Battle Valor Games; Hortak Shun, henchman (I think he was an assassin or pickpocket - I replaced the mace in his right hand with a pistol); Thalenia Edunorikk, Adventuress; fusion power source, scatter objective (converted from a Concord Strike Squad Heavy Drone weapons pod).

Rear view of the characters.

Squad of Liatarnian Paramilitary Security Troopers. Essentially Space Goblins, these were fun figures to paint.

Given that they're Paramilitary Security, rather than combat troops, I decided that their uniforms were designed more for visability than camouflage - and they look rather natty in their off-white spats.

The Liatarnian Security Troopers needed some backup, so I painted up a small Concord Strike Squad drone as support.

Left to Right: Phuamba Phuun - a CP Models Hired Gun with Alien Head; Arti Hin Pallo - a Dhalquinii Psychic; Dirso Berlu, a Spaeten trooper - conversion using a Concord Strike Squad body and a Spaeten head; Phuamba Phuneau - a CP Models Hired Gun with Alien Head. Phuamba Phuneau and Phuamba Phuun's people are known as "boomers", evolving from marsh-dwelling hunters they retain the enlarged skull and sinus cavities used by their ancestors to communicate across the pools and meres of their ancestral planet.

Rear view of the crew.

Three Andralassian Hegemony Strike Force troopers, with light drone support. The right hand trooper is carrying the squad support weapon. As I have noted elsewhere, the Andralassian Hegemony and the Essenaro Congress are currently in a state of Cold War.

Rare view of the Strike Force troopers.

Three more Andralassian Troopers, including the squad NCO.

Rear view. The original figures - Warlord Games Concord Strike Squad - have limited poseability, and their arms and weapons are a real pain to attach to the torsoes.

The full squad with support drone.

The Essenaro Congress Marine Squad. The Dwarf sniper is AWOL.

The Phuamba Phratry, so far. Within Shophunumba - "Boomer" - society, individuals are known by a phratry name and a given name. The Phuamba Phratry was one of a number of phyle exiled from Oshumamba after the Consolidation of Sarasumama overturned the more liberal Harmony of Onshasumoa.

Left to Right: Sai Kesso - Vengi Mystic, one of my first Northstar assemblies. Body from the Frostgrave Demons set, arms from the Frostgrave Wizards II set, head from CP Models Mixed Alien Heads I pack, handgun also from CP Models; Gardo Gorn - Formorian Raider from Alternative Armies; Argrue - Uplifted caninoid brawler - old Rifts figure with added laz pistol; Enock Glum - reluctant henchman - old Fantasy peasant billman, upgunned with a laz gun.

Rear view of the crew. Sai Kesso, on left, has a satchel which also come from the Northstar Wizards II set. I love the detailing of the equipment on the back of Gardo Gorn, the Formorian Raider (second from left).

Crew photobombed by passing freelance drone.

Left to Right: Three more Lizardmen from Wargames Atlantic. I rearmed the left hand one with a gauss rifle (from a CP Models accessory pack), while the middle one has a pistol (also from CP Models). The center Lizardman has a flute-like object in his left hand so I decided it was some sort of Lizardman medical device. The right hand Lizardman has an AK-47, straight out of the box.

The various pouches and accessories are from the Lizardman sprue box.

Four Deimioi from Deimios. Left to Right: Gussav - a soldier or soldier-Mystic, Frostgrave Crewman torso, Stargrave Merc gun arm, Frostgrave Female Wizard left arm, Frostgrave Demon head; Nuun - a Hacker, Frostgrave Female Wizard torso and arms, Cultist Upgrade handgun, Frostgrave Demon head; Grimtok - a Captain, Frostgrave Female Wizard torso, Stargrave Crew arms and handguns, Frostgrave Demon head; and Norhl - a Grinder or Mechanic, Frostgrave Female Wizard torso, Stargrave Soldier gunarm, Stargrave Crewman tool arm, Frostgrave Demon head. All Deimioi carry a large knief as part of their cultural identity.

Rear view of the Deimioi, showing various accessories.

Various other accessories.

A second Aramba'hkkt, a variant of the Angon - a zero-G dwelling arachnoid species in my Traveller Universe. The figure is from Wargames Atlantic and also was a right pain to assemble. Requiring more antigravity and swearing.

This Aramba'hkkt has a cybernetic foreleg.

While a spaceship isn't essential to play either 5 Parsecs from Home or Stargrave, I have seen some cool ships on the various FB Hobby pages. I managed to pick up this Tau lander second hand, finished painting it up, and fixed its landing gear. This is the Malvoisin-B, the lander for the KPC ARCShip Malvoisin.

Lizardman and Lander to give an idea of scale. The Lander could probably carry a crew of around 10 humanoids, but would be pretty cramped for any long distanced travel.

As I'm thinking about 5 Parsecs and Stargrave, I'm thinking that the "ship" that appears on-table might only be a shuttle. The actual "ship" remains in orbit and is much larger - I'm thinking like the Guild Heighliners from Dune, or the Light Huggers from Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space series. I'm toying with the term "KPC ARC ship" to describe the Interstellar ship, for "Kiloparsec (1,000 parsec) Arc ship", an indication of the ship's range - I like the idea of a larger sandbox setting, but I also want Faster Than Light travel. I found a map of the galaxy from some on-line video game which looks kind of cool as a backdrop, and I've dug out my copy of the old Space Opera RPG which has interesting ideas on Space Opera-type FTL.

The lander model had been rigged for flight, though was missing a landing skid. I managed to free the other skids and pack them out into landing position, and then built a replacement skid out of plastic card. Once painted, I think it ended up being a pretty close match.

And in other painting news, I also managed to knock out two elements of Drow for my 28mm Hordes of the Things project, though given the lag time between painting these figures and updating this blog I have already used these figures in a few games with John. One element of Blades and a Blade General element.

I also completed a Drow Lurker - a Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider. This is the Fantasy version of the Science Fiction Spiders I have been assembling.

The web over the tree is a mixture of nylon thread and hot glue strands. The wrapped up victims are from the spider sprues.

03 August 2021

8 28mm Science Fiction Characters

May was a pretty busy month, workwise, which impacted on my painting output. I managed to struggle through a few more 28mm Science Fiction figures and, I seem to recall, my copy of Stargrave and the figure boxes I bought during the Stargrave Nickstarter arrived. Much to look forward to, when I get some time.

Left to Right: Augustus "Gus" Pierrot - a Battle Valor Games Captain; Gaba Thun and Lazalus "Lazgun" Geirrot - two old Games Workshop gangers from the 1990's (?).

Both the gangers wear some sort of light body armour, while Captain Pierrot might just have a standard leather vest.

Large drone from the Concord Strike Squad.

Rear view of the large drone. It appears to be armed with some sort of heavy railgun and a tri-lense beam weapon.

Large drone with Andralassian Hegemony Strike Force trooper.

Four Andralassian Hegemony Strike Force troopers. A state of Cold War currently exists between the Andralassian Hegemony and the Essenaro Congress, with Hegemony Strike Force teams and Essenaro Congress Marines attempting to dominate various systems.

Rear view of the Hegemony Strike Force. These are quite nice figures, but the arms and weapon assembly are quite fiddley.

25 July 2021

14 Dwarves, 19 28mm Science Fiction Characters

During April I finished off the last of the Khurasan Miniatures Dwarves I had been working on, as well as pushed on with my 28mm Science Fiction Characters painting project.

Dwarf Regiment Number 4. As with the earlier regiments, I placed the Leidang figures, with their mattocks and maces, on the ends of the lines of Hird and Huscarl axemen.

I carried on the shield pattern I had used for the earlier regiments, inspired by pictures of viking shields I had seen.

With the completion of these Dwarves, I decided to take a bit of a break from 15mm and concentrate on my 25/28mm Science Fiction figures.

Another crew - Left to Right: Pterech Who - Uhul with laser cannon from Alternative Armies; Agent Chrystin Huuym - Betrayer Alpha IA152 from Alternative Armies; Shan Trevain - possibly from Ground Zero Games - he's closer to 25mm in size.

Left to Right: Phuamba Phanua - a Zombiesmith A7D12 Random Alien. Phuamba Phanua's people are known as "boomers", evolving from marsh-dwelling hunters they retain the enlarged skull and sinus cavities used by their ancestors to communicate across the pools and meres of their ancestral planet. Phuamba Phanua prefers Hawai'ian style shirts; Kre'tchir - a Games Workshop Kroot sniper. I clipped the barrel hook off the rifle. I think the shoulder pad is from CP Models, though I can't find them, currently, on their website.

Back view left to right: Pterech Who the Uhul - details of his laser cannon back rig; Agent Chrystin Huuym - she is described as wearing a cloak - it appears to be a trench coat and she, awkwardly, has one arm through it, holding the Maia 9.6mm pistol; Shan Trevain - I think this guy is a mercenary or adventurer, unfortunately, the current Ground Zero Games website has few photos in the 25mm Stargrunt range. He's still a nice figure, though.

Back view left to right: Phuamba Phanua and his Hawai'ian shirt; Kre'tchir - Kroot sniper with his kitbag and cutlery set.

Front view - the Crew.

Rear view - the Crew.

Left to Right: Marieanne N'komo - a Hasslefree Miniatures Galactic Trader. Apparently, she's 32mm tall, so that gives you an idea how tall the droids are. I'm still not completely sure about the sword - I'm tempted to replace the sword with a light sabre; a pair of Combots from the Ganesha Games SciFi range, hosted by Alternative Armies. The Combots reminded me a little of the combat droids from Star Wars, so I painted them up as "Clankers".

Marieanne N'komo and the Clankers.

Two Combat drones from the Essenaro Congress Marines - these are Warhammer 40K T'au drones I picked up at a Bring 'n' Buy some years ago, but I can't work out if they're still available from Games Workshop.

I do like these drones - there's a nice design esthetic about them, though I've always wondered about the sticky out thing on the top.

Three Essenaro Congress Marines: Left to Right - Carso Harlo, a Spaeten trooper; Sergeant Jhil Dhearon, a Hasslefree Power Armoured marine; Ivar Ingleson, a Battle Valor Games Dwarf Rifleman/sniper.

Rear view: Sergeant Dhearon has some sort of armour-cracking, monofiliment bladed, space axe for dealing with enemy power armour, droids and cyborgs.

All the Marines wear the Essenaro Congress blazon on their shoulder rigs.

Space Spider! Aramba'hkkt, a variant on the Angon - a zero-G dwelling arachnoid species in my Traveller Universe. The figure is from Wargames Atlantic and was a right pain to assemble. Requiring much antigravity and swearing.

Aramba'hkkt has a cyber control interface on her left forward claw. The facial optical array extends her vision up into the ultraviolet.

Marieanne N'komo and Aramba'hkkt. Angons are not small creatures.

Another five members of my Vargr crew. These started off as Northstar Gnolls with the addition of, mostly, Frostgrave Cultist SciFi Accessory fire arms. There are a couple of handguns and a beamer from other sources. The third Vargr from the left is holding a scratch-built datapad, while the fourth Vargr from the left is another member the Group Unity Teaching path, or Cult.

Again, I raided my Kroot bitz stash for suitable accessories for my Vargr. Also, again, all these Vargr wear the Serpent insignia of their ship on their crew jackets.

Quite the motley crew!

24 June 2021

46 Dwarves, 4 Dwarf Generals, 3 28mm Beasts, 2 28mm Fliers, 2 28mm Driders, 1 28mm Wizard, 1 28mm God/Hero, 32 28mm Science Fiction Characters

During March I managed to finish off a bunch of figures I'd had sitting around for a while, pushed on with my 28mm Drow for HoTT, and completed more 28mm Science Fiction figures for Stargrave, 5 Parsecs from Home, or 5150.

Back in 2018 I picked up a Dwarf Yuletide Force from Khurasan Miniatures' Dwarven Kingdoms range. I painted up the archers, initially, in early 2019 and was a little disappointed with them.

The shields are cast separately for most of the figures. I mixed the Huscarls, Hird, and Leidang packs together which gave me sufficient figures to make up four regiments.

These Dwarves are taller than my Battle Valor Games Dwarves, and slimmer.

Second Regiment. The Huscarls and Hird are all axe-armed while the Leidang are armed with a mix of swords, maces, and spears. The swordsmen make good officers while the spear and macemen could be converted to standard bearers.

The standards were downloaded from the Internet (search "Dwarf Banners") and come from various computer games, Games Workshop-inspired sites and fan sites.

Third Regiment. The shields were inspired by illustrations of Viking-age shield patterns.

Rear of 3rd Regiment. The 4th Regiment was still unfinished at the end of March.

The Command set had two officers - one a King which I didn't notice until too late, two standard bearers, and two musicians. I had a few armoured axemen left over, so they were added as bodyguards.

It was only after I had based the figures that I realised I had stuck the Dwarf King on the Sub-commander's base. D'oh!

The Dwarf Brigade so far.

Work continued on my 28mm Hordes of the Things Army with an element of Beasts. These are from the Wargames Atlantic Giant Spider set.

An element of Fliers - I think these may be old Grenadier gargoyle figures. I found them lurking in a box of old Fantasy figures, dating back to the 1980s.

Even after all these years, these are still very nice figures.

For Knights or Riders, nothing seemed more appropriate for Drow than Driders. Drow/Giant Spider hybrids, Driders are one of those AD&D creations that make you go "ick".

The Driders are from Reaper Miniatures' Bones range - ie plastic. I replaced the swordsman's shield with a Delvian Spider hoplon from Battle Valor Games. The archer is pretty much as supplied.

Drow Sorcerer. Another Reaper Bones miniature - in this case a Dark Elf Queen. The standing stones are actual rocks from a path in the local reserve.

The "ancient paving" was made by spreading some pollyfilla on the base and marking out flagstones before the pollyfilla dried.

A suitable God for Drow would be, of course, Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pits. This figure is also from Reaper Miniatures Bones range.

The figure is so large, I had to come up with a way to fit it on a base with a 60mm frontage. I eventually built a crag for Lolth to climb down.

Lolth and the Drow Sorcerer. Gods are rather erratic under Hordes of the Things. During a game day with John, I tried using Lolth as a Hero, which worked better, until he successfully Ensorcelled my Hero with his Wizard.

And another batch of 28mm Science Fiction Characters:

Left to Right: Zane Murcherson - a Ground Zero Games soldier. I added the assault rifle; Xerea Oolan - a Camshesha Hacker - and Ido Mechanan - an Explorer. Two Rogue Stars Explorers; Egoin Eshelaan - a Sleiti from Hasslefree Miniatures

Rear view. Egoin Eshelaan, far right, is armed with a symbiotic bioweapon that sustains itself from his nervous and circulatory systems.

Left to Right: Hrathak and Hruther - a pair of Zygs from Battle Valor Games; Dazh and Arim - a pair of Saimir adventurers from CP Models.

The Zygs are partially armoured 4-peds. Given the retro backpacks/fuel tanks they are wearing, it seems they are armed with either flamers or plasma/fusion guns. The two Saimirs are from CP Models Scum and Smugglers range and are probably ethically fluid in their outlook.

Left to Right: Ebbi, Dulch, and Vytack - three Lorani troopers in the Essenaro Congress Marines. Figures from Battle Valor Games. Of the several possible heads, I liked these beaky bird ones the best.

The Lorani troopers appear to be armed with projectile weapons, so I assume the large backpack tanks are either for hostile atmosphere use, or to carry their lunch.

Left to Right: Three more Vargr crewmen - Northstar Frostgrave Gnolls with Northstar Cultist Scifi Accessories to, well, SciFi them up a bit. The center Vargr belongs to a Teaching Path, or Cult, that emphasises the unity of the group over the isolation of the individual. He also has a set of Kroot grenades - known as Bangballs.

Again, all these Vargr wear a Snake-like ship patch on their vests. Both the center and right hand Vargr have Kroot knife-sets, while the center Vargr also has Kroot shoulder guards.

Left to Right: Three Lizardmen from Wargames Atlantic. I equiped these Lizardmen with more modern weapons - a gauss rifle for the Lizardman on the left, a pistol for the Lizardman in the center, and an AK47, straight out of the box, for the Lizardman on the right. The fourth figure, on the right, is a Sligg from Reaper Miniatures.

The Lizardmen have been equipped with various accessories - a belt pouch, a Kroot grenade and armour plate combo, and an ammo pouch. The Sligg is straight out of the box.

14 June 2021

32 Rats, 8 Wood Elf Light Horse, 6 High Elf Cavalry, 13 High Elf Foot, 48 Dwarf Foot, 2 Lindworms, 1 Blue Dragon, 1 Cold Drake, 12 28mm Drow, 14 28mm Science Fiction Characters

After splitting my Modeling log so it was less picture-heavy, and would load faster, I finally took some photos of my painting efforts for February.

After a fun day playing Hordes of the Things with my friend John, he passed on some old 25/28mm scale Fantasy figures he had sitting around in a box. The figures are Dark Elves, or Drow (in AD&D terms), and probably date from the late 80s or very early 90s. They are possibly from Citadel, and have bounced around between various members of our gaming group ever since.

I repainted and rebased the Dark Elves/Drow as Shooters for Hordes of the Things, adding spider-embossed bucklers which are actually hoplon sized shields from Battle Valor Games' 15/18mm Delvian range.

I tend to use Citadel paints as they are convenient, readily available, and have a pretty good colour selection. I particularly like this Phoenician Purple (one of the few non-bonkers Citadel paint names) I partnered with some basic black for a Drowish look.

Shooters in Hordes of the Things are also pretty good close combat troops, so it seemed like a good idea to equip them with bucklers.

These 10mm Pendraken Ratmen are from their old Fantasy range. The figures are actually closer to 12mm. They have been sitting on my painting table for a year or so and I finally finished them off.

I had found that these League of Ratsburg figures arctually scale pretty well with Battle Valor Games 15/18mm Vermians I painted up in March 2019, and wrote about in July 2019.

I had never been entirely happy with the Wood Elf cavalry I ended up painting a while back. While my Wood Elf infantry were from Eureka Miniatures, they are closer to 20mm scale and their cavalry is correspondingly larger than 15/18mm scale. Eventually, I bit the bullet and bought some Eureka Wood Elf Cavalry, enough to make two units of light horse.

I do like these figures - they're in quite dynamic poses.

I added a couple of lancers to double as unit ensigns.

This unit of High Elf lancers is also from Eureka Miniatures - the Elves of the Lofty Spire range.

The Elves in march column. I'm fascinated by the glaive-like, or naginata-like, "lance" these guys are armed with. If the weapon is, in fact, a naginata, it could suggest that these Elvish cavalry would be more inclined to fight in a loose formation to give them room to wield their weapon.

Archers from the Elves of the Lofty Spire range. The heraldry and uniform colours indicate that these Archers are from the same clan or domain as the Lancers.

A chap on the Facebook 15mm Fantasy page has established a boutique miniatures company, Khadrin's Miniatures. He displayed greens of some figures he was commissioning and then ran a Kickstarter campaign to bring his line of Dwarves to market. I liked the look of them and bought enough to make up four units.

The Dwarves come in packs of spearmen, hammer men, and axemen - each with their own shield heraldry. The Command pack seems to be unavailable at the moment. As the shields are cast separately (except on the command figures), I chose to mix and match them, and then mix the figures in each unit. I also decided that the units would have clan colours, while the shield heraldry would indicate the caste of the clan member within the unit.

The Red and Grey regiments were the first two units I completed.

The Green and Blue regiments were the final two units of the project. Some of the spear-armed dwarves actually have their spears and hands cast separately. This allows for a more dynamic figure pose.

Green Regiment.

Amongst the musicians in the command pack was a bagpiper! He makes the Green Regiment even more fearsome!

The Blue Regiment.

The entire Division. Size-wise, Khadrin's Dwarves match well with both Battle Valor Games and Ral Partha Europe's Demonworld ranges.

Lindworm, lindworm,
Eating the Marigolds ...

With apologies to Danny Kaye. The Lindworm comes from that class of medieval mythical creatures which makes you wonder what sort of mushrooms went into the breakfast omelette at the monestery.

Described as "dragons without wings", "they do not walk on their two limbs like a wyvern, but move like a mole lizard: they slither like a snake and use their arms for traction". Apparently, Lindworms also eat cows.

The Lindworms are from Alternative Armies and come in packs of two. In manuscripts, some Lindworms are green and some are white.

I'm quite pleased with how the white Lindworm came out. I experimented with various shades of white and Karak Stone.

Not quite sure what I'll use the Lindworms for (they're cool models, though), though some sort of behemoth or linebreaker might be an option.

As part of my on-going quest to find excellent dragons, I discovered Ral Partha Legacy. This is a 25mm scale Blue Dragon and a Tom Meier sculpt. It reminds me a little of the Hydra and Wyvern from Alternative Armies - details around the mouth and teeth, and the way the neck curves.

Blue Dragons in AD&D have electrical attacks which is something a little different from your traditional fire-breathing dragon.

Here, some 15mm Dwarves battle a 25mm Dragon - the scale seems to match well.

As part of the same order from Ral Partha Legacy, I picked up a Cold Drake. Another Tom Meier sculpt, I tried to make the base look as if something cold had passed over it, freezing the plants.

Cold Drakes, or White Dragons, are the least intelligent of the dragon species in AD&D and tend to use Cold attacks.

A few years ago, I started collecting and painting 28mm Science Fiction figures, intending to use them for Traveller table top games, or Science Fiction Skirmish games such as 5150. Around that time, I had some vague plans of playing Rogue Stars, a skirmish game from Osprey Publishing.

And then time passed.

Around the beginning of 2021 I became aware of the growing buzz around a game called Stargrave by Joseph McCullough. I was aware of, but had never played, his earlier game - Frostgrave - and had been wondering for a while if I could convert the North Star Frostgrave Gnolls into Traveller Vargr.

While waiting for the Nickstarter and Stargrave rule book to arrive, I dug out some of my old 28mm SciFi stash and finished them off.

Left to Right: Illya the Mechanic - a Reaper Bones Chronotechnician; Captain Oleg Sebastianovich - a Cobalt-1 character; Latka, his daughter - a Ground Zero Games Cybertech Bounty Hunter; and Guurta Mung - a Phagon mercenary.

Rear view - the Reaper Bones and the Cobalt-1 figures are definitely 28mm, while the Ground Zero Games and Phagon figures are closer to true 25mm. I'm not a huge fan of the Reaper Bones figures - the price is right, but the detail always seems a bit soft. They paint up nicely, though.

Left to Right: Leeanna the Pyschic - a Hasslefree Thaumaturge; Nek'ka Reb - a Ground Zero Games Phalon trooper; Phuamba Phey - a Zombiesmith A7D12 Random Alien. Phuamba Phey's people are known as "boomers", evolving from marsh-dwelling hunters they retain the enlarged skull and sinus cavities used by their ancestors to communicate across the pools and meres of their ancestral planet; Ojana Ormana - a Hasslefree character. He reminds me a little of 'The Dude' from 'The Big Lebowski'. Ojana Ormana is a demi-human, hence his blue/grey skin.

Rear view of the above. The orange-headed alien was sculpted by a French miniatures sculptor known as 'PF'. He produced figures for a number of companies, in both 15mm and 25/28mm, so it is sometimes difficult to track down which catalog a particular figure appears in.

Left to Right: Kra'tchapa - a Games Workshop Kroot; Engenia Apramastra - a Reaper Miniatures Andromedan Hunter; Dolmar Gna - a Reaper Miniatures space henchman; Cath Canchari - a Reaper Miniatures Jessica Blaze, Smuggler.

Rear view of the above. I added the shoulder strap to Engenia's rifle - the strap is actually from the bag of bitz that came with the packet of Kroot I bought at a bring-and-buy sale.

And finally, two Vargr for Traveller. They are Frostgrave Gnolls from Northstar with weapons from the Northstar Cultists SciFi Conversion pack.

I also added some extra bits from the Kroot bag o' bitz I mentioned above, such as the shoulder guards and grenade/charge belt on the right hand Vargr and axe and bone souvenir on the left hand Vargr.

Both Vargr are in the same crew and wear a ship's logo (a serpent) on the backs of their jackets.

07 May 2021

2 Gnome Ballista, 26 Gnome Infantry, 6 Gnome Generals, 2 Gnome Illusionists, 11 Dwarf Generals, 4 Dwarf Wizards, 16 Drow Archers, 24 Drow Infantry, 1 Drow General

Work slowed down, post Christmas, and I was able to finish my Gnome Division project, finish off the last Battle Valor Games Dwarves I had to hand, as well as make a start on some Delvians/Drow. Painting results for January:

AD&D Gnomes are described as technically adept. These Peter Pig Dwarves I'm using as Gnomes have a rather nice ballista as an artillery piece, so I painted up a pair to give my Gnome division some fire support.

Battery ready to fire.

Gnome Captain (round base), Gnome General (square base), and Gnome Illusionist (with escort). The Illusionist started off as an infrantryman, but I removed his hammer and opened his hand out so he is gesturing arcanely.

And the final regiment of Gnome Infantry.

I quite enjoyed painting up my Gnomes. While there is a limited number of poses, by mixing the contents of several packs together, I felt I could make each regiment slightly different.

The Gnome Brigade in all its glory.

Right flank - two regiments of foot supporting a battery of ballistas and an Illusionist.

Left flank - two regiments of foot supporting the Gnome General, a Gnome Hero, and a regiment of skirmishers.

Dwarf General and two companions - all figures from Battle Valor Games' Dwarian Character Pack.

The shield maidens were equipped with spare shields.

Another Dwarian/Dwarf General. Again, all figures from Battle Valor Games.

Finishing off these figures allowed me to pretty much complete my Dwarf army - at least the Battle Valor Games part of it.

The bronze ram's head on a green field has become something of a house symbol amongst my Dwarf Generals.

Dwarf Hero and Shield-Maid bodyguard.

I've always thought the idea that female dwarves are bearded was rather silly.

And another element of Dwarf Magic-Users (with Halfling escort).

Figures from Battle Valor Games, full of character and lovely little bits of detail.

The Halfling at the back is from the Dwarian character pack, but Ed from Battle Valor Games has now released a selection of Halflings for those who need Halfling units.

Another comparison view, showing the Battle Valor Games Dwarian Dwarves and the Peter Pig Dwarves-used-as-Gnomes.

I finally got stuck into my Battle Valor Games Delvian Infantry. I had decided that my Delvians were going to be AD&D Drow and so were painted accordingly.

Drow tend to favour crossbows over bows, but I decided that these Drow would have two units of skirmishers with longbow.

I decided to go for a wasteland theme for the Delvian/Drow basing, so used a lot of gravel as boulders with minimal flock, and wasteland grass tufts.

Two units of falx wielders. The two-handed weapon these Delvians/Drow are using appears to be more like a scythe or falx than a halberd. I also equiped these troops with spider-emblazoned hoplons.

The Red regiment of falxiers.

The Yellow regiment of falxiers.

Delvian/Drow General on giant spider.

The long blade above the skull on the General's standard is very thin and seems to bend whenever I look at it sideways. I suspect it may very well brak off in the near future.

10 April 2021

Housekeeping 2020

Painting Tally for 2020:
62 Gnomes6 Dark Elf Cavalry14 Wizards11 Elf Generals54 Elvish Cavalry64 Dwarves2 Dragonbra
129 Orcs155 Elvish Foot245 Human Infantry2 Gods6 Heroes1 Bat swarm3 Gargoyles
1 Hydra17 Bats2 Beastmen9 Hobgoblins6 Great Trolls2 Elephants46 Goblins
1 Hero on Gryphon6 Knights
Equipment and Scenery
1 Dwarf Catapult2 Hobgoblin Catapults2 Hobgoblin Chariots2 Goblin Catapults

09 April 2021

18 Gnomes

And in December I was out of town on a job for three weeks. The week before Christmas was spent running vehicles back to their bases, and then I had a head cold between Christmas and New Year! So, painting took a bit of a hit, but I did manage to finish another regiment of Gnomes.

Having worked out how I wanted my Gnome regiments to look, back in October, I was able to knock this one out in a couple of days, even with a head cold.

AD&D Gnomes are described as having dark brown skin and dressing in shades of brown. That seemed a little dull, so I allowed my Gnomes to have a slightly wider colour pallet.

By December, I had completed three regiments of Gnomes, with one more to do, plus some artillery and command bases.

06 April 2021

18 Gnomes, 3 Dark Elf Cavalry

Painting results for November 2020. Work was ramping up and my painting output was declining.

Another regiment of Gnomes completed. Having worked out how I wanted the Gnome units to look back in October, this second unit was quick to complete.

There is quite a nice variety of sculpts in these packs from Peter Pig. Mixing Pack 44 Spears/Polearms and Pack 45 Axes/Hammers together gives even more variety.

And I completed another pack of Delvian spider riders from Battle Valor Games. With the three I completed in October, I now had three regiments of 'riders. I decided to add pennants to the lances of some of the 'riders to better differentiate the units.

04 April 2021

18 Gnomes, 4 Dwarves, 3 Dark Elf Cavalry

Painting results for October 2020. Again, work was getting in the way of painting.

After completing the Gnomish skirmishers in September, some extra Dwarves arrived from Peter Pig. As the PP Dwarves are much smaller than my favourite Battle Valor Games Dwarves (which is why I'm using the PP Dwarves as Gnomes), I was able to mount four figures per rank on a 40mm frontage. This gives a nice, dense formation, and emphasizes the fact that the Gnomes are smaller than Dwarves.

The Dwarf range from Peter Pig is pretty small, but there is at least three to four poses/sculpts in each pack do you can mix the figures in the unit up a bit.

As part of tidying up my Dwarves, I painted up another base of Dwarf wizards.

In the Battle Valor Games Dwarian character pack, and available as an individual character figure, there is a Dwarian thief, who looks suspiciously like a Halfling. He's the little chap at the back. If you like Halflings, Ed has recently added a small (ha, ha) Halfling range to his massive output.

This gives you a bit of an idea as to the relative "heft" of the Battle Valor Games Dwarians (Dwarves), on the left, and the Peter Pig Dwarves on the right. While they are about the same height, the Peter Pig Dwarves seem smaller and, thus, perfect, as Gnomes.

And something a little different - Delvian Spider Riders from Battle Valor Games. The Delvians seem to fill the Dark Elf/Drow ecological niche in the Battle Valor Games universe, though they also have horse and snow tiger mounted cavalry, if you think giant spiders are silly. I understand Ed is thinking of remodelling the early infantry releases in this range as they are not as good sculpts as the later cavalry releases.

19 February 2021

2 Dragonbra, 6 Dwarves, 1 Elf Wizard, 6 Elf Cavalry, 3 Elf Generals, 8 Gnomes

And here we are at September. My output dropped off a bit this month as work got busier.

Painting results for September 2020:

From the "What were they smoking?" department, two Dragonbra from Battle Valor Games.

The bulk of the Beastian (Beastmen) range are convential panites/satyr types with centaurs/bulltaurs. The Dragonbra, with it's vaguely insect-like appearance seems, at first glance, to be rather an odd fit. While the Dragonbra has six limbs, like the centaurs and bulltaurs, the naked tail and scalely back remind me more of a lizard.

Dragonbra are rather large - Elvish champion for scale.

With the arrival of a pack of Bull-head embossed shields, I was able to complete the second section of a regiment of Dwarf Guards I have had sitting around for a while.

Wood Elf Wizard from Eureka Miniatures.

Elvish Lancers from Eureka Miniatures' Elves of the Lofty Spire range.

The sword blade of the regiment's captain broke off during shipping. I was able to replace it with a bit of plastic card I carved to shape.

Elvish General, Standard Bearer and Trumpeter, from Eureka's Elves of the Lofty Tower range.

I've had these Peter Pig Dwarves hanging around for a while - they are true 15mm scale and so smaller and slighter than Battle Valor Games or Ral Partha Europe Dwarves. In a lightbulb moment, I decided to paint them up as AD&D Gnomes.

While I was waiting for more Dwarves to arrive from Peter Pig, I finished off this unit of Gnome Skirmishers.

18 February 2021

24 Dwarves, 20 Dwarf Crossbows, 3 Elf Generals, 15 Elvish Foot, 13 Elvish Archers, 6 Elvish Cavalry, 8 Orc Archers, 18 Orc Foot.

With a couple of weeks off during August, I was able to rattle through quite a number of figures.

Painting results for August 2020:

I decided to push on and complete my Battle Valor Games Dwarf Army. First to be finished were the Dwarf Crossbows.

I had enough crossbows left to make a unit of Skirmishers - who can also be used as dismounted light cavalry/dragoons.

And a regiment of heavier crossbows with pavises.

With the crossbows out of the way, I whipped up two regiments of Dwarf foot.

I use 12 figures for each regiment of Dwarf Foot but was running short, so some other dwarves were pressed into service. The axe-armed dward beside the standard bearer is from the Personality pack.

The hammer-armed dwarf beside the standard bearer is also from the Personality pack.

The striped flags are hand-painted and I'm rather pleased with how they came out.

Two Elf Generals (one with assistant/Magic User). the white-clad two-handed swordself, and the Magic-User with bird familiar, are from Battle Valor Games (an Elvian two-handed swordsman I had left over, and an Elvian Wizard #2 from the Individual Character Figures range). The guy with the sword and shield is a sample from Eureka Miniatures - another one that never made it into production.

I finally succumbed to the siren call of Eureka's Elves of the Lofty Spire. These will be my Noldor, or High Elves.

Elvish swordsmen/elves. The General, on the extreme right, is also from the same house or host.

A regiment of archers.

Elvish Cavalry armed with swords - these were mostly a repaint as i have had the figures for a number of years. Part of the attraction of going full Eureka Elf was that I could rebase and finish these guys off.

Reverse angle on the cavalry unit - this is the Guardians of the Gate regiment.

And since you can never have too many Orcs, some Orcs from Eureka Miniatures.

A unit of Orc skirmishers.

And an Orc warband.

By going three ranks deep, I was trying to both create a wedge formation, and make the unit look more warbandy.

16 February 2021

1 Balrog, 8 Orc Archers, 16 Human Foot, 6 Dwarf Catapult Crew, 1 Dwarf Catapult

July wasn't as productive as June, but I managed to get a few things completed.

Painting results for July 2020:

From Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter 4, Agramon, Duke of Hell. A Reaper Bones figure which seems to have been available only as part of the Kickstarter. I decided that he might make a pretty good Balrog in 15mm.

The Balrog assisted by some 15/18mm Orc Archers from Eureka Miniatures.

"You shall not pass!" Brave words from a hero who is not Gandalf. I was able to mount the Balrog on a 40mm wide base so he could be a God in HotT.

Another regiment of Orc Skirmishers from Eureka Miniatures.

And another regiment of Men of Grandeur with Bill, also from Eureka Miniatures.

These troops wear the livery of one of the Noble Houses of the Kingdom.

A Dwarian (Dwarf) catapult from Battle Valor Games. This is a very nice model with lots of neat little details.

13 February 2021

1 God, 1 Bat swarm, 3 Gargoyles, 1 Hydra, 17 Bats, 24 Human Pike, 13 Human Foot Knights, 8 Dwarf Skirmishers, 1 Hero

Well, five months went past fast. I've been plodding along with my painting, just been slack updating my painting log. Running out of space to store painted figures until I photograph them and write them up in the blog has been an incentive to get on with updating the blog!

Painting results for June 2020.

I think it was on a Middle-Earth wargaming Facebook Group that I first saw this repurpose - a 28mm Fire Giant painted up as Morgoth, the First Dark Lord in Tolkien's Legendarium. I ordered my Fire Giant from Gateway Games in Bethlehem, Tauranga - a place of solace when Mum was in the hospice, and a place I have chosen to support, when I can, when sourcing D&D miniatures.

My version of Morgoth is painted in a darker, redder, scheme than the one that inspired it. But, I feel, this captures the essence of the fallen Maiar, the marer of the World. This figure fits on a 40mm wide base, so can be used as a God in Hordes of the Things (HoTT). Here he is with a 15mm Hero in comparison.

Morgoth confronts Fingolfin.

From Splintered Light, a Bat swarm! A bit of a pain to assemble, but painted up quickly.

These guys were rebased, rather than painted. Gargoyles from Magister Militum.

I had originally intended these for AD&D but ended up with too many single figures. My original multi-based gargoyles were only a section as I was concentrating on Kings of War at that stage. I have now decided to complete the regiment (two 40mm x 40mm bases) for use with other rules.

I ended up getting a second Hydra from Alternative Armies.

The first Hydra had been a grey, stone field dweller, while this one was more of a marsh or river dweller.

For a different take on Bats, I purchased and painted a plague of bats from Alternative Armies. The bat models were nice, but the forest of flight pegs rather detracts from the effect.

And then back to the Fantasy Western Humans! Another unit of Blue Moon Spanish Pike with a couple of Eureka Miniatures Men of Grandeur thrown in as Officers.

The gent with the shield was a sample from Eureka Miniatures of a figure they decided not to go with - none of the current Men of Grandeur have shields as they are more War of the Roses era, than Dark Ages/Medieval.

Another unit of Men of Grandeur Foot Knights from Eureka Miniatures.

A pretty 'metal bunch!

Thought I'd muster the Western Human Army - there does seem to be rather a lot of them!

The left flank - Knights, archers and Wizards. With Rangers, Crossbows, and Billmen in support. The Wizards and Rangers are from Battle Valor Games, while the Knights and Billmen are Eureka Miniatures. The Crossbows are from Blue Moon.

Rangers, Crossbow Skirmishers, Crossbows, General and Foot Knights, Pikes and Armoured Billmen. Rangers from Battle Valor Games, Crossbow Skirmishers, Crossbows and Pikes from Blue Moon, General, Foot Knights and Billmen from Eureka Miniatures.

More Rangers, more Knights, more Crossbows, more Archers, more Pikes and Foot Knights, and a Hero on a Gryphon. Rangers from Battle Valor Games, Crossbows and Pikes from Blue Moon, Knights, Archers and Foot Knights from Eureka Miniatures, Hero from Alternative Armies, Gryphon from Nolzor's Marvelous range.

Looking back at the right flank of the army.

Right Centre - the gryphon looms over the surrounding troops.

Rangers, Crossbow Skirmishers, and Foot Knights.

The Rangers are from Battle Valor Games' Legian Range.

Back to the left flank again.

Dwarf Crossbows from Battle Valor Games. My last unit of dismounted Dwarf light horse as skirmishers.

I'm not a big fan of Dwarf "cavalry", but I can see dwarves using ponies to move light infantry quickly around the battlefield.

A Hero - another Eureka Miniatures sample figure.

Again, not a figure Eureka put into production, as it doesn't really match either the Men of Grandeur or the Elves of the Lofty Spire design esthetic with the large kite shield, but still of interest to see where the design processes for these two ranges was going.

11 September 2020

13 Human Foot Knights, 33 Human Crossbows, 12 Human Archers, 18 Orcs, 16 Human Rangers, 24 Human Pikes, 16 Human Halberdiers, 1 Hero

With the lifting of lockdown, work started up again. This impacted on the amount of painting time I had, but I still managed to bash out a bunch of figures for my Western-style Fantasy Human army, as well as another unit of Orcs as, why not?

A unit of Foot Knights and a unit of Heavy Halberdiers - figures from Eureka Minatures Men of Grandeur range.

The Foot Knights are all sword-armed and wear plate armour. The plate armour looks almost 15th Century.

The Billmen, or Halberdiers, wear similar style armour and, it occurs to me, I could have mixed the two groups of figures together in the same unit.

While the Men of Grandeur range has archers, there are no crossbowmen or pikemen. I realised that the sculptor of a number of Battle Valor Games human and humanoid ranges, also sculpted the Blue Moon Italian Wars range (amongst others). As the Men of Grandeur, Battle Valor Games, and Blue Moon Italian Wars ranges are all 18mm, I took a punt and guessed that the Men of Grandeur and the Blue Moon ranges might be compatible, size-wise. And it turns out I was right.

The pavises were, I think, from Vexilla who, unfortunately, is in the process of closing down. They painted up nicely.

There were only 10 pavises in a pack so I divided them between the two units. After I had finished basing the two units, I found the second pack of pavises I had bought. D'oh!

I had enough crossbowmen left over to make a skirmish unit as well.

Men of Grandeur Archers and Blue Moon Crossbow Skirmishers. The Blue Moon figures are slightly chunkier, but match height-wise.

Men of Grandeur Archers from Eureka Miniatures.

Another regiment of Orcs from Eureka Miniatures.

Two regiments of Battle Valor Games Legian Ranger Bowmen.

This Half-pack of 16 figures has a musician and an officer. The musician is in this unit. The sculpts are an interesting mixture of young and old rangers.

The officer leads this unit of rangers. Size-wise, the BVG Rangers work well with the Eureka Miniatures Men of Grandeur.

Another regiment of pikes - this time Spanish Pikes - from Blue Moon's 18mm Landsknecht range. I added the wire pikes.

Pike Regiment with Hero. The Hero is from Eureka Miniatures Men of Grandeur range. Again, the Pikes are a good match for the Men of Grandeur.

The Hero is an Armoured Man of Grandeur with sword from Eureka Miniatures.

20 August 2020

42 Elf Cavalry, 3 Mounted Elf Generals, 64 Elf Infantry, 2 Elf Heroes, 2 Elf Foot Generals, 3 Elf Mages

Lockdown continued during April, and I continued painting Battle Valor Games Elvians (or Elves).

After completing a batch of Elvian Infantry during March, I moved on to painting cavalry. I had several regiments to reorganise and a number of regiments to finish. First regiments completed, one heavy cavalry regiment and one medium regiment.

These two regiments were the first two I completed with the embossed shields from BVG.

Another two heavy cavalry regiments completed.

Both are regiments "of the Silver Tree".

Another regiment of Medium Cavalry, plus two command elements as part of my cavalry reorganization.

The medium cavalry are also "of the Silver Tree".

Three Mounted Generals - two Elvian Captains and an Elvian General - plus additional cavalry.

Elvian Captain #1.

Elvian Captain #2.

Elvian General.

Along with the cavalry, I completed a few more infantry regiments, and finished off a couple as part of the army reorganization. Two regiments of Elvish Guards.

Very pleased at the colour pallette for these two regiments - Games Worshop Altdorf Guard Blue and Averland Sunset.

Another regiment of archers - the Swan Regiment - and another Guard Infantry Regiment.

The embossed shields look very nice, but are hard to paint properly - I think I did them mostly right.

Close-up of the Swan Archer regiment.

Command element for a unit of Two-Handers.

Command element for a second unit of Two-Handers.

Two Elf Heroes - one from the Elvian Character pack, and the second a repurposed Two-Handed Swordsman.

Two Foot General stands - the General figures are from the Elvian Character pack.

The trumpeters are from the Elvian Command pack, while the Standard Bearers are standard Elvian spearmen with a piece of wire replacing the spear for the standard. The standards are sourced from the Internet and are either from Tolkien, or inspired by Tolkien's Elvish Heraldry.

Three Elvish Mages - figures from the Elvian Character pack from Battle Valor Games.

An Orb of Power, a spell book, and the makings of a fire ball - these figures have a lot of character.

The Elvish Army - all figures from Battle Valor Games.

Left flank. The Light Cavalry are conversions - I replaced the lances with javelins and reused the shafts of the lances as slung bows.

The centre - Elvish cataphracts. The Elvish foot hero is a repurposed two-handed swordsman.

The right flank.

Infantry brigade with Foot General.

Another view of the centre.

27 May 2020

63 Elvish Foot, 1 Elf Sorcerer, 1 Troll, 1 Orc, 2 Hobgoblin Chariots, 2 Hobgoblin Catapults, 24 Western Human Pikemen

March was steadily busy, workwise, and then we hit the Covid-19 lockdown which closed the country. I think I painted more figures in the week and a half after lockdown than the entire month up til then.

I continued reorganizing my Elves - I had started with two 40mm x 40mm elements per unit, and then decided to go with three 40mm x 40mm elements, before switching back to two, which meant painting a bunch of odds and sods to make full units. Though, this unit of archers were completed in one go. Figures from Battle Valor Games' Elvian range.

This command element completed a unit that had been partially finished a while back.

And this command element completed a second unit of Infantry Elves.

These two regiments were raised from a fresh order from Battle Valor Games.

This unit, with the dark blue shields, was actually the second unit completed - once I worked out what I was doing with the shields.

This unit was the first completed of this batch - I didn't have enough transfers to have all the shields matching, so I went the other way and made them all individuals.

I painted up enough two-handed swordsmen to complete the unit, and then decided I wanted to include standard bearers. As I had enough figures to complete two units, I sorted out the existing figures, added these two elements, and then slotted into the painting queue enough figures to finish the units off.

And a couple of stands of archers to complete another unit.

And command elements for another couple of archer units.

And while I was at it, an Elvish Magic User on Unicorn.

As I recall, she was a speciality figure - not necessarily an Elf, nor a Magic User.

Armoured Great Orc from Magister Militum and converted Armoured Troll from Khurasan Miniatures.

Can either be fielded as a command element or added to the Sauron element I completed last month as a command regiment.

I ordered a set of Beastmen Warwains from Khurasan Miniatures and swapped out the crew for a Hobgoblin Officer and standard bearer.

I decided to keep the Beastman wain drivers, as I couldn't fit a second Hobgoblin in the car to act as a driver. I can see that the Beastmen might be used by the Hobgoblins as sepoy troops.

Khurasan Miniatures has recently released some heavy Hobgoblin Bolt Shooters with crew.

These complement the light Bolt Shooters from Tin Soldier I converted to Hobgoblin use last year, and complete my Hobgoblin artillery train.

I wanted some pike and crossbows to round out my Western-style/Men of Grandeur Fantasy Army. The Men of Grandeur from Eureka Miniatures are 18mm so my usual wargames ranges were too small to match. Then I realised that the sculptor of some of the Battle Valor Games human lines, also sculpted Blue Moon's Italian Wars range, which also happen to be 18mm scale.

Size-wise, these Italian Pikemen are a good match for the Men of Grandeur Billmen and dismounted knights, both in scale and in equipment. They were also fun to paint up. After painting these figures, I ordered a pack of Crossbowmen and a pack of Spanish pikes. That should give me three units of pikes, two units of Crossbowmen, and a unit of Crossbow skirkmishers.

18 May 2020

40 Goblins, 5 Great Trolls, 1 Hero, 2 Elephants, 8 Eastern Humans

February was very busy work-wise, so the painting tally took a bit of a hit. I did manage to finish off some odds and ends.

I completed a regiment of Goblins - a mix of Battle Valor Games Goblian Spearmen and Magister Militum Goblins (which don't appear to be on their website at the moment).

The Goblians and Goblins match pretty well in heft and height.

A second regiment of Goblins.

I was short a goblin for this unit and so replaced it with a small Blood Dawn Orc (painted as a Great Goblin).

I think I may have finally finished my Goblin Army.

I was quite pleased with how these Great Trolls came out. They are from Khurasan Miniatures The Great Enemy Fantasy Range.

Olog-Hai - when you absolutely, positively, have to smack the living snot out of someone who really deserves it.

Also from Khurasan Miniatures The Great Enemy Fantasy Range - the Great Enemy himself (and a friend).

The Great Enemy is a nice figure, with a choice of heads and either sword or hammer as armament.

Siamese Elephants from Khurasan Miniatures for my Fantasy Eastern Human Force. I added some crossbowmen to each base as elephant escorts.

The elephants actually come without bases - I superglued them to the plastic card bases, and this seems to have worked okey. I added the banners to the rear of the elephants, drilling them in above the rear harness. A quick modification which came out rather well, I think.

30 April 2020

1 Hero, 5 Wizards, 1 Hero on Gryphon, 46 Human Infantry, 6 Knights, 2 Goblin Catapults, 6 Goblin Crew, 76 Orcs

Finally finished tidying up for 2019 and here are the painting results for January 2020.

An Infantry Champion for my Western-style Fantasy Humans. Foot Knight from Eureka Miniatures Men of Grandeur range.

Grizzled Wizard from Battle Valor Games.

And three Wizards (with bodyguard). The Fuschia Wizard and the Halfling bodyguard are from Battle Valor Games. The Red Wizard is from Eureka Miniatures' Men of Grandeur range. The Green Wizard is from Ral Partha Europes's Demonworld range, but I can't find him in the on-line catalog.

I based them as a unit, possibly for HoTT.

I had bought this 28mm griffin from Gateway Games in Bethlehem, Tauranga about two years ago (when I bought the 28mm AD&D Troll). After completing the Hero on flying Griffin in December, I then used a similar mounted Elf Hero figure to convert this griffin.

I was rather pleased with the way the wings came out. The pattern was based on that of a Bald Eagle.

The Griffon is large, but not too large. It definitely dwarfs the Eastern Elephants from Khurasan Miniature's Siamese Range.

The Western Fantasy Human Hero may have some issues taking on the Griffon.

Continuing with my Western Fantasy Human Force, I completed a unit of Men of Grandeur archers from Eureka Miniatures.

And a unit of Levy Billmen, also from Eureka Miniatures.

I do like these figures, but they're 18mm scale so won't mix with standard 15mm figures.

And a unit of Armoured Billmen, also from Eureka.

Also from the Men of Grandeur range, another unit of Knights.

There's a nice mix of poses in the Knight with Lance selection, which makes the unit more interesting.

I bought these catapults from Tin Soldier a while back, about the time I bought the ballistas I successfully used with my Hobgoblins. I was surprised at how small they were - I had hoped they would be slightly oversized and look threatening.

I've never been too fond of Tin Soldier's figures - I like the equipment they make, but don't like the way the infantry and crews are posed.

My goblins have now got some artillery.

A regiment of my favourite Orcs from Eureka Miniatures.

I based these Orcs up in a wedge formation.

A second regiment of Orcs.

Two warbands ready to rumble.

Orcs with sharp, pointy, sticks. Spears or Pike Inferior, probably more enthusiastic than effective.

A second regiment of Orc spears.

Orc Horde.

Closing up ranks.

11 April 2020

Housekeeping 2019

Painting Tally for 2019:
10mm War of the Spanish Succession
231 Infantry6 Generals74 Cavalry
15mm Fantasy
1 Hero on Gryphon1 Kirin23 Eastern Cavalry9 Western Knights92 Eastern Infantry116 Dwarves
10 Adventurers8 Eastern Light Horse16 Eastern Archers1 Lung2 Temple Dogs2 Pandas
9 Magic Users26 Goblins6 Mounted Hobgoblins66 Hobgoblins47 Man Orcs38 Lizardmen
8 Wood Elves7 Lizard Cavalry2 Behemoths1 Lizardman General1 Flying Lizard2 Giant Spiders
50 Skeleton Warriors12 Vampirian Cavalry68 Vampirian Infantry1 Mounted Hero2 Orcs on Fell Beasts96 Vermians
2 Vampirian Heroes15 Ghouls1 Druid16 Orcs12 Wolf Riders1 Tomb King
89 Dark Dwarves12 Gnoll Cavalry 10 Gnoll Hyenadon Cavalry72 Gnolls3 Giants40 Bugbears
57 Halfling Foot13 Halfling Horse36 Hillmen 1 Hillmen War Chief1 Hillmen Champion
1 Catapult2 Trebuchets6 Walls1 Ruined Tower

10 April 2020

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

92 Eastern Infantry, 9 Western Knights, 6 Eastern Cavalry, 1 Catapult, 1 Kirin, 1 Hero on Gryphon

Painting results for December, as I slowly catch up on my painting log.

During December, I continued painting my Eastern Fantasy Human Force - a mixture of Splintered Light's China Collection and Eureka Miniatures' Nan Chao Chinese.

I completed two units of Militia Pike, or Pike (F) or Pike (I) - a semi-enthusiastic, long spear-armed mob. Blue regiment.

And Yellow Regiment.

An assault regiment of swordsmen.

I didn't quite have enough figures for the regiment, so added a Hawaiian warrior I had received as a sample - the chap with the red crested helmet beside the standard bearer.

Nan Chao heavy infantry. It was these figures that first sold me on the Nan Chao range. The shield symbol is a styalized Koi carp - not a foot as a friend suggested.

Red Regiment. The Heavy Infantry have two poses, and separate tower shields. It took a bit of patience and swearing to glue the shields on as they don't have lugs.

Black Regiment of Heavy Infantry.

A third regiment of Cataphracts.

A T'ang giant crossbow from Khurasan Miniatures' T'ang Range.

A regiment of Crossbows - I need to get another unit of these.

Another member of the Splintered Light China Collection - a Kirin.

And, while painting my Eastern Fantasy Humans, I succumed to the lure of the Men of Grandeur from Eureka Miniatures. I decided that they'd be a good 15mm version of the 10mm Western Fantasy Army I painted a year or so ago. As part of the new force, I converted an Elf Knight into an aerial Hero by mounting him on a converted Reaper Bones gryphon.

I mounted the Gryphon on a wire so that he was flying, rather than standing on his rocky base. I glued a washer between the figure base and the plastic card base to give the base a little heft.

A unit of Knights and a General's base from the Men of Grandeur.

The Knights were nice and quick to paint - lots of metal.

The General, his standard, and his trumpeter.

And these were my final painted figures for 2019.

31 March 2020

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

15 Eastern Cavalry, 16 Eastern Archers, 8 Eastern Light Cavalry, 4 Eastern Heroes, 2 Trebuchets, 6 Dwarves

Still a long way behind with updating my modelling log - these are the results for November:

A while back, I was thinking about a Human faction for my 15mm Fantasy collection. At about that stage, I became aware of the Nan Chao Chinese range from Eureka Miniatures. A Human range, that wasn't the standard faux Western Medieval?

While the Nan Chao Heavy Infantry were the figures that initially drew me to the range, I also liked the Cataphract Heavy Cavalry.

First Regiment of Cataphracts.

Second Regiment of Cataphracts.

I needed a General element for my Eastern Human army, and decided to order a T'ang Command pack from Khurasans Miniatures. I was actually a little disappointed with these figures, feeling they lacked animation. In retrospect, I should have gone with the Sung.

Nan Chao Archers.

There are enough poses to make an interesting skirmish unit.

A second unit of Nan Chao skirmishers.

Eastern Human Light Cavalry from Khurasan Miniatures T'ang Chinese range. Essentially two poses, but careful positioning makes the units look more interesting.

I selected the T'ang range to provide units the Nan Chao range did not have, as they were contempory states but, in retrospect, I probably should have selected units from the Sung range.

The T'ang are perfectly servicable figures - it's just that I'm not that keen on them.

Four Eastern Heroes from the China Collection from Splintered Light.

Foxy Lady Fox.

Female Magic User.

Male Hero with heroic mustache.

Kung Fu Panda.

Dwarvish Artillery - trebuchets (MA51) from Tin Soldier Miniatures.

For crew, I converted some Battle Valor Games Dwarian warriors and Characters.

The crewman on the right was originally armed with an axe. I replaced it with a mallet from the trebuchet pack.

The Alchemist from the Character pack makes a pretty good Engineer/Master Gunner.

03 March 2020

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

8 Woodelves, 4 Lizardmen, 18 Man Orcs, 50 Hobgoblins, 6 Mounted Hobgoblins, 26 Goblins, 4 Wizards, 2 Human Cavalry, 2 Temple Dogs, 2 Pandas, 1 Lung

It has been a hot and busy summer and, while I'm still painting figures, I've fallen well behind updating this log. Here's the results for September and October 2019.

As part of my on-going reorganisation of my earlier armies away from larger units, I put in a small order with Eureka Miniatures in Australia. I picked up a small number of Wood Elves to complete a unit of Wood Elf Skirmishers, and a unit of sword-armed elves.

My Wood Elf force - two units of Light Cavalry, three units of Skirmishers, three units of spears, two units of swords, and a tree herder. As well as two Heroes/Leaders.

After using four Battle Valor Games Lizardmen archers to support my two behemoths, I painted up the other four figures from the archer pack as a skirmisher element for when I expand the force.

As with the Wood Elves, above, these Eureka unarmoured Man-Orcs filled out a couple of existing units to balance my Man-Orc force.

From a quick order to Khurasan Miniatures, I painted up a couple of units of Hobgoblin Archers.

Very nice sculpts, with enough variety to make for interesting units.

I also painted up a second regiment of Hobgoblin pikes.

Again, there is enough variety in the packs to make for an interesting unit.

I also completed a third regiment of Hobgoblins with swords.

And to support all that infantry, a second regiment of mounted Hobgoblins.

The Mighty Hobgoblin army as it now stands - all figures from Khurasan Miniatures, apart from the light bolt shooters from Tin Soldier Miniatures - DFA62. Still to paint up - Heavy Bolt Shooters and General in war cart from Khurasan Miniatures.

Right flank - mounted Hobgoblins, bolt shooter, archers, with swords and pikes in support.

Left flank - archers, bolt shooter, mounted Hobgoblins, with swords and pikes in support.

I'm rather pleased with the way these came out.

Need to let these guys open a can of Whoop-ass on someone.

While completing the Hobgoblins, I discovered one last pack of Battle Valor Games Goblian spears. Added to the odds and sods of Magister Militum Goblins I also had, would give me another two regiments of Goblins. I completed the first Goblin regiment during October.

I also completed another two command elements for my Goblin skirmishers.

Along with some Man-Orcs and Orcs I ordered from Eureka Miniatures in Australia, I also picked up some Eastern Clerics/Magic Users from their Samurai Range. I had wanted to make a Fantasy Human army for a while, and decided that, rather than the usual faux Western European army, I would do an Easterling Army. The mounted Cleric/Priest and Magic User are escorted by two cavalrymen from Eureka's Nan Chao Chinese range.

Dismounted Cleric and Magic User, also from Eureka. The Cleric, holding a scroll, is accompanied by two Temple Dogs (Fu Dogs) from the Splintered Light China Collection Set, while the Magic User is accompanied by two Pandas. The bamboo clump was made from a piece of door mat and some flock.

Another view of the Cleric and Magic User and friends. The China Collection set has some very nice sculpts in it.

A lung or long, or Chinese Dragon, emerging from a pool. Figure also from the Splintered Light China Collection Set.

This lung has five fingers, and so is an Imperial Lung.

He is holding a pearl, a source of wisdom and power - also known as a "Dragon Ball" as in Dragonball Z.

22 December 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

7 Lizardman Cavalry, 2 Behemoths, 4 Lizardman archers, 1 Giant Lizardman General, 30 Lizardmen

For August, I started, and completed, a Lizardman army for Hordes of the Things - HoTT. The figures were primarily from Battle Valor Games' Scalian range.

Mounted Lizardmen - Lizardman Knights (left) and Lizardman Cavalry (right). The size of the figures precluded mounting three knights per base.

The Knights are armed with lances.

Lizardman Cavalry, armed with swords.

A pair of Behemoths with Lizardman escorts.

The Behemoth models are large, with separate, posable, heads and lower jaws.

I added a couple of Lizardman archers to each behemoth base for colour.

Apart from their immense size, the Behemoths have a bit of additional armour for protection.

They look quite imposing when lined up side by side.

Size comparison with an 18mm Vampirian Hero. The Behemoths are big.

I am quite pleased, and relieved, with how these guys came out.

A HoTT Lizardman army can have up to six Horde elements. Again, with the size of the miniatures, I went for five figures per base, and increased the base depths to 40mm.

I had to be careful when mounting the figures on their bases that I left sufficient spaces between tails so that a second rank of bases would fir cleanly against the rear of the front line.

In the HoTT Lizardman list, the General can be a Behemoth as well. I had a figure of a Giant Lizardman General from Battle Valor Games, so I decided to make him my Behemoth General and gave him a mounted Lizardman lancer as a standard bearer. I think he came out quite well, and I'm very pleased with the banner standard.

The majority of the completed HoTT Lizardman Army.

HoTT Army with addition of Flying Lizard. I think I need to add another Flyer. I'm also considering expanding the army in the future.

01 December 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

24 Vampirian Infantry, 6 Vampirian Cavalry, 3 Witches, 1 Sorceress, 2 Spiders, 16 Decian Infantry, 1 Flying Lizard, 3 Stone Walls

During the second half of July, following my 10mm WSS splurge and with work still quiet, I switched back to 15mm Fantasy. I completed some more Vampirians and then began considering possible forces for Hordes of the Things - HoTT. I managed to put together a couple of "specialty" elements from figures I had to hand, or managed to land quickly, though midway through this process I decided to flag the HoTT basing as most modern "15mm" Fantasy figures don't really fit on DBx bases in the numbers suggested in the rules. Back to 40mm x 40mm basing for me!

Two more regiments of Infantry for my Vampirian host from Battle Valor Games.

The first unit of Vampirian spears I have painted up. Again, I replaced the batwing Vampirian shields with Legian shields, also from Battle Valor Games.

And another unit of Vampirian swordsmen.

I also completed a second unit of Vampirian Lancers.

Again, I replaced the Vampirian batwing shields with Legian cavalry shields for a more Undead Roman look.

Three Witches - Maiden, Mother, and Crone - either as a Mage element for HoTT or as a general Magic User element.

The Maiden and Mother are from Ral Partha Europe - the Maiden is a War Witch and the Mother is a Death Cult High Priest - while the Crone is from Battle Valor Games Orcian Character pack.

The "standing stone" is from a local path, propped up and painted grey.

Another Ral Partha Europe magic user - an Ice Witch High Priestess, painted up as a Vampirian Sorceress.

Two Ral Partha Giant Spiders - based as HoTT Lurkers on 40mm x 30mm bases.

This gives you an idea as to how large the giant spiders are.

My final regiment of Decian Spearmen from Battle Valor Games.

As these Decian skeletons are part of my Vampirian host, I replaced some of the shields with Legian shields, also from Battle Valor Games.

This is the guy that persuaded me to make a Lizardman Army for HoTT. I succumbed and supported the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter for a huge Demon/Balrog and a pack of three creatures - a griffin, an owlbear, and this chap. I thought I recently saw them on the Reaper website for general release but they seem to have disappeared again.

The flying lizard, or pteradon, seemed to me to be the ideal Flyer for a HoTT Lizardman army. I added a washer between the figure and the base to increase the figure's stability, as these Bones figures are very light.

Three more resin stone wall sections from Battle Valor Games. These don't seem to be on the website any more so I hope they haven't been discontinued.

02 November 2019

Painted: 10mm War of the Spanish Succession

231 Infantry, 6 Generals, 74 Cavalry

By the end of May, I was lacking in 'thuse for painting. Then John and I had a Black Powder War of the Spanish Succession game. Needing to boost my Allied Army, I broke out my 10mm WSS lead pile and cracked on - rebasing some units and painting up some fresh ones through June and July.

Two regiments of rebased British Cavalry, for Wood's Brigade.

Lumley's Regiment of Horse.

Earl of Plymouth's Regiment of Horse.

Wood's Brigade in column of march, with General.

Hanoverian Lieb Horse Cuirassier Regiment and Cusani's Imperial Cuirassier Regiment.

Part of Noyella's Brigade, the Hanoverian Lieb Horse Cuirassier Regiment.

Part of Cusani's Brigade, Cusani's Imperial Cuirassier Regiment is an Austrian cavalry regiment.

General's carriage, with guest.

Two Generals with aides. The Generals are from Pendraken's League of Augsburg range. I like how animated the League of Augsburg figures are, but they are larger than the War of the Spanish Succession range. This works for generals but means other figures aren't really compatible.

Two British Regiments rebased.

Clifton's Regiment of Foot.

Earl of Angus's Regiment of Foot

Marching off to join Marlborough on the Rhine.

Another Cavalry Brigade on the march.

Darmstadt's Imperial Cuirassier Regiment.

Voight's Cuirassier Regiment.

Noyella's Cuirassier Regiment.

Erbprinz von Hessen-Kassel's Regiment of Dragoons.

General with ADC.

Three more Generals - these are from Pendraken's League of Augsburg range.

Holstein-Beck's Infantry Brigade.

Left Sturler's Swiss Infantry Regiment Right Rechteren's Dutch Infantry Regiment.

Left Heiderbrecht's Ansbach Infantry Regiment Right Hirzel's Swiss Infantry Regiment.

Left 1st Regiment of Foot Guards Right Dering's Infantry Regiment.

Welch Regiment of Fuisiliers

Left Douglas' Regiment of Foot Right Hulsen's Hanoverian Regiment of Foot Front Goor's Dutch Regiment of Foot.

By this stage, I decided to take a break from 10mm as I had got the itch to paint some 15mm Fantasy again.

4 August 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

18 Dwarves, 12 Vampirian Infantry, 2 Vampirian Heroes, 6 Vampirian Cavalry, 2 Orcs on Fell Beasts, 29 Man Orcs, 3 Wall Sections, 1 Ruined Tower, 1 Mage, 1 Mounted Hero

Painting slowed down during April and May - busy at work, and things going on at home cut into both my painting time and motivation. I did manage to get some more 15mm Fantasy figures finished, though.

Continuing my slow progress to rejig the size of already completed units, I painted up another command element of Dwarf Crossbows from Battle Valor Games to give me two units of the Red and Yellow Regiment.

Once again, I made pavises out of Battle Valor Dwarian Studded Iron Shields, mounted on a card strip.

During May I completed a new unit of Dwarf Guard Foot - I had been waiting on another pack of embossed shields from Battle Valor to finish the unit.

The, fairly crude, hand drawn banner continues the theme of the shields - the stylised three-peak mountain.

I also completed another unit of Vampirian Crossbows from Battle Valor Games - finally finishing off those I had to hand.

Two Vampirian Heroes from Battle Valor Games. The left hand one is a Pyramidian Cult Priest while the right hand one is a specialist figure who I can't find on the Battle Valor site. I have a feeling he was a Decian Necromancer, so it made sense to paint him up as a Vampirian.

There is a huge amount of little detail on all of these figures. They are a lot of fun to paint.

Completed my first regiment of Battle Valor Games Vampirian Cavalry. As with the infantry, I replaced the batwing shields - in this case with Lionian Infantry Shields. I liked the shape of these shields, and they're sufficiently similar to the Legian Oval shields I've used for my Vampirian Infantry to continue that design theme.

I had a spare Vampirian General figure I used as an officer for the regiment, replacing her batwing shield with a Hellian Cavalry Shield.

I changed how I was constructing units, reducing the number of bases or elements. In my queue of figures-to-be-painted I discovered a pair of Eureka Miniatures Orcs on Fell Beasts awaiting me buying some more. With the revised unit structure, I was able to paint these two up and add them to my completed Fell Beast riders to make another regiment.

Like the Orc Fell Beast Riders, I also updated my Eureka Man Orc units, painting up two more command elements to complete two more regiments.

I do like these figures. There are just enough variants to make the units look slightly "irregular".

I also completed a second unit of Man Orc pike. The pikes are sufficiently flimsy that I again mounted the unit on one 80mm x 40mm base, rather than on two 40mm x 40mm bases, to give the pikes a little more protection.

To get the dense formation I wanted for the pike unit, I was able to pack in three ranks of figures.

A few more Man Orcs to paint up and then I can do a revised "army" photo.

I bought another pack of stone walls from Battle Valor Games and finally finished the first three wall sections.

A lucky find at a local pet store, a resin aquarium decoration which would be perfect for a Stronghold for Hordes of the Things. I filled in the gaping hole in the wall, and used paper mache to extend the base of the tower over a huge gap in the lower part of the tower.

I replaced the two plastic aquarium weed pieces with a couple of trees I had left over from my tree-building project.

I constructed a ruined upper story to close off the hollow tower - these openings were great for letting fish swim through when the tower was an aquarium piece, but not so good for the Tower of Malevolence I wanted for my Stronhold for Hordes of the Things.

The completed tower is probably close to 10mm scale, rather than 15mm, but still looks pretty impressive to me.

Melikor the Blue, from Ral Partha, and his standard bearer, a Ral Partha Evil Overlord.

Melikor wears a lot of armour for your standard AD&D Wizard - he might be a Fighter/Magic-User.

Melikor will be an Evil General, probably leading the Goblinoid and Dark Dwarf host I've been painting.

5 July 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

20 Vampirian Infantry, 12 Dwarves, 16 Orcs, 12 Wolf Riders, 34 Skeleton Warriors, 1 Druid, 6 Ghouls, 96 Vermians

During March, I pressed on painting up figures I had acquired during the Battle Valor Games Kickstarter II, as well as tidying up some other figures from my painting queue.

I continued painting up my Battle Valor Games Vampirians, completing another unit of my Vampirian legionaires.

With the last of the Vampirian Crossbows I had to hand, I made a unit of Crossbow Skirmishers.

At one stage I was considering using a 120mm x 40mm footprint for Fantasy units (three 40mm x 40mm elements). When I decided that Lord and Lands would be my preferred Fantasy wargames rule set, I began to reorganize my existing units into 80mm x 40mm footprints (two 40mm x 40mm elements). This involved painting up some more command elements, like this one, to break up some of the existing units. Figures from Battle Valor Games.

The decals on the flag, and the shields, are from Veni Vidi Vici. The shield decals are Viking patterns from the Dark Ages range, the Star on the flag is a Macedonian shield pattern, while the unicorn is from the Medieval/Knight/Mythical Creatures set.

A second Dwarf command element. This time, the unit banner has hand drawn runes and a Tolkien-inspired hammer and anvil emblem.

Two units of Orc archers from Magister Militum. Described as "armoured orcs", they don't actually wear a whole heap of armour.

This range of Orcs (from the Blood Dawn Fantasy range) are big brutes (20mm scale according to the Magister Militum website) and seem to have an early 90's Warhammer - almost cartoon - vibe about them.

Each pack basically consists of two poses - an Orc loading and an Orc firing. Pretty much what you'd expect for a bunch of Orc archers.

While cleaning up old packs in my painting queue, I found three Orcs on wolves left over from an earlier painting effort, and a pack containing a further nine unpainted riders and mounts. So, that was another two units of Wolfriders sitting right there.

The figures are from Spintered Light and you have to be careful to request wolves as the Orcs' mounts, as they come mounted on hyenadons as standard - which is how I ended up with all those hyenadons for my Gnoll army!

Also from Kickstarter II, I had a couple more packs of Decian Spearmen, which I reequipped with Legian shields, and made up as spear phalanxes.

I replaced one of the skeletons' spear with a piece of wire and made the banner out of paper.

I had run out of scorpion shield decals by the time I was finishing this unit so this unit received the Imperial Lightning bolt shield design.

Frigian Apothecary from Battle Valor Games's Frigian Character pack. I decided to paint her up as a Druid.

This is a very nice figure, loads of detail and character.

And another six ghouls from Splintered Light's Ghoul pack and Ghouls and Ghasts.

I finally broke out the Vermians I had picked up from Battle Valor Games' Kickstarter II. Vermian Skirmishers.

And a second unit.

All the Ratty skirmishers.

Vermian Warband. Vermians with hand weapons.

Two more warbands.

White banner warband.

Black banner warband.

Another two warbands.

A second Black banner warband.

Yellow Banner warband.

Ratty General and Bodyguard - figures from Splintered Light.

An army of rats.

We're going to need a bigger trap.

17 May 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

44 Gnolls, 4 Gnoll Hyenadon Cavalry, 12 Gnoll Cavalry, 24 Evil Men, 12 Vampirian Infantry, 65 Dark Dwarves, 54 Dwarves,
4 Adventurers, 1 Tomb King, 1 Ghoul

During February, my painting frenzy continued as I finished off my Gnoll force, painted the bulk of my Duergar/Dark Dwarf force, and finished off more standard Dwarves.

First up, two more Gnoll warbands. Figures from Splintered Light's Hyenaman range. By spreading the figures around a bit, I was able to make four warbands out of the figures I had to hand.

I mixed together a packet of Hyenaman spears and Hyenaman warriors to make the units appear more irregular.

The two-handed axeman on the right is from the Hyenaman Berserker pack. I think this figure actually came from the Fantasy Gladiator set, which has a good selection of warriors from various sets.

The second two Gnoll warbands.

I sprinkled a few figures from the Hyenaman command pack through each unit to add even more variety.

As the spear-throwing figure takes up a lot of space, I dropped the unit figure count from 12 to 11. The lower figure count gave me more room for the length of the spear without too much crowding.

Another unit of Hyenadon Light Cavalry.

Gnoll Cavalry mounted on hyenadons. The Gnoll cavalry are sold mounted on Terrorbirds, but you can request alternative mounts and it made more sense to me to mount them on hyenadons, especially as AD&D Gnolls can have hyenas/hyenadons in their lairs.

The Gnoll cavalry come in two poses which, depending upon how you feel about such things, can be a bit limiting.

The figures with their spears held over-arm can be reposed to a limited degree by a bit of careful twisting and bending to add variety.

The entire Gnoll army. Wow, that turned out to be a lot of figures.

The Gnoll warbands. Six units of infantry and the General element.

Light and Heavy Cavalry.

Gnoll Skirmishers.

More Gnoll Cavalry.

Another angle on the Gnoll Army.

I completed another two units of 'Evil Men' or Hillmen - Battle Valor Games Frigian Spearmen. I was able to add a Frigian character to one unit to give me the required 36 figures - three units I needed.

The Frigians are fairly lightly equiped, which works well for poor Hillmen militia.

The Frigian character figure is a suitably "chaotic" warrior with skull ornamentation and horned helmet.

The three regiments of Hillmen, with Champion and General. I envision this force as a human levy to bulk out an Angmar army, or as miltia to support my Vampirian force.

Another regiment of Vampirian Swordsmen from Battle Valor Games, again with Legian Shields.

As before, I've painted them as undead or ensorcelled legionaries.

I bought some Dark Dwarves from Splintered Light Miniatures, and then wondered what to do with them. In Monster Manual II there is a race of Evil Dwarves known as the Duergar - problem solved! A unit of Duergar Crossbows.

Two regiments of Duergar Infantry.

I had run out of standard bearers for the Dark Dwarves by the time I finished the last few units, so I converted one of the axemen into a standard bearer.

The axeman on the left is a normal Splintered Light Dwarf I repurposed to make up numbers for this regiment.

Two regiments of Dark Dwarves/Duergar Guard.

The standard bearer for this unit is another conversion.

The standard bearer is another conversion. The axeman to the left of the standard bearer is a repurposed Battle Valor Games Dwarf champion.

Duergar Command element. The standard bearer is a conversion, with a spare Battle Valor Games Frigian head impaled on the standard pole.

Duergar sorcerers.

The Duergar Army - issuing from the Underdark.

And another angle.

And yet another angle.

Dwarian/Dwarf crossbows from Battle Valor Games. The pavises are Dwarian studded iron shields, glued to a strip of plastic card which is, in turn, glued to the element base to raise it up.

Another angle on the crossbow unit.

I finally painted up my Copplestone Castings Dwarves.

This unit is essentially two command elements - the left-overs from the couple of packs of command and axemen I had to hand. I may expand them to full units in the future, but at the moment, three units of 'wild' dwarves is sufficient.

Another unit of 'wild' dwarves.

The third unit of 'wild' dwarves.

I used a mixture of Viking and Arab shield decals from Veni Vidi Vici.

The geometric patterns, in particular, work very well on a plain coloured background.

The trick was to ensure that the shield background colour was dark or light enough for the decal to stand out, depending upon whether the decal was white or black.

Six characters I painted up while working on other stuff.

A druid or priest/priestess from the Battle Valor Games Frigian Character Pack

Battle Valor Games Purian Paladin. As I recall, this was a bonus figure with an order I received from Battle Valor Games. It just so happens, we have a fighter character in our AD&D party whose weapon of choice is the two-handed sword.

Another Magic User from the Battle Valor Games Frigian Character Pack.

Ranger from Ral Partha Europe's Fantasy 15mm singles range. Again, we have a Ranger in our AD&D party and this looks like a nice figure for him.

A Tomb King and a Ghoul from Splintered Light Miniatures. I think the Tomb King was a special figure as I can't find him in the general lists on the Splintered Light webpage.

11 March 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy

8 Ghouls, 28 Gnolls, 6 Gnoll Hyenadon Cavalry, 3 Giants, 16 Hobgoblins, 40 Bugbears, 57 Halfling Foot, 13 Halfling Horse, 26 Dwarves,
24 Dark Dwarves, 12 Hillmen, 1 Hillmen War Chief, 1 Hillmen Champion, 1 Wizard, 1 Dwarf Adventurer

My painting mojo - rediscovered in December 2018 - continued into 2019. Having the goal of producing forces for an AD&D world, made it easier to focus on knocking out units in a theme. I also took the opportunity to finish some smaller units and odds and ends as well.

From Splintered Light, a mix of Ghouls and Ghasts for our AD&D game.

I went for a very simple basing style - polyfilla on the base, painted muddy brown, and then some stones/rubble added. I particularly like the Ghast sculpts. They are very evocative of the original Monster Manual illustrations.

Work on the Gnolls continued. I prepped and painted up all the archers I had (one packet) and added some command figures to create two units of skirmishers. Again, I used my longer, savannah style, flock to create a distinctive basing style.

I also finished another warband of Gnoll infantry.

General stand for the Gnoll Warband.

General and Sorcerer, with two Hyenadon escourts.

Hyenadon 'Light Cavalry' regiment for the Gnoll warband.

In our AD&D game, we were approaching a climactic battle with a group of giants so I painted up three Battle Valor Games Frigian Giants to add to my giant force. I painted them as two Hill Giants and one Stone Giant (with blue skin).

Just how big are these giants? Well, here they are beside some Gnolls who are about man-height. The Giants are about 12' - 14' tall, which scales well in AD&D terms.

I also managed to finish off the last Hobgoblin Infantry Unit I had figures for. From Khurasan Miniatures, I really like the Hobgoblins and plan to order a few more units.

The Hobgoblin Infantry Phalanx - two units of swordgoblins flanking a unit of Pikegoblins.

I had several Hobgoblin swordsgoblins left over, due to the pack mix and how I was making units out of them, after I finished my two swordsgoblin units. I ordered a couple of ballistae (DFA62) from Tin Soldier.

By carefully cutting off their swords, and a bit of repainting, I was able to repurpose to swordsgoblins as artillery crew.

In between painting other units, I also completed all the Bugbears (40 figures) I had to hand. Given the numbers encountered, as per the Monster Manual, compared to the other tribal monsters I was building forces for, I decided that I would produce two regiments of Bugbears to join the one I had already painted. For the Orcs, Hobgoblins, Gnolls, Druegir, etc, I'm looking at building a minimum of five regiments per force (and possibly more) which should give an approximately correct ratio. This first unit of Bugbears was actually the left over regiment, based up for AD&D.

The two regiments of Bugbears (with General element) based up for Lord and Lands or other massed battle rulesets.

The Red Regiment. The Bugbear figures were originally from Splintered Light but now are sold by CP Models. They are actually 20mm scale but fit well with 15mm figures. I just love the heft of the sculpts.

General, Shaman, and two bodyguards.

The Grey Regiment. Some Bugbears carry missile weapons but generally there are not enough to engage an enemy at more than close range.

As the Empire forces in our AD&D game have Halfling allies, I painted up two units of Halfling Militia - not the most effective of troops, but can be relied upon to hold ground (or at least act as a speed bump).

These Halflings are from Splintered Light Miniatures and are a mix of Halfling Bounders and Halfling Militia.

The crack Halfling troops are, of course, the Halfling Skirmishers - Halfling Bounder archers, also from Splintered Light.

The Halflings also field some units of light horse - Splintered Light Halfling Militia on Ponies. In this unit, I did an upper body swap with a spare Bounder archer figure to act as an officer.

With this unit, I turned a spear-armed rider into a standard bearer.

This unit of riders were straight out of the packet.

And the three units of light horse.

The Halfling General (Halfling Bounder Captain from Spintered Light) - I didn't like the original wolf mount so I managed to convert the Captain so he's riding a pony.

The banner bearer is another bounder I had left over.

The entire Halfling division in all its glory.

Dwarf Hearthguard - Dwarians with ornate shields from Battle Valor Games.

A half unit of Two-handed Axedwarves, also from Battle Valor games. At one stage I was intending to use three double elements of troops per unit, but now I have decided to revert to my original plan of two double elements per unit. I need to make up some Dwarf/Dwarian command elements to break the units up properly.

A unit of Dwarf skirmishers from Khurasan Miniatures. I ordered the Yule Tide War Force of the new Dwarf range, released just before Christmas and these are the first Dwarves from this range I have painted up (I added an officer and standard bearer conversion to stretch the single pack of archers out to two elements of skirmisher foot). Slimmer and taller than the Battle Valor Games Dwarves, they are nice figures, but rather passive. Perhaps I'll feel differently about them once I paint up some of the heavy infantry.

I had picked up some packs of Splintered Light Dark Dwarves over the course of several orders from Splintered Light. I hadn't really decided what to do with them until the current AD&D army project rolled around and then I discovered the Duergar (Evil Dwarves) in the Monster Manual II.

I had painted up a regiment of Dark Dwarf Guard a couple of years ago, and have now completed two regiments of Dark Dwarf Infantry. More to come next month.

Battle Valor Games Frigian Spearmen - I painted them up as Hillmen for either Angmar or as Evil Men allies for AD&D Evil Armies.

This is the first of three regiments of Hillmen.

From the Frigian Character pack, a hero and a War Chief. I'm quite pleased how these two came out.

Wizard from the Battle Valor Games Frigian Character Pack and a Dwarf Adventurer (a spare Battle Valor Games Dwarf with 2-Handed Axe, wearing a backpack).

05 February 2019

Housekeeping 2018

Painting Tally for 2018:
10mm Fantasy
59 Human Knights24 Elf Cavalry6 Elf Lords337 Human Infantry66 Hobgoblins31 Dwarves
110 Evil Dwarves127 Elf Foot8 Pegasus Knights236 Orcs2 Warwagons24 Elf Light Cavalry
110 Beastmen4 Orc Chariots32 Elf Light Infantry1 Dragon5 Wizards8 Trolls
83 Evil Warriors24 Evil Knights15 Halfling Scouts32 Halfling Skirmishers1 Human Lord on Hippogriff1 Balrog
1 Wraithlord on Fell Beast1 Wolflord
15 Stream Sections1 Tower3 Houses1 Hedge7 Walls1 Evil Trilithon
1 Dwarian Wizard Tower2 Pillars1 Tomb Door
15mm Fantasy
8 Hyenadons28 Gnolls27 Hobgoblin Infantry6 Hobgoblin Cavalry12 Zombies/Ghasts/Ghouls29 Vampirian Infantry
1 Half-Ogre1 Vampirian Cavalry
28mm Fantasy
8 Orcs4 Warrior Women1 Troll

2018 was a relatively productive year, all things considered.

02 February 2019

Painted: 15mm Fantasy 8 Hyenadons, 28 Gnolls, 27 Hobgoblin Infantry, 6 Hobgoblin Cavalry

I had ordered some 15mm Hobgoblins from Khurasan Miniatures earlier in 2018, and these had sat, waiting for paint. In either late November or early December, Khurasan released a small range of 15mm Dwarves with a rather Viking look about them. I hemmed and hahhed about them and then decided to order the Dwarf Yuletide Warforce as I like bargains. I also ordered some more Hobgoblins. The package duely arrived about the time work was breaking for Christmas and just after John and I had a particuarly fun Lord and Lands wargame using my 10mm Fantasy forces. The combination of fresh figures, a recent fun wargame, our on-going AD&D game, and some free time inspired me to get back to painting, and painting 15mm Fantasy figures with an aim to playing more AD&D themed wargames.

And so, these were the painting results for December:

While painting up Hobgoblins, I had a dig around in the lead pile and pulled out a number of packets of Splintered Light Hyenamen/Gnolls from their 15mm Fantasy range. Back in the 80's Chris ran an AD&D campaign that featured a Gnoll army invading human lands and, recently, in John's AD&D game we had also encountered Gnolls (and Bugbears). So, I started painting Gnolls as well.

AD&D Gnolls can have a pack of hyenas or hyaenodons associated with them. I had some Dire Hyenas/hyaenodon figures, also from Splintered Light, so I decided to paint these up as Gnoll Light Cavalry. Here are the first two units.

The hyenodon figures come in two poses, so by varying the pelt colour and how I placed them on the base, I was able to force a little more variety. I went for a more hyena-like pelt, though I now see I could have had even more variation.

I used a longer, savannah-style grass flock on the bases as well, to make them look more like a grassland force.

Next up, Gnoll Skirmishers. With one pack of Gnoll bowmen, I was able to space out the bases with "officer" figures to produce two units of Skirmishers. Gnoll missile troops make up about 20% of a Gnoll force so I decided they would go for width of coverage, as befitting grassland predators, rather than concentrated fire power.

The bowmen (bowgnolls?) come in two poses. Again, by mix and matching, and orientation of the figures, a more random "look" can be achieved.

Placing the figures on the bases in less linear positions also helps break up the lines and make them look more like a swarm.

My first Gnoll warband. These guys were nice and quick to paint and I'm quite pleased at how they turned out.

As I was finishing off the Gnoll Warband, I completed a unit of Khurasan Miniatures Hobgoblin Pike. While they're not as close to the original AD&D Hobgoblins as the Splintered Light Hobgoblin warband, I really like these figures - there's a brutal power about them that says "hobgoblin" to me.

This unit consists of two pike packs plus a command pack for 15 figures. Given the size of the figures, with shields attached (shields come separately), I mounted them 4 and 3, and 3 and 4 on two 40mm x 40mm bases - ie two ranks of 7. The standard bearer is placed between the two ranks. Only one pike was broken in transit, but I was able to glue it together.

Hobgoblin Cohort. Again, two packs of six swordsmen and a three hobgoblin command pack. I went for 12 figures on two 40mm x 40mm bases with three figures left over.

Regiment of Hobgoblin cavalry riding giant warthogs - what's not to like?

At present, I'm not sure if I'll make a second unit of Hobgoblin cavalry or treat this one as the Hobgoblin general with bodyguard. Very nice figures, though two of the swordsmen suffered broken swords in transit. Again, using superglue, anti-gravity, and some swearing, I was able to glue the swords back on.

31 January 2019

Painted: 10mm Fantasy
14 Knights
Painted: 15mm Fantasy
8 Ghasts and Ghouls
Painted: 28mm Fantasy
8 Orcs, 4 Warrior Women, 1 Troll

And here is the final batch of figures I painted before my hiatus in September 2018.

Another unit of Knights of the Empire. 10mm Figures from Pendraken. I replaced the lances of the rear rank of knights with quilting pins so I could angle them higher, and so they would fit on the base better.

15mm Ghasts and Ghouls from Splintered Light. I mixed a pack of each together for undead for our AD&D game. The skin colour was a new discovery for me - Games Workshop Underhive Ash - and a Dry colour, which I haven't had a lot of luck with in the past.

Earlier in the year, I took the plunge and bought a couple of packs of the new 28mm Oathmark Orcs and Elves. I also ordered some female heads and a pack of Deus Vult Scandinavian Infantry from a supplier who, for various reasons, took over three months to fulfill the order. By the time the order had arrived, I'd kinda gone off the idea but, eventually, made a start on assembling them. One of the fun things I discovered was the option of mixing and matching bits from various sprues - one of these Orcs is armed with a Scandinavian berdiche axe.

Somewhere along the way, I had picked up a sprue of Warlord Games Orcs from Warlord Games - I decided I rather liked their chunky heads and so mixed and matched bodies and equipment with the Oathmark Orcs.

I added the female heads I'd bought from Bad Squiddo Games to a selection of Deus Vult Scandinavian Infantry and came up with some, to my mind, realistic female warriors.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I'm rather pleased how it worked out.

A Dungeons and Dragons Troll I picked up from Gateway Games in Bethlehem, near Tauranga. It was nice to have a little break from the hospice, and the manager at Gateway Games was happy to chat, or not, while I was having a look around. First decent Games store I have visited in ages.

Mr Troll, even though aimed at the 5e players, is a pretty close approximation of an AD&D troll - though perhaps without the dreadlocks.

He's a big model - though a troll is supposed to be about 12' tall!

I think the ladies will take him out, though.

05 January 2019

Painted: 10mm Fantasy
136 Human Infantry, 35 Human Knights, Mounted Human General, Foot Human General, Mounted Elf Wizard, Mounted Ef General, 12 Elf Cavalry
Painted: 15mm Fantasy
12 Vampirian Crossbowmen, 4 Zombies

After Mum died at the end of September 2018, I pretty much lost interest in painting. Towards the end of December, the bug came back and I started painting again - returning to 15mm Fantasy after nearly two years away painting 10mm (and excluding my rather half-hearted attempt to paint up some 15mm Vampirians) - this is a form of procrasternation to avoid painting some 28mm Romans.

So, to tidy up the records for 2018, here was what I painted in August and September:
In August, I continued work on the Human forces for our AD&D Empire.

Two more units of dismounted Knights or Heavy Infantry - the right hand unit has the flag of the Human Noble leading this expedition and so represents retainers or other household troops. The other unit are either allies or mercenaries.

Two more regiments of Trayned Bandes - a couple of the guilds have painted pike shafts, which look quite nice enmass.

A regiment of Amarlayan Knights. These would be Paladins or secular knights attached to a major Temple of Amarlaya. If the expedition had the favour, or support, of the Temple, a unit of knights might be sent along to assist.

Secular, or Empire Knights. Seeking lands, or adventure, these warriors have joined the expedition.

I managed to fiddle the numbers of knights per base to give me an extra base to replace the one destroyed last Christmas. The knights holding their lances at an angle have had the lead lances cut away and replaced with quilting pins, both for strength and so I could put the lances at a steeper angle to fit them on their base.

Mounted General and Foot General.

Mounted Elf General and Mounted Elf Wizard.

Elf Cavary regiment. Front rank of lancers, rear rank of archers.

In 15mm news, I completed a unit of Vampirian Crossbowmen for my Dragon Rampant/Let's Paint Some 15mm Fantasy project. Figures from Battle Valor Games.

I also finished off four Demonworld Zombies that have been sitting on my painting desk for ages. We keep meeting zombies and other forms of undead in our AD&D game and it's good to have some figures to use.

04 September 2018

Painted: 10mm
66 Hobgoblins, 31 Dwarves, 110 Evil Dwarves, 32 Elf Archers, 31 Elf Foot, 15 Human Infantry, 4 Pegasus Knights, 12 Elf Cavalry
Painted: 15mm
1 Vampirian Mounted General, 17 Vampirian Infantry
4 Stream Sections, 1 Tower, 1 House

I had a day's work in July, and we had regular trips down to my parent's place in the Bay of Plenty as my mother is ill. Consequently, I'm behind on writing up this modeling log.

And the results for July's painting are:

I finished off the large hovel from the Alternative Armies' Fantasy Buildings range, and another octagonal tower (BC607) from Magister Militum.

I decided to paint the tower with a two-tone colour scheme as I have seen photos of rebuilt castle towers where the new courses are from a different source than the original castle build. I added the climber/creeper plant.

Four more stream sections completed.

Together, they make another partial bend. I think I have now completed about four feet of stream.

As part of my 15mm painting reset/Dragon Rampant project, I painted up a General Unit for my Battle Valor Games Vampirian Force. I replaced the batwing Vampirian shields with Legian Oval shields as I wanted an "Undead Roman Legion" look. The Vampirian General's shield was replaced with a Stygian round shield. The hunting beast was a special figure I was fortunate to received as I placed an order the month it was available.

The infantry figures are from the Vampirian Foot Command pack.

First unit of Vampirian Infantry. Again, I swapped out the original batwing shields with Legian Oval shields.

I'm rather pleased with how this unit came out.

Meanwhile, back in 10mm Land, work continued on my 10mm Fantasy project. First up, a second unit of Pegasus Knights from Polar Fox Miniatures, painted up as Knights of Amarlaya - a Neutral Good religious order from our AD&D game.

Amarlayans favour white, black and red in a chevron pattern. The hard part was figuring out how to paint a chevron on a caparison on a flying horse.

For this unit of Elf Cavalry I decided to opt for a more Byzantine formation - a front rank of lancers backed with a rear rank of horse archers.

A lighter unit than the Elf lancers I have completed previously, these lancer/archer units would still be considered a shock unit.

A regiment of Elf Swordsmen (swordselves?) from Magister Militum.

I finally finished the half regiment of halberdiers to replace the half regiment eaten by our guest dog back in January. Figures by Pendraken.

Elf Archer Regiment, figures also by Magister Militum

I've decided to complete two heavy archer regiments and then use the remaining archers to fill out the third rank of several spear regiments - again, using Byzantine infantry formations as a model.

Evil Dwarves from Magister Militum. They come armed with either a mace or a halberd.

I finished three regiments of infantry.

The Blue Regiment in all its glory.

I also completed a regiment of Evil Dwarf Crossbows.

The Crossbow dwarves come in two poses - firing and loading.

I also made up some Evil Dwarf general bases. I used a couple of mace-armed Dwarves as generals and converted a couple of halberdiers and a crossbowman into standard bearers.

After painting up all those Evil Dwarves, I painted a pack of standard Dwarves, also from Magister Militum. These are quite nice figures, more gracile then the Evil Dwarves.

I wanted some AD&D Hobgoblins for my AD&D based games. No-one seems to make them in 10mm so, inspired by some Magister Militum Slavs, I converted a couple of packs of Slavs into Hobgoblins by adding little moons to their helmets and painting their skin appropriate colours.

More detailed shot of one of the two Hobgoblin regiments.

General and standard.

23 July 2018

4 Beastmen Champions, 85 Beastmen, 1 Elf Lord, 12 Elf Light Cavalry, 32 Elf Spears, 2 Warwagons, 5 Orc Generals, 195 Orcs
8 Stream Sections, 2 Houses
15mm Fantasy
1 Half-Ogre

Painting (and unemployment) continued into June. I managed to complete some more scenery, including some more stream sections from a stash of resin terrain items I've had in the cupboard for some years.

Five long pieces and three "links".

I tended to paint and flock these around painting units, as they're quite quick to do. Suddenly, I have a reasonable length of stream.

While a small stream in 15mm, these resin sections make a reasonable size river in 10mm.

Two houses from Alternative Armies' Human Settlement starter set. The larger building with the tile roof actually has quite a small door and could be either 10mm or 15mm. The thatched cottage has a larger door and is probably 15mm scale.

They were both nice and easy to paint up, once I got started on them.

Approaching the completion of my Beastman force, I added two more General elements.

And another three foot regiments.

Again, these units consisted of two ranks of wolf or goat headed beastmen, and a rank of Ogre Beastmen, all from Eureka Miniatures, and lead by a couple of minotaurs from Pendraken's Old Fantasy range.

I was just starting to come to the end of my pack of Eureka Beast Ogres by this stage, so some units have slightly fewer figures than others.

But they're Chaotic Beastmen, and Chaos is like that.

Also from Eureka, some Satyrs as light infantry.

And the entire Beastman Force.

I hadn't intended buying a whole bunch of Elves, until a guy on the Warmaster Downunder Facebook Group suddenly said he had a bunch to sell. This is the first of the bunch I've painted up. I believe he's an Out Of Production Elf Lord from Pendraken's Fantasy range.

He doesn't look too secure riding that eagle but, Fantasy!

I painted up a second pack of Magister Militum Elvish Horse Archers as Light Horse. One base to complete the second regiment I had half completed previously, and two bases to make up a third regiment of Light Horse.

With three regiments complete, I probably have enough Light Horse now.

A second regiment of Elf Spears.

With this second regiment completed, I have one more to finish before I start my new bunch of Elves.

I completed two Pendraken Hussite War wagons for my Fantasy Human Army.

As I have mentioned earlier, my Fantasy Human Army is based on the Empire forces in our AD&D game. For operations on the northern plains, the Empire uses war wagons to protect the flanks of the army. I added extra halberdiers to the bases, which gives a nice effect.

Orc General and Standard Bearer mounted on Dire Wolves from the Orc Command Pack from Magister Militum.

The Orc Officers wear quite heavy armour.

Also from the Orc Command pack, an Orc Foot General base - officer, trumpeter, and standard bearer.

I painted this group up as Mordor Orcs.

Two regiments of Magister Militum 'Wild or Lesser Orcs'. Unarmoured orcs with hand weapons.

Great figures for bulking out your Orc army with "wall of crap" Goblins.

Two regiments of armoured Orcs, also from Magister Militum.

I mixed a pack each of Great Orcs with Halberds and Great Orcs with hand weapons, to produce two regiments with mixed weapons.

And two regiments of Copplestone Castings orcs - Uruks and Man-Orcs.

And a family shot showing my Orc host (with Wraith Lord and Balrog).

First completed 15mm figure I've painted in months - a Hellian Half-Ogre General from Battle Valor Games for a Dragon Rampant force.

The Dragon Rampant force was part of a painting challenge organised through the Facebook 15mm Fantasy Gaming group to encourage members to paint up some forces. I finished my first 15mm unit a day after the end of June, so they will appear in the July report.

Size comparison of 15mm Half-Ogre, 10mm Minotaur, and 10mm Orcs. The Half-Ogre would make an excellent giant.

12 June 2018

4 Orc Chariots, 20 Orcs, 32 Elf Spears, 32 Elf Light Infantry, 12 Elf Light Cavalry, 31 Human Crossbowmen, 21 Beastmen
3 Stream Sections, 1 Hedge, 7 Walls, 1 Evil Trilithon, 1 Dwarf Tower

May was a rather productive month - back from holiday and still unemployed, I was able to devote a good couple of hours, at least, a day to painting.

Dwarian Wizard's stone tower from Battle Valor Games. Lovely, resin cast model. I glued it to an old CD to give it a bit more of a base.

I added a few rocks and gravel to the base to tie it in with the base of the tower. While the tower is designed for 15mm, it also works well for 10mm - there's a 10mm Elf character standing outside the door.

From the Games Workshop Arcane Ruins set I picked up in a Facebook trade, an Evil Trilithon - still 28mm scale, but really impressive for 10mm/15mm scale. I added some tufts of various colour types to age the trilithon further.

Being Games Workshop, there are a lot of skulls, too.

As I was painting up various scenic items, I took the opportunity to paint up this pack of stone walls from Battle Valor Games. Again, while 15mm scale, the walls also work for 10mm as well.

I've had a bunch of resin hedges and stream sections in various boxes for a number of years - I think they might have been left over stock from the old Military Miniatures local game shop that closed back in the 90's. Finally painted up a hedge section - here it is with a BVG stone wall.

From my stash of resin stream sections - three sections of stream. While fairly small, they work as narrow streams in 15mm, or slightly wider streams in 10mm.

Two straight sections and one bend section.

Beastman Shaman - I received this figure as a sample from Eureka Miniatures and, while obviously a 10mm figure, I can't locate it on the Eureka website. It's a nice little sculpt - I particularly like the staff made from the spine of some creature.

Also from Eureka, another regiment of Beastmen, with a pair of Pendraken Minotaur leaders.

I've mixed beastmen from two sets - goatheaded beastmen and wolfheaded beastmen - together to get a nice variety of man-sized beastmen, plus added some Ogre beastmen as shock troops.

From Copplestone Castings 10mm Evil Characters pack, a Man-Orc General.

I tried to freehand a white hand on his shield, but it came out as either a cryptic rune, or a palm tree.

A command group of general, standard bearer and, behind the standard, drummer - all from Magister Militum's Orc Command.

From Pendraken's Late Medieval range, a unit of Crossbowmen for my Empire force.

I painted these Crossbowmen up as Trayned Bandes, similar to the Human Pikemen I painted up a couple of months back.

A pack of High Elf Horse Archers from Magister Militum.

After dithering over the basing, I decided to base them as Light Cavalry, which gave me three bases, or a unit and a half. I have a second pack to paint up which will give me a total of three units of Light Horse.

I painted up a pack of Elf Rangers, also from Magister Militum as Light Infantry.

One pack of Rangers gave me two units of Light Infantry.

And I finally finished a unit of Elf Spears. It took me a little while to work out a colour scheme I liked, but it eventually came together.

Just another two units to paint, with three units on the way.

Finally finished my last half pack of Copplestone Castings Orc Archers. These have been sitting around half-painted for ages.

Finally painted up my second pack of Magister Militum Orc Chariots, to complete my second unit of chariots.

I see the wolf-drawn chariots providing the Orcs with a heavier strike arm than the wolfriders.

04 June 2018

1 Dragon, 6 Human Infantry, 3 Evil Wizards, 1 Elf Lord, 2 Ruined Pillars, 1 Tomb Door

From the little burst of painting I managed to get completed in April before we went on holiday - firstly, a couple of ruined pillars from a Games Worshop Arcane Ruins set I picked up in a Facebook trade.

While the pillars are designed as 28mm scale, they work pretty well as cyclopean scale structures for smaller scales.

I picked up this 28mm Tomb Door from Black Tree Design while buying some Mycenaens (as you do).

I love the detail on the door panels. The whole model was very quick to paint - black undercoat, Mechanicus Grey stonework, Dawnstone Grey lintel and flagstones, bronze doors. And a Nuhl Oil wash to finish.

While designed as a large 28mm scale double door, the Tomb Door works well as an impressive 10mm collossal door, too.

I had one Eureka High Elf Reaver left over from the unit I painted up, so I decided to paint him up as a Lord or Hero.

Finishing off my pack of Evil Characters from Laran Miniatures, I painted up a Traveling Wizard and his flunky.

The flunky seems to have an awful lot of kit to carry.

And a second go at the Evil Man Sorcerer - after version one got nommed by our guest dog back in January.

And a repaint/repair of two Pendraken Late Medieval Human command stands - also nommed by the dog, and repainted, rebased, and reflagged.

Finally, a dragon. From Alternative Armies, Destroyer of Hope - the Grand Dragon.

I painted this dragon up as Smaug the Golden, from The Hobbit, based on a painting by JRR Tolkien. I added a layer of sand to his belly and painted it up as the layer of gold and jewels he is described as having to armour his vulnerable underside. While a 15mm scale resin cast, he works nicely as a large 10mm scale dragon.

15 May 2018

63 Evil Warriors, 12 Evil Knights, 1 Wizard, 8 Trolls, 4 Pegasus Knights

Having returned from holiday, and completed the reassembly of my hobby office, I'm still trying to catch up on painting posts. After a burst waterpipe-induced flood in January, I managed a fore-shortened painting stint in February before everything went into boxes while the house carpet was replaced. A short term contract with very long hours pretty much ate most of March and April for me, before I was finally able to unpack my office and set up a painting station, just before we went on holiday.

So, this is what I did in February, before my holidays.

I carried on with my Forces of Chaos/Evil Men force with another couple of units of Evil Men Infantry from Laran Miniatures. This time around I mixed packs of the Armoured and Un-armoured Infantry together with a few extra characters from the Heroes pack to make up two units.

Painting up all the Infantry as "armoured" seemed to work fine.

Some of the Laran Miniatures Evil Men even have shields that match the style of the Magister Militum Wasteland Evil Mounted Knights.

Two more regiments of Evil Men.

Also from Laran Miniatures, Evil Men riding Young Drakes. These will be elephant-equivalents.

To bolster the cavalry strike arm for the Evil Men, another unit of Evil Men Knights from Laran Miniatures.

A Wizard, his horse, and his dog - from Laran Miniatures Heroes pack.

Setting out from the City Gates.

Another Command Stand for the Evil Men - from the Heroes pack.

And a pack of Armoured Trolls. Compared with the Evil Men, these Trolls from Laran Miniatures are about 12 to 14 feet tall (about 4 meters).

Halfling Militia from Magister Militum. Complementing last month's Halfling Skirmishers, the Halflings of the Empire provide loyal, if not completely effective, militia troops to help bulk out armies of the Empire.

This unit of Halfling Militia appears more well drilled and efficient than the usual militia.

From the Polar Fox Studio's Aquitanian King pack, a unit of Pegasus Knights.

The Aquitanian King gift pack comes with two packs of six Pegasus Knights. I painted up the first four for my first unit of Pegasus Knights.

I didn't like the plexiglass flight stands the Pegasus Knights came with, so I replaced them with wire. I used the plexiglass bases to give more stability to the Knights as the MDF bases wouldn't grip the wire tightly enough.

04 March 2018

69 Human Pikemen, 12 Evil Knights, 20 Evil Warriors, 31 Foot Knights, 16 Orcs, 15 Halfling Scouts, 47 Human Infantry, 32 Halfling Skirmishers, 8 Human Knights, Human Lord on Hippogriff, Balrog, Wraithlord on Winged Mount, Wizard, Wolf Lord

January was a surprisingly productive month - I was made redundant in December and then moved straight on to a short term contract at my old workplace. This contract involved evening shifts, so I was able to do a couple of hours of painting each morning before work.

I decided to create a 10mm "baseline" Human Fantasy Army, based on the Human "Empire" that forms the backdrop in our AD&D game. It seemed to me, given the technology progression in the "D&D" world, an apex Empire or Kingdom could be wealthy enough to have equipment of the very late Medieval/early Renaissance period. To represent this, I painted up some Elizabethan Pike as "Trayned Bands" - levies raised by the city Trades Guilds.

The first pike block was so quick to paint, I then painted up a second.

The two units together.

Dismounted Knights, also from Pendraken. In AD&D terms, these might be around 5th Level Fighters in Plate Mail.

Very nice figures, and very quick to paint.

To protect the flanks of the pike block, I painted up two units of Shire Levy Billmen - one on guard ...

... and one marching. There were two bases of marching Billmen until a dog we are babysitting carefully lifted one base out of the box on the floor, and ate it.

A unit of Empire Knights.

Once again, there should be two bases of knights in this unit but, after snacking on the Billmen, our doggy guest returned to the scene of the crime, and ate a base of knights.

The Humans of the Empire provide the bulk of the knightly and heavy cavalry, the heavy and medium foot, and crossbow units to support them. In this case, light, scouting, horse is provided by the communities of Halflings settled in the Empire.

Halfling Horse, mounted on ponies. Figures from Magister Militum. The flag is a scaled down Warhammer Fantasy Halfling banner I found on the Internet.

A unit of Halfling archer skirmishers, also from Magister Militum.

A second unit of Halfling archer skirmishers. The humans of the "Empire" lack an archery tradition, beyond self-bows used for hunting, preferring the use of crossbows to rapidly provide fire-power support. The Halflings of the Empire do have an archery tradition, and traditionally provide skirmishers and snipers for the Empire's armies.

Adding to my Chaos/Evil Men force - Wasteland Evil Mounted Knights from Magister Militum. Rather grim looking, heavily armoured, glaive-wielding cavalry with the obligatory horned helms.

And from Laran Miniatures, another unit of Evil Men.

These are the Heavy Infantry and march to the sound of the heavy tuba.

To lead my Orc, or Evil Men, Armies - a Demon Lord from Magister Militum or, possibly, a Balrog.

To lead the forces of the Empire - a 10th Level Fighter Lord on his Hippogriff.

This is the Aquitanian King on Hyppogriff from Polar Fox Studio - I ordered him as part of the Aquitanian King gift set as I wanted the female magic-user figures as well (there aren't a lot of female magic-users in 10mm). I still have the Pegasi Knights to complete.

To get an idea how big the Demon Lord/Balrog is, here he is alongside the Aquitanian King on Hippogriff.

And alongside a Human pike block.

The Aquitanian King and his mount alongside a Human pike block - the Hyppogriff is quite a large creature.

I wrote this discription of my human army when I posted this photo on the Facebook 10mm Scifi & Fantasy Group:
"An army of the Empire on the march north to the Edge of the Empire, under the command of the Cavalier Sir Rhys sohKantro, Chevelier of Ashford, Knight of the Sword and Companion of the Hippogriff Astralynax. The core of the army consists of the Guild pikemen of the Trayne Bandes of Ashford and Highcombe and the Footknights and militia billmen from the sohKantro estates. A small contingent of Knights of the Empire lead the infantry column. Sir Rhys has recruited some mounted Halflings to act as scouts for his little army, as well as two contingents of Halfling bowmen. Not shown, Sir Rhys's strike arm - three regiments of Mercenary Knights. Also to arrive, Guild crossbowmen, a unit of Halfling militia, and Sir Rhys's secret weapon - heavy wagons that can be deployed to defend the flanks of his army. Medieval/Renaissance figures by Pendraken, Halflings from Magister Militum, Hippogriff Knight from Polar Fox Studios."
Sir Rhys, as a Knight of the Sword, incorporates the sword into his personal heraldry, and the banners of the Footknights and militia billmen from his estates also feature a sword.

To oppose Sir Rhys and his Empire Army, some more Orc Archers from Copplestone Castings, now stocked by Northstar Military Figures.

I do like Copplestone's figures - very Lord of the Rings - and I do wish he would expand the range.

Also from Copplestone - Saruman the White.

I actually used a lot of grey when painting him as, otherwise, he would look rather bland.

Copplestone and Pendraken figures work very well together, sizewise.

Also from Copplestone's Evil Army command pack, a Direwolf Lord to rule the wolves.

This character figure is much larger than the normal wolves and would work well as a "cavalry" general.

And what Middle-Earth inspired Evil Army would be complete without a Wraith Lord on a Fell Winged Beast.

He's a nice figure, if a little two dimensional - it would be nice to be able to spread the Fell Winged Beast's wings a little more, but that would have made the figure more difficult to cast.

The Wraith Lord is still quite imposing next to a Human pike block.

11 February 2018

70 Barbarian Warriors, 2 Beastlords, 19 Beastmen, 32 Elf Foot, 2 Evilmen on Young Drakes, 22 Evilmen Infantry, 12 Evilmen Knights, 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Mounted Warmonger General, 5 Wizards, 1 Elf King and Standard Bearer

Still catching up on my painting - this time, December.

I continued to push on with my Barbarian Warhost. This time, I converted four of the spearmen into standard bearers and essentially completed four "command" elements. When paired with the already completed Barbarian elements, this would give me four full regiments. The flags are Viking banners, scaled down for 10mm.

The second two "command" elements. Again, the figures are a mixture of Pendraken and Spellcrow - Pendraken for the rank and file and Spellcrow for characters.

I also completed another unit of Pendraken bow-armed skirmishers.

This now gives me two regiments of skirmishers.

Minotaur Shaman and Chieftain from Pendraken. These are large, heroic figures, suitable for leader types for the Beastman contingent of an Evil Army.

My first regiment of Beastmen - Leader from Pendraken's Minotaur range, and Ogre Beasts and Beastmen from Eureka Miniatures.

High Elf Reavers with Axes from Eureka Miniatures. I added an officer, standard bearer and horn blower from the Magister Militum High Elf Command pack.

The Magister Militum Elves are slightly larger than the Eureka Elves, but not so much that they can't be used in the same unit.

Evilmen on Young Drakes from Laran Miniatures. I decided that the Drakes would be like elephants, forming the shock arm of the Evil/Chaos army.

A regiment of Evilmen Infantry, also from Laran Miniatures. I think these were the Light Infantry, but I painted them as armoured infantry.

These are lovely figures, with lots of character. I'm pleased with how they turned out.

I also finished a unit of Evilmen Knights, also from Laran Miniatures. I painted these up in a similar style to my 15mm Black Numenorians, but gave them a Chaos Banner so they could also be Knights of Chaos.

Like the Infantry, the Evilmen Knights are great figures. They scale well with Pendraken historical figures, though are a little smaller than the Magister Militum High Elf cavalry.

From the Evilmen Command pack, army standard and General.

From Pendraken's Old Fantasy range - Jim, who I think is some form of Chaos Champion. He stands about 14 - 15mm tall and has a rooster leg!

Mounted Warmonger from Trolls Under the Bridge Heroes of Erebos range. I decided that he would make the perfect mounted General for my Evilmen army.

(L) Elf Wizard from Magister Militum and (R) Female Wizard from Polar Fox Studio's King of Aquitania on Hyppogriff pack. The female wizard, or sorcerer, is one of a pair of female magic-user characters available from Polar Fox Studios in their Aquitania King pack and one of the very few female magic-users I have been able to find in 10mm. The Elvish wizard is of a more conventional type from the High Elf Command pack.

Elf King and standard bearer, also from Magister Militum's High Elf Command pack. The figures are very similar to the command elements in the High Elf lancer pack and are nice figures. The flag design is a Middle Earth one, though looks a little blurry in closeup, so I may have not quite got the image resizing right when I printed it.

(L) Mounted Wizard from Kallistra's Barbarian command pack - apart from the beard, completely not in the style of other figures from the range, and (R) Wind Wizard from Laran Miniatures Evilmen Heroes (maybe that should be Anti-heroes?) pack.

Female Wizard on horseback from Polar Fox Studios - the second female Magic-user from the King of Aquitania on Hyppogriff pack. I painted this figure up as the White Witch, thinking I might perhaps make a Narnian Army with some of the Eureka Beastmen I recently received.

For some reason, this photo flared out - I'll try and take a better one.

11 January 2018

10mm Fantasy: 2 Mumakil, 2 Barbarian Chariots, 1 Barbarian General, 31 Barbarian Warriors, 16 Barbarian Light Cavalry, 4 Ents, 4 Wizards, 1 Demon Stone, 12 Huorns, 44 Human Knights, 2 Human Generals

Still trying to catch up with my posts - here's my painting results for November.

Initially, I had these Mammupach from Eureka Miniatures painted and based on 40mm x 40mm bases but I felt they weren't very stable. Once I had secured some 80mm x 40mm bases, I rebased the Mammupach, and then completed the basing when the barbarian archers arrived from Pendraken. The mahauts are Kallistra Romano-British charioteers I swapped out earlier.

Another pair of Barbarian Chariots - Romano-British chariots from Kallistra with Barbarian crew from Pendraken swapped in, and the Romano-British crew manning the mammupach.

With Barbarians from Pendraken, Kallistra, and Spellcrow, I suddenly found myself building a Barbarian army. When basing the chariots and the mammupach, I decided that my Barbarians came from the "Land of Ice and Snow" - a bit like the Aesir and Vanir in Howard's Conan stories.

Every Barbarian warhost needs a Warleader, and here he is in his Romano-British surplus chariot. The two Bison riders are from the Pendraken Barbarian Command pack. I persoanlly think that Bison riders are a silly idea, but these painted up ok.

And a General of Infantry.

I also finished two warbands of a mixture of Kallistra Barbarians in strips and Pendraken Barbarians, as individuals, plus some Spellcrow characters.

And the archers that didn't make it onto the mammupach bases ended up as skirmishers.

The "Land of Ice and Snow" doesn't support large horses, so the Barbarians either use chariots as their army's strike arm, or ride small ponies as skirmishing light horse.

A pack of Kallistra Barbarian cavalry gives two units of Light Horse.

The Pendraken Fantasy factions all include wizards and magical foci. For the Barbarians, this includes a rather neat Demonstone (or Runestone).

A pair of Barbarian Wizards drawing power from their focus - the Demonstone.

A pair of Wizards - Radagast the Brown and Gandalf the Greyish - I'm pretty sure these guys were part of a commad pack, but I can't recall the manufacturer.

As Gandalf is about the same height as the Barbarian Wizards, I'm thinking that Radagast and Gandalf are most likely from the Kallistra Barbarian command pack.

By the end of November, my Barbarian Army looked like this!

Skirmishers, Chariots, a Warband, a unit of Light Horse, and the mammupach.

The Warchief between two units of Chariots, two warbands either side of the General of Foot, with his wizards and Runestone, the mammupach and the Light Horse.

An aerial view of the army.

Wood Trolls from Eureka Miniatures.

Another pair of Wood Trolls.

Tree elementals from Pendraken. If the Wood Trolls might be considered as Ents, then these Tree Elementals make perfect Huorns.

The Ents are much larger than the Huorns.

Huorns, Ents, and a Wizard for size comparison.

In our AD&D game, there's a human Empire to the south of the area we're exploring which claims the north lands. Apparently, the culture of the Empire is, politically, Byzantine-like. For the Empire's expedition into the north lands, I imagined that a High Noble would be assigned the task and his retainers would form the core of his army, along with mercenaries, city bands and Empire militia, as assigned by the Emperor.

A regiment of mercenary knights - from Pendraken Miniatures - I replaced the lowered lances with wire ones at a higher cant so that the figures fit better upon the bases.

A second regiment of mercenary heavy knights.

A unit of mercenary knights - these are more lightly equipped on unbarded horses.

The heavy mercenary knights with an Imperial General to command them.

And the General of Mercenaries and the Fast Knights.

3 January 2018

10mm Fantasy: 15 Orc Wolfriders, 6 Barbarian Chariots, 24 Elf Lancers, 16 Wraiths, 16 Orc Archers, 32 Orc Warriors, 54 Goblins, 1 Wraithlord

Horribly behind updating this log - shennanigas at work, family sickness, and then my hosting service took this website down for a week between Christmas and New Year. Finally, here is the update for October of last year.

Firstly, another regiment of Orc Wolfriders from Copplestone Castings - now stocked by Northstar Military Figures.

I do like these figures - they have quite a degree of energy and animation.

Somewhere along the way, I've started to build a Barbarian Army. The Barbarians are a northern tribe, with access to only small horses. They can field light, skirmishing, cavalry, or chariots. These chariots are from Kallistra's Romano-British range.

I replaced some of the Romano-British crews with Barbarians from Kallistra, Pendraken and Spellcrow

High Elf Lancers (FEF401) from Magister Militum. The lancers come in two poses so I sorted and painted up two packs as two regiments of horse. The banners were sourced from the Internet and printed out. The star design on the shields are 10mm Seleucid shield decals from Veni Vidi Vici.

The two regiments of High Elf Lacers.

Tormented Spirits from Kallistra's Undead range. I painted this half of the pack as more traditional ghosts or wraiths.

The second half of the Torment Spirits pack, painted up as Ring Wraiths.

Of course, the Ninth Ring Wraith is the Witch-King of Angmar - from Copplestone Castings.

What's the collective noun for a horde of wraiths? A bog-yourself of wraiths?

A second look at the Witch-King of Angmar. Just behind him is an Orc Wolfrider carrying a standard.

Orc archers from Copplestone Castings.

And more Copplestone Orcs - another regiment ready to take the field.

Copplestone Orc General and horn blower.

Profile view.

Copplestone Orc Infantry leader and drummer.

Orcs from Irregular Miniatures. TFAN1 Orcs with hand weapons and TFAN3 and 4 Orc Chief and Standard Bearer. They're okay figures, though lacking animation. I decided that they would be Moria Goblins.

I finished two regiments of them once I worked out how many figures I could get on a base.

My Orc Army as at the end of October. Two Orc Foot regiments, two Goblin Foot regiments, two Orc Wolfrider regimets, three Goblin Wolfrider regiments and three Regiments of Orc Skirmishers.

17 October 2017

15mm Fantasy: 57 Ratmen
10mm War of the Spanish Succession: 94 Infantry, 1 General and Aide, 3 Guns and Limbers, 12 Casualties
10mm Fantasy: 13 Ogres, 60 Orcs, 24 Goblin Wolfriders

Two further British regiments for my 10mm War of the Spanish Succession project. I bought these painted and rebased them, and painted up a second standard bearer for each regiment.

A further regiment of Hesse-Kassel Infantry - 10mm Pendraken Grenadiers and Officers and infantry by a local sculptor.

Two regiments of Hanoverian Infantry.

Two Hanoverian 6lbers and a Hesse-Kassel 9lber, with limbers. Figures by Pendraken.

Casualty markers - 2's and 3's. Figures from Pendraken's American War of Independence range, but painted up for the War of the Spanish Succession.

Another Allied Infantry Brigade completed.

Part of my interest in the AD&D Battlesystem rules has made me want to be able to raise more AD&D flavoured units. Having painted up a few 10mm scale Pendraken Ratmen for our AD&D game, I decided to flesh out a couple "regiments" of ratties using the rest of my Pendraken individual ratmen and bulking them out with some Ratmen strips from Kallistra Ltd.

Two Kings of War regiments of Ratmen with a General element. I decided to mount each Ratmen troop in wedge formation, like ur-viles, to give the impression of a horde under tight control.

Close up of the General element.

The Ratman horde. Even though they are 10mm scale, they work well as 15mm Ratmen.

My 10mm Fantasy project continues. Goblin Wolfriders from Magister Militum.

Two completed Large Units of Wolfriders (or three Kings of War regiments).

The second element of Black Gate Miniatures Armoured Ogres and two elements of Unarmoured Ogres I mentioned last month. These were pretty quick to paint and are excellent figures.

Another regiment of Copplestone Orcs.

Wild or Lesser Orc Archers from Magister Militum.

Two regiments of Wild or Lesser Orc Archers.

03 September 2017

10mm War of the Spanish Succession: 40 Cavalry, 4 Generals and Aides, 77 Infantry, 4 Casualties
10mm Fantasy: 12 Orc Wolfriders, 5 Ogres, 2 Orc Chariots, 12 Giants
2 Copses

During August, as my War of the Spanish Succession project neared completion, I was able to take the opportunity to progress on my 10mm Fantasy project.

Hesse-Homberg's Brigade, consisting of two regiments of Hesse-Kassel cavalry. (L) Lieb Horse Regiment and (R) Spiegel's Karabinere Regiment. Figures by Pendraken.

Three regiments of British Cavalry - I bought these painted and rebased them. Figures are Old Glory, I think. (L) Wyndham's Regiment , (C) Wood's Regiment and (R) Leinster's Regiment.

Brigadier-Generals. Figures by Pendraken with the Generals coming from the Seven Years War range and their aides spare War of the Spanish Succession Horse and Dragoon figures.

Three more Hesse-Kassel infantry regiments, completing Wilkes' Brigade. (L) Hessian Liebregiment, (C) Wartensleben Regiment, (R) Prinz Wilhelm Infantry Regiment. Command figures and Grenadiers from Pendraken, line infantry figures by a local sculptor.

Orkney's Regiment of Foot - a British regiment, part of Ferguson's Brigade. Figures were bought painted and rebased by me.

A selection of casualty figures from Pendraken's American War of Independance range. Black Powder requires tokens to be placed against units that have suffered casualties and these, to my mind, look better than tiddly winks or beads or dice.

From Copplestone Castings, 10mm Wolfriders. Very nice figures, and based per my new basing style on 40mm x 40mm x 3mm MDF bases.

From new (to me, anyway) company Black Gate Miniatures, Armoured Ogres. I had only finished a troop of them by photo time, but quickly finished the second troop to make the regiment, and then a regiment of Unarmoured Ogres.

They are very nice figures with lots of character. Black Gate Miniatures have recently completed a Kickstarter to expand their range of Ogres - I look forward to seeing what else they release.

FOG602 Wolf-drawn chariots from Magister Militum. These come in packs of three, so I have had to wait for a second order to arrive to have sufficient chariots to make up a unit.

Evil Giants from Kallistra Ltd, as one cannot have too many Giants - evil or otherwise. I picked up the Giant pack when I ordered a couple of packs of Ratmen to finish off a couple of Ratmen units for 15mm Fantasy. These giants remind me of illustrations from the Narnia books, which in turn made me wonder what a Narnian White Witch army might be like to make.

I also completed another two copses, which I failed to take photos of.

20 August 2017

Painted: 8 Wood Elf Light Horse, 10 Wood Elf Archers, 6 Dwarves, 10 Ratmen, 1 Copse
10mm War of the Spanish Succession: 2 Guns and Limbers, 24 Cavalry, 58 Infantry, General and Aide.

Due to our holiday in June, not a lot got painted, so these are the results for July - a month when I discovered another distraction - 10mm scale! But first, painting of my 15mm Fantasy collection continued.

I wanted some Wood Elf Light Horse to support the Wood Elf foot contingent I had been building, but the Eureka Mounted Wood Elves are huge. I eventually bought a couple of packs of Wood Elf cavalry from Magister Militum.

Even though the figures are only one pose, the illusion of a bit of variety in the unit can be given by positioning the figures at various angles.

Another group of Eureka Wood Elf archers. I have actually completed another ten Wood Elves (eight shown), and will need to do either another pair of archers or make a command stand for the unit.

Another base of Battle Valor Dwarves to expand the Blew Regiment.

With the arrival of some new pine trees from an eBay supplier, I worked up a copse with a murky pond.

Wood Elves defending the wood.

After seeing a couple of friends playing a great looking game of Black Powder at the Auckland Wargames Club in 15mm, discussion of repurposing 10mm figures from the club Blenheim project came up. I played Koneig Kreig years ago and enjoyed the Lace Wars/Seven Years War period, but it's a period that's fallen out of favour again, at least around here. I've never used 10mm figures before but, cost-wise, they seem to suit raising an army for a not-so-popular period. Having committed myself to 10mm War of the Spanish Succession, I got inspired to paint up some 10mm Fantasy Ratmen I had bought for our AD&D game and then put aside.

A mixture of sword-armed and poleweapon-armed ratties, these figures from Pendraken were quick and easy to paint. Unfortunately, Pendraken has recently withdrawn the Ratties as they are to be remoulded.

Rather robust for 10mm, the Ratties scale well with 15mm figures. Kallistra Ltd have the exact same design of Ratmen, but cast in strips. I have received some ratties from Kallistra to enable me to field a couple of units of Ratties for Kings of War, Lord and Lands, or Battlesystem.

Once my War of the Spanish Succession figures began to arrive (Officers, cavalry and guns from Pendraken, infantry by a local sculptor), I got stuck into them. I decided to do a North German force and concentrated on units from Hesse-Kassel initially.

Erbach's Regiment of Horse - one of the two cavalry regiments of Auroch's Brigade.

Auroch's Regiment of Dragoons - one of the two cavalry regiments of Auroch's Brigade.

I found a couple of websites that had detailed uniform and flag information and was able to download, scale and print flags for my units. This is the Prinz Wilhelm Regiment.

And this is the Erbprinz von Hessan-Kassel Regiment. According to Falkner in Marlborough's War Machine, the Grenadier companies were also called the "flanking companies" as they formed up on each flank of the regiment. I added a couple of Pendraken Greandiers to my units as the end files.

Hesse-Kassel Infantry marching through a wood.

The Hesse-Kassel Brigade as of the end of July - not bad for a few weeks work.

20 June 2017

Painted: 10 Lizardmen, 2 Ettins, 1 Dwarf Hero, 1 Orcian Hero, 18 Orcs on Fell Beasts, 30 Dwarves

Bit behind posting these from May - just back from a couple of weeks holiday.

Lizardman Warband from Splintered Light.

These are excellent figures - with a great AD&D vibe.

These are very nice figures and would make a good army.

Also from Splintered Light, a pair of Ettins. Again, nice figures - I decided to get a pair of Ettins after we briefly encountered one in our AD&D game. Apparently, according to Wikipedia, the word ettin derives from the Old English Eoten and is cognate with the Norse Jotun

Dwarian Hero from the Dwarian Characters pack from Battle Valor Games.

I opted to leave this character's heater shield intact - rather than replacing it as I had done with the heater shield of the earlier Dwarian Hero.

Battle Valor Games Orcian Mounted Captain.

The Mounted Captain is a two-piece casting - the upper torso and upper body, and the wolf and legs/lower torso. This allows the Captain to be posed to a certain extent.

Another Kings of War style regiment of Eureka Fell Beast Riders. These are amongst my favourite Orc figures. When I ordered this group, I received a couple of sword-armed riders I hadn't seen before. It's nice that this range still has surprises in it.

Somewhere between ordering the Fell Beast Riders and receiving them, my ideas for how I meant to base them changed. I ended up deciding that the four mounted archers, plus a couple of sword-armed riders, would make an excellent light cavalry unit. It was then that I relaised I needed another two figures to complete the unit - guess I'll need to send another order to Eureka.

And the two units together.

Dwarians from Battle Valor Games - I replaced the standard issue Dwarian shields with these Rams' Head shields to make this unit a Hearth Guard, or Under Guard.

I made up the unit from a selection of axe, hammer, and sword-dwarians for variety. With an eye to using BattleSystem as a possible ruleset, I'm starting to move towards larger units - three bases or 18 figures.

This base of Dwarians is to bring a unit I completed earlier up to size.

I also completed another base of double-handed axemen to round out an axe unit.

10 May 2017

Painted: 1 Adventurer, 6 Wolfriders, 20 Wood Elves, 10 Lizardmen, 2 Orcians, 33 Dwarves, 12 Knights of the Cleansing Darkness, Small Tower

April was quite a productive painting month, with several new units completed as well some half-finished figures finally finished.

Icelords of Isthak Knights of the Cleansing Darkness from Ral Partha Europe painted up as Black Numenorian Cavalry for my Middle Earth-ish project.

The Black Numenorians, or Morgul Knights, rode under a skull-like moon banner. Best I could do was a cresent moon set at a jaunty angle I seem to recall that the moon motif was repeated on the knights' shields as well. The Selukid shield decal I eventually decided to use, appears to have small cresent moons around the edge with a central design that could be a white tower (Minas Morgul was also known as the Tower of the Moon).

I initially intended to try and paint the lances in either black and red or black and white - perhaps in some sort of spiral pattern. Once I'd painted the lances bone white, I decided I quite liked the stark white against the black and gun metal of the knights' armour.

Dwarian Crossbows from Battle Valor Games. The pavises are Dwarian studded iron shields.

I'm very pleased with how this unit came out. The yellow/red colour combo works really well, I think. I can deploy the unit as a Field of Glory Battle Group, a Kings of War Regiment or a Horde, or a Lord and Lands unit and a half.

Command stand - Dwarf King and entourage from Battle Valor Games. The Dwarf Champion, the Mage, the King, and his two shield bearers are from the Dwarian Character pack. The Standard Bearer is a converted Dwarian swordsmen, while the hornblower (behind the King) is from the Dwarian Command pack.

Reverse angle view of the Command group. The hornblower has a particularly impressive horn to blow. The Rams' Head shields are available separately from Battle Valor Games.

The hammer-wielding Champion is holding an Orcian head.

I showed pictures of a unit of mounted Scouts, plus two units of dismounted Scouts, in my last update - here is the second unit of mounted Scouts - Dwarians from Battle Valor Games, crossbows from Vexillia.

Two Orcian Characters from the Battle Valor Games Orcian Character pack - another Sorcerer or Necromancer, and a Champion with man-catcher.

A Blighthaven Lizardman Warband. I've had this pack for months and was kind of stuck, then the potential for Lizardmen appeared in our AD&D game and I was suddenly inspired. These Lizardmen are a bit more sophisticated than the standard D&D Lizzies, and of a slightly different origin. They have the high "boomer" crests seen in various hadrosaurids, though their sharp teeth indicate that they are carnivores.

Another unit of Splintered Light Orc Wolf Riders. I replaced the standard with a spear so I could use these two elements either together as a Kings of War regiment, or to expand my existing wolf rider regiments.

With these Eureka Wood Elves with Spear, I have painted up suffient Wood Elves to make two mixed Spear and Swordsmen Field of Glory Battlegroups. As realistically I will probably not use Field of Glory as a Fantasy rule set, I need to get a few more Wood Elf leaders and some more Swordsmen to make up two regiments of Spears and two regiments of Swords.

Two Eureka Wood Elf Princes - Oropher and Thranduil.

The Eureka Wood Elves are rather tall - approximately 20mm to the eye. The Ral Partha Human Mercenary is slightly shorter than the usual average 18mm.

The composition of the Blighthaven Human Mercenary warband has changed slightly since I bought a pack, but this figure is still part of it. The Blighthaven figures all appear to have late medieval, or early Renaissance, style armour which is a nice change from the more standard Dark Ages or Early Medieval fare. In some respects, the Ral Partha fantasy range appears to mirror in 15mm, or be inspired by, the Warhammer Fantasy ranges in 28mm.

Size comparison: Left to Right
Eureka Wood Elf, Ral Partha Human Mercenary, Ral Partha Lizardman, Battle Valor Games Orcian Champion.

Small square tower from Magister Militum. Another piece for my castle/walled town.

My new tower fits in nicely with my existing walls. I see the square tower as an older fortification, tied into a more modern fortress.

10 April 2017

Painted: 5 Minotaurs, 43 Dwarves, 12 Wood Elves

I had a bit more time to paint during March, and the run of high temperatures and humidity finally broke as we caught the tail of a cyclonic system out of Australia. Consequently, I managed to complete rather more figures than during February.

While finishing up another project, I also finished up a small pack of Legian Bullites from Battle Valor Games. I painted this one up as a character for our AD&D game.

The rest of the pack of Bullites were based up as either a Kings of War regiment, or as two Lord and Lands units.

Each of the factions in the Battle Valor Universe has large monsters/creatures known as "Line Breakers". The Orcian Ogres ended up as allies of my Goblins, and I have yet to buy any Dwarian Stone or Iron Golems - I'm not really sure about the golems as a concept. I haven't decided what army the Bullites will end up in, but they are nice (and large) figures - at least Ogre-sized, so larger than the Ral Partha Europe minotaurs I finished up back in July. A Beastman/Minotaur force could be a possibility.

A Dwarian Champion, or Character, from the Dwarian Character Pack. He originally had a small, heater shield which I carefully cut off and replaced with a standard Dwarian round shield. He's actually charging, while swinging a double-bladed axe.

A Dwarian command troop. I painted up a troop of Dwarves for the White Shield regiment, as a break from painting Orcs, back in December, but didn't get much further as I ran out of decals for shields. Once some more decals arrived, I completed the command troop to finish the regiment off.

The banner has rather crudely hand-lettered runes on it, and is more of a political statement for Bifor's Regiment than a guild banner.

These Battle Valor Dwarians are so quick to paint, I completed a second regiment - the Blew Regiment - after finishing the command troop for Bifor's Regiment.

The Blew Regiment has a more standard Guild type banner with tidier lettering.

A regiment and a half of Dwarves, plus Champion.

Mounted Dwarf Scouts - also from Battle Valor Games. I decided that the Scouts would be mounted Crossbowmen, dismounting to fight on foot, so I removed most of the spears the figures are cast with and replaced them with crossbows from Vexillia.

The Light Horse Mounted Crossbows dismount as Crossbow Skirmishers.

I tried to ensure that the Skirmishers had the same, or similar equipment as the Light Horse.

As the packet of Mounted Dwarf Scouts contained 16 figures, I basically had two units. While I was held up painting the second unit of Mounted Dwarves, I did finish painting the second unit of Dismounted Skirmishers.

I also managed to finish another four elements of Wood Elf swordsmen. In Field of Glory, these guys form the rear rank of a spear/swordsman Battlegroup. For Kings of War or Lord and Lands,this could possibly be a Wood Elf unit/Regiment, or I could add a command element and paint up another couple of elements to make two units/Regiments.

12 March 2017

Painted: 18 Elvish Lancers

The summer heat and humidity continued through February, and then there were various health shenanagans with my father-in-law which also gobbled up time. Eventually, and with a day to spare, I finished off a unit of Elvian Lancers.

Elvian Lancers from Battle Valor Games. For this unit, the front rank consists of lancers on half-armoured horses, while the second rank consists of lancers on unarmoured horses. This formation would be a Battle Group of cavalry in Field of Glory, a horde in Kings of War, or three units in Lord and Lands.

Elvian wedge. I replaced the blank shields that come with the Elvians with shields embossed with a Sun in Splendour, also available from Battle Valor Games.

Elvian Lancers on half-armoured horses. The horses are less heavily armoured than those of the knights I completed back in November.

Elvian Lancers on unarmoured horses. Deployed either as the rear rank of a formation, or as a lighter unit in their own right.

13 February 2017

Painted: 19 Dwarves, 45 Goblins

January was a relatively unproductive month - a combination of the post-Christmas blahs, and the oppressive heat and humidity of an Auckland summer.

Two-handed axemen (axe dwarves?) from Battle Valor Games. There are a lot of neat little details on these figures, like the axe heads, the inlay on the axe heads, the mouth of the horn

The unit commander (the pointing Dwarf beside the standard bearer) didn't have a shield so I added one to his back, as if slung over his shoulder.

Second unit of Dwarves with two-handed axes. Again, a nice variety of styles of axes, and helmets. Some of the axemen have little or no armour, while others wear part chain, full chain, or plate mail.

While finishing off the Axe Dwarves, I finally finished off this Splintered Light Dwarf Adventurer. At the moment, he will be a Rune Priest for my Dwarven force.

He is wearing a bear skin over his head and shoulders, though is probably too heavily armoured to be a shape shifter or berserker. The bear skin may be more a symbol of his bravery.

Scale wise, the Splintered Light Dwarves are slightly taller and slimmer than the Battle Valor Dwarves, but mix together quite well.

A regiment of Battle Valor Goblians.

A mix of spear and sword-armed Goblians/Goblins.

A second regiment of Goblians/Goblins. The banner is made of paper.

A horde of Goblins - I found that I could squeeze 11 Goblins onto a 40mm x 40mm base which gives a nice, dense formation (though I managed to get 12 onto one base).