The Lymethius Subsector
Alliance Codes:DC = Dathynan Concordance; GR = Geithurian Republic; HA = Huiha Ahtaokye; HE = Huiha Esoyatre; HK = Huiha Khysokhou; HL = Hegemony of Lotarf; HR = Hunt of Rronurl; HW = Huiha Weakhayuwikhye; Im = Imperium; Ka = Kamperel Republic; KN = Khedivate of Nutharal; KW = Kalar-Wi; NA = Non-Aligned; SA = Hand of Ssra'ka Aissr; VN = Voivodate of Naos Base Codes: GN = Geithurian Republic Naval Base; GS = Geithurian Republic Scout Base; HAN = Huiha Ahtaokye Naval Base; HEN = Huiha Esoyatre Naval Base; HES - Huiha Esoyatre Scout Base; HKN = Huiha Khysokhou Naval Base; HLN = Hegemony of Lotarf Naval Base; HWN = Huiha Weakhayuwikhye Naval Base; N = Imperial Naval Base; S = Imperial Scout Base; N/S = Imperial Naval and Scout Base; KN = Kamperelian Naval Base; KS = Kamperelian Scout Base; KWN = Kalar-Wi Naval Base; Nil = No Significant Base; NN = Nutharal Naval Base; NS = Nutharal Scout Base; RN = Hunt of Rronurl Naval Base; RS = Hunt of Rronurl Scout Base; SAN = Ssra'ka Aissr Naval Base; T = Tallu Naval Base; VNN = Voivodate of Naos Naval Base; VNS = Voivadate of Naos Scout Base; ZNS = Zoni Naval and Scout Base, Lur; YN = Yuar Naval Base Trade Classifications: Ag = Agricultural; As = Asteroid Belt; Ba = Barren World; De = Desert World; Fl = Fluid Oceans; Ic = Ice Capped; In = Industrial; Hi = Hi Population; Lo = Low Population; NA = Non-Agricultural; Ni = Non-industrial; Po = Poor; Ri = Rich; Va = Vaccuum; Wa = Water World ![]() The Lymethius subsector contains twenty-six worlds with a total population of 186.202 billion sophonts. The highest population, A, is at Appaer and Yuakteisye, and the highest Tech Level, C, is at Appaer, Yuwe and Tallu. Apart from the Imperial border worlds of Ouron, Finduil, Por'via and Anar, most planets in the Lymethius subsector belong to either the human-dominated Geithurian Republic, or the Aslan-dominated Huiha Esoyatre. Kidan was a member world of Kalar-Wi, but following the Kalar-Wi War of 1103 – 1105 Huiha Esoyatre occupied the Kidan system. Relations between Masaad, still a member of the truncated Kalar-Wi polity, and Huiha Esoyatre remain tense. The population of Nearo was devastated during a nuclear and biological war that took place in the early 900's. The planet remains uninhabited. Lymethius Subsector is home to four Minor Races; the Aaronites of Lysarnor and the Tharoysa of Dysa Metharoth are native to the subsector while the Kalar-Wi, of Kalar-Wi/Gamelea, have colonised Kidan and Masaad, and the Purvions, of Lithia/Miazan, have colonised Tallu. |